在该领域具有先进陶瓷发挥着越来越重要的作用« oursolo.net






(2)复合技术。 990年,根据仿生学原理叠层陶瓷引起国际社会的研究,以形成新的热点,其断裂韧性和断裂比传统的碳化硅陶瓷几次改进工作,极大地扩展了叠层陶瓷,产品的市场。

(3)梯度材料的设计和膜材料。 20世纪90年代,日本首先提出了作为功能材料,陶瓷复合新材料技术已知材料梯度提供了另一种。在此基础上,孔径分布梯度可制成的陶瓷膜材料的{zy1}性能。在催化反应,过滤和分离技术,陶瓷膜发挥了巨大作用。梯度材料设计和化学工业膜材料,石油化工,食品工程,环境工程,电子行业,有广阔的发展前景。

(4)介孔材料(在2nm?50nm的孔径大小)是20世纪90年代,新材料,最有代表性的MCM - 41孔径均匀,六有序阵列孔径党材料的发展能在不断调整,高比表面积和较好的热稳定性和热稳定性等水景。在大分子催化,吸附分离等领域有广阔的应用前景。







Advanced ceramics in the field is playing an increasingly important role

Advanced ceramic materials, also known as precision ceramic materials, new materials are an important component of the widely used in communications, electronics, aviation, aerospace, military and other high-tech fields, in information and communication technology has important applications. Electronic technology, large-scale integrated circuit technology, can not be piezoelectric, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of ceramics; electronic computer memory system has required a square hysteresis loop in ferromagnets ceramics; high-speed hard drive ceramic bearing rotation system required; in the rockets and missiles launch, the nose cone and the wave-transparent ceramic radome are key components, which have to bear the high temperature air flow friction and erosion, require materials with high strength and good high-temperature oxidation resistance, only the ceramic materials to meet these requirements; as a new MHD energy generators, make necessary the use of ceramic electrode material; high-temperature fuel cells, high-energy batteries, require the use of ceramic ion conductor block to do divide the material and so on. At present, advanced ceramics has become an enormous high-tech industries. All over the world advanced ceramic products, total sales of more than 30 billion U.S. dollars, and more than l0% annual growth rate. The United States and Japan in the field leader. Advanced ceramic materials because of their excellent high temperature mechanical properties and unique optical, acoustic, electric, magnetic, thermal or functional effect in composite high-tech industries, the transformation of traditional industries and the defense industry in areas such as playing an increasingly important role. Advanced Ceramics

focus on the development of future direction is to strengthen the process - structure - properties of the design and research, and effective control over the process to reach a predetermined structure (including film, and fibrosis, porosity content, non - crystalline, and the fine grain, and so on), attention to powder standardization, seriation research and development and precision processing technology, lower manufacturing costs, improve products, repeatability, and life can be *.

(1) Preparation of nano-materials technology and nano-ceramics according to the relevant information abroad to statistics, in 2000, the structure of nano-materials device market capacity is about 637.5 billion U.S. dollars, nano-material thin film devices market capacity for 34 billion U.S. dollars, nano-powders, nano-composite ceramic and composite materials market capacity to 545.7 billion U.S. dollars. At present, nano-powders with fine ceramics preparation methods have three main categories: physical preparation method, gas-phase, wet chemical method. Preparation of nano-ceramic powders have: Al203, Zr02, Si02, Si3N, SiC, BaTi03, Ti02, etc.. Development of nano-ceramics, led a number of new rapid sintering equipment development, such as vacuum sintering, microwave sintering and plasma sintering (SPS) and so on.

(b) advanced ceramic composite technology and products from a variety of material properties of the long, for component design, so that the new material has a wide range of features to meet a variety of working conditions under the requirements of materials and products .

(1) ceramic matrix fiber composites. Flexible use of fiber to improve the structure of the brittle ceramics are one of well-established channels. The past 10 years, with whisker or short fiber reinforced ceramic materials to other than the various continuous ceramic fiber also have come out in succession.

(2) Laminated technology. l990, based on the principle of bionics laminated ceramic raised by research in the international community to form a new hot spot, its fracture toughness and fracture work than conventional SiC ceramics improve several times, significantly expanded the laminated ceramics and products market.

(3) graded material design and membrane material. 20th century 90’s Japan first proposed a gradient of materials known as functional materials, new materials for the ceramic composite technology provides another way. On this basis, the gradient of pore size distribution can be made of the excellent performance of ceramic membrane materials. Ceramic membrane in the catalytic reaction, filtration and separation technologies have played an enormous role. Gradient materials design and membrane material in the chemical industry, petrochemical industry, food engineering, environmental engineering, electronics industry, there are broad prospects for development.

(4) mesoporous materials (pore size in the 2nm ~ 50nm) are the 20th century 90’s development of new materials, the most representative of the MCM-41 materials with uniform pore size, the six-party in an orderly array aperture can be continuous adjustment, high specific surface area and better thermal stability and water features such as thermal stability. In macromolecular catalysis, adsorption separation and other fields have wide application prospect.

(c) Preparation of low-cost high-performance ceramics technology to develop advanced ceramic products to market are the biggest obstacle is very expensive. Reduce costs, increase *, and improve the efficiency of the preparation of the ceramic enterprises are the focus of attention.

(1) Preparation of low-cost raw materials. Apart from improving the technology of solid-phase synthesis, the self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS), prepared by wet-chemical raw materials are very effective. Cost of raw materials such as Si3N4 currently 60 ~ 350 U.S. dollars / kg. Dowcorning the United States has reached 10 U.S. dollars / lb level. Preparation of the domestic use of SHS powder prices have also greatly reduced.

(2) rapid and near net size of molding technology. How to reduce the processing of advanced ceramic parts volume, lower sintering shrinkage and improve the efficiency of forming the ceramic production enterprises to improve the focus of technology. With the gel, direct solidification, high pressure injection molding and the molding pressure filtration technology from the laboratory towards industrialization, the cost of advanced ceramic products will be greatly reduced.

(3) improve the efficiency of ceramic processing, but also reduce an important aspect of product cost. Advanced ceramic parts processing costs tend to account for the total cost of 50% ~ 75%. The United States had 45.2 million U.S. dollars of investment expertise, research ceramic processing methods.

(4) sintering equipment improvements. Mainly towards energy conservation, reduce environmental pollution, improve the efficiency of direction. Microwave sintering, continuous sintering or rapid sintering and other new technology and equipment also came into being.

(d) non-destructive testing and standardization of performance guarantees and product standardization, advanced ceramic products are a necessary condition for market. Internal defects of the products is necessary to carry out non-destructive testing. At present, there are professional standardization body responsible for advanced ceramic performance, detection methods and the standardization of products. (07-11-21)

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