截止阀门到期- 中国疏水阀- 中国疏水阀- 和讯博客
截止阀门到期 [转贴 2010-04-13 15:44:02]   

NOIDA: Doctors at Kailash Hospital on Saturday denied charges that they had tampered with the expiry date of the aortic valve that was implanted Twitter Facebook Share Email Print Save Comment in the patient Mukesh Singh's heart. He said the doctors found that the valve which suited the patient's requirements was past its expiry date of sterility. As his chest had already been opened, the doctors couldn't wait for another valve. "That is why we took this valve, sterilised it using the same process that the company uses and implanted it. The patient has had no problem since then." Sharma denied any attempt was made to change the expiry date. Bhupesh further alleged that they went to the Sector 20 police station, but the cops refused to file a case. The cardiac surgeon at the hospital, Prashant Vijaynath, said: "It is standard practice for all valves to be resterilised, before implanting them, just as a precautionary measure." But another prominent cardiac surgeon contacted by TOI said: "Using a date-expired valve is not considered medically ethical." It also involved ignoring the manufacturer's instructions. Though most heart valves get used before the expiry period, cardiologists say sometimes companies sell valves which are close to the expiry date or are expired, at half the price. The hospital in question claims it sterilised the valve on its own."This is not advisable because it is a life-time prosthetic. {bfb} sterilisation is essential, else the valve will get infected and over a period of time, cause acute infection in the bloodstream,"said Anil Bhan, director, cardiac surgery (CTVS), Max Health Care. "In case the valve is not sterilised properly, the signs of infection become apparent within a week's time," said J Prasad, HoD, cardiac surgery at Safdarjung hospital.

Noida hospital on backfoot over use of expired valve;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海一环流体控制设备有限公司还生产 及衬胶(氟)隔膜阀,水封截止阀,铜角式截止阀,立式衬氟止回阀,静音止回阀,欢迎您的选购。)

诺伊达:在神山上周六医院的医生否认他们曾与主动脉瓣的失效日期篡改指控被植入 Twitter的脸谱分享 电子邮件打印保存评论 在病人穆克什辛格的心。 他说,医xx现,阀,适合病人的要求,过去不育届满的日期。正如他的胸部已经被打开,医生也不能再等阀门。 “这就是我们为什么要采取这种阀,xx并使用相同的过程,该公司使用和植入它。病人有没有此后的问题。” 夏尔马否认有任何试图改变截止日期。布佩希还称,他们到该部门的20个派出所,但xx拒绝提交案件。在医院的心脏外科医生,Prashant Vijaynath,说:“这是对所有阀门标准的做法是resterilised,植入前他们仅仅作为一种防范措施。”但另一位xx的心脏外科医生接触的印度时报说:“使用日期过期阀不考虑医学伦理。”它还涉及忽视制造商的说明。 尽管大多数心脏瓣膜之前得到使用期限届满,心脏病专家说,有时公司销售阀门是接近到期日或到期,一半的价格。有问题声称,xx自行阀门医院。“这是不可取的,因为它是生命的时间修复。100%绝育是必不可少的,否则,阀将被感染并在一段时间内,造成急性感染血液中说,“安尼尔其班,主任,心脏手术(CTVS),{zd0}医疗保健。 “万一阀门没有感染艾滋病在一周内的时间内,感染的迹象变得明显,”指出,强普拉萨德,部门首长,在Safdarjung医院心脏手术。


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