ghd My Review of the Truth About Six Pack Abs-6ghdcVc71 _ am263126 ...

Then I found my answer. Michael Geary's The Truth About Six Pack Abs totally changed my outlook. I would have never guessed that everything I was doing to my abs was wrong. Crunches weren't the answer and I didn't need to slave away on the treadmill for hours. The foods I was eating were hurting my stomach instead of helping and I didn't have a clue about whether or not I need to use protein powder or supplements. Geary taught me ways to get a flat stomach in no time at all and gave me information that helped to change my life and my body. Once I started on this book,, I couldn't stop. I read it cover to cover in one sitting and immediately starting working out my stomach after I was finished. In just a few days, I already noticed a difference. This was crazy to me! I had done crunches and exercises for years and never saw anything,; now a few days have passed and I'm seeing results. This was all the motivation I needed to continue and I'm glad I did.

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