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Load sensing valve of the English name for the SABS, which is a hydraulic mechanism, is the ABS anti-lock device of the primary version of car, its role is to ensure that the process of moving front and rear wheel load ratio and in the car when the rear emergency brake without locking. Emergency braking, the sense of overload valve according to vehicle load and road surface resistance, in a very short period of time to control the brake fluid to front and rear brake pad braking force to bear nearly ideal curve, can effectively prevent skidding and locking to shorten the braking distance, enhanced braking effect. However, the road in snow or no-load without any effect, only be filled or dry roads to avoid skidding. The ABS is ABS for short, which is based on the conventional brake system security technologies to enhance improved by controlling the brake hydraulic flaps to achieve control of the wheel locking, the braking process , only when the wheels tend to be controlled when locking, ABS will tend to locking of the wheels anti-lock brake pressure regulation; in the control wheel was not tended to locking, the braking process and the conventional system exactly the same dynamic system, the braking process, its work process is actually locking - release - Locking - release cycle of the working process, the vehicle is always in the critical state of locking of the roll gap. Whether it is empty, full, rain and snow road, or in dry road ABS system can work.

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