新的电动车,“准备”的北京奥运会« oursolo.net


与普通的电动车,这款车不仅会形成一些新的,现代的,同时,最重要的是适用于高科技产品。江苏电动车有限公司的新日期的研发人员:这车是我们建议的旗舰汽车组委会,他都有自己的知识产权。 。 。 。 。 。其混合动力{zd0}的功能。问外观:这是工作人员,这款车不仅是环保和节能,以及独特的设计。非常舒适的推高,那么这款车的性能如何结束?你与我的感觉。问外观:恩,实在是这种电动车{dy}次经历,虽然有些在无锡黑暗的天空,但驾驶这款车真的有清新,如沐阳光的感觉,特别是在弯道和攀登很不舒服。


The new electric cars, “preparing” the Beijing Olympic Games

Now, electric cars have already entered a lot of people’s lives, and its environmental protection and energy saving features, but also is in line with the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing “Green Olympics” goal. Thus, for Services for the Olympic Games, has become quite a number of electric vehicle manufacturers target. Recently in Wuxi, there are several designed specifically for the Olympic development just off the assembly line of electric vehicles. They do have is nothing special? With our reporter to the scene to see. Journalist appearance: behind me is a new day has just been offline for several groups of electric vehicles, the Group is to recommend that several vehicles to the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee, in the 2008 Olympic Games, you are likely to see this seen several cars. Well, this has several electric vehicles in the end what distinguishes them? Let us take a look at one up.

with the ordinary electric cars, this car will not only shape several new, modern, at the same time the most important thing is applied to high-tech products. Jiangsu Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. The new date R & D personnel: this car is that we recommend to the Organizing Committee of a flagship car, he has our own intellectual property rights. . . . . . The largest feature of its hybrid. Journalist appearance: It is the staff, this car is not only environmental protection and energy saving, and unique design. Very comfortable to drive up, then the performance of this car in the end how to? You with me to feel. Journalist appearance: TU, it is really the first experience of such electric vehicles, although some of the dark sky in Wuxi, but driving this car really has a refreshing, such as Mu-sun feeling, especially when cornering and climbing very uncomfortable.

can contribute to the Olympic Games, it has been a new group of an ideal day, the new field with the completion, they will also reveal another secret weapon of their own R & D, that is, outside this like a Swiss Army knife type of electric vehicles. The car can be folded up and down the subway when the ride is very convenient. The car will be waiting for the selection of Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee. Jiangsu New Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. Date张崇舜: We are linked with Beijing’s Olympics Organizing Committee. (07-11-22)

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