宁波市轻工业局产品检测中心为儿童的{dy}个自行车的欧洲标准的执行情况 ...

最近,宁波轻工产品检验中心的理事会在与欧洲标准的EN - 14765:车辆维修业有限公司宁波一儿童自行车安全要求小组根据2005年首次进行了测试,测试结果表明,该业务理解的欧洲标准还有很大的差距。

新的欧洲标准,该标准是由(CEN)的欧洲委员会在05年10月7号批准,与传统的国家标准GB14746 - 2006,在水平管新标准设置水平管和立法疲劳试验管组件,叉疲劳试验,疲劳试验等项目鞍管有新的标准。集中在以下六个方面:{dy},最终设置要求有一个直径不小于对封装结束40毫米以下;二,制动系统,每个孩子有自行车,是否安装驱动程序有固定的,应配备两个独立的刹车系统; 3踏板表面距离被要求有23车侧的倾斜?和其任何组成部分,不会碰到地面,比原来高出20?。第四,叉,鞍管疲劳试验要求。 (旧的需求,自行车,童车非必要)。五驱动系统的踏板上该国的高达600牛顿受700N欧洲标准施加力静载试验。六轮的测试是一种平衡,平衡轮垂直,垂直静载荷试验时,要求重复测试的4倍。检测


Ningbo Light Industry Bureau Product Testing Center of the implementation of European standards for children’s first bike Detected

Recently, Ningbo Light Industrial Products Testing Center of the Board the first time in accordance with European standards EN-14765: 2005 Safety Requirements for Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. Ningbo, a group of children’s bicycles were tested, testing results show that the business-to-understand European standards there is still a large gap.

new European standards in October 7, 2005 by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) approved, with the traditional national standard GB14746-2006, the new standard in the horizontal tube to set the horizontal tube and the Legislative fatigue test tube assembly, fork fatigue test, fatigue test tube saddle such projects have the new standards. Has focused on the following six aspects: First, the requirements of the end sets have a diameter not less than 40mm of the end of the encapsulation; Second, braking systems, each child a bike, whether or not to install the driver has a fixed, should be equipped with two independent braking systems; three pedal surface distance are asked like 23 cars to the side of tilt? and any of its components will not run into the ground, higher than the original 20?. Fourth, fork, saddle require fatigue test tube. (Formerly the requirements have a bike, baby stroller not required). Five drive systems are static load test on the pedal force exerted by the country the subject of 600N up to European standards 700N. Six rounds of tests are a balance to balance the wheel vertical, vertical load test when asked to repeat the test four times. Detect

found: the standard has not given rise to changes in importance of enterprises, enterprise quality products remain in their original state, and the sets or the sets of the original, did not have anti-skid end of packet closure; brake system is also equipped with a only; balance wheel is assisted thin rod, test offset serious, or even broken, would not serve any purpose to keep the vehicle stable role.

with the baby stroller manufacturer exports from the traditional Middle East, Latin American countries to Europe and the United States gradually shifted, the new market will bring new opportunities, at the same time, new markets have also hidden the new risk . Therefore, the inspection and quarantine departments to remind the relevant business: Be sure to be familiar with the study of European standards, to produce products in line with European standards. (07-11-22)

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