早上上班之前,我照例随手翻了桌面上的The Secret Daily Teaching,书上的某页是这样写的:

Never try to compel others to change; leave them free to change naturally and orderly because they want to; and they will want to when they find that your change was worthwhile.

To inspire in others a desire to change for the better is truly noble; but this you can do only by leaving them alone, and becoming more noble yourself.

Christian D. Larson (1874-1954)

Master of Self

Daily Teachings

Day 21

没错,应该是”they want to change”,而不是”I want them to change”,我再一次受教训了,嘿嘿!我果然很hard sell…不过我当然也不会照单全收,我还是觉得我可以找到办法尽快让受众明白they need to change而且又不是hard sell。

The Daily Secret Teachings的确是一本值得长期放在床头或者是某个显眼位置的书。重要的不是它特别的一页能够帮到我们,而是它每一页都是很积极乐观,能够让我们找到力量的源泉,只是殊途同归罢了。严重建议入货。

冲突过后,我想了很多,有积极的,有现实的,也有某些一闪而过的悲观思绪,但总的来说,它还是让我正视了一些重要但是又一直让我忽略的问题,而且我对于自己,对于Project YoungPros的定位也更加清晰与成熟。

最重要的是,遇到问题的时候,always think positive, solutions will come!

Jeff Wang

What We Can Imagine, What We Can Achieve!

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