瑞士{zd0}的国际自行车俱乐部海南飚车将建立基地« oursolo.net






Switzerland MAX International Club Hainan Biao bike car is expected to build base

Yesterday, the world’s largest bike enthusiasts club - Switzerland MAX International Holiday Bicycle Club, will have 110 members in the east of Hainan Island to start a bike tour, including three successive Tour de France champion, MAX more expected In Haikou, Sanya, a bike tour of the base.

a five-day car traffic circle Biao, MAX membership starting from Haikou, after Wenchang, Qionghai Boao, Qionghai Shimei Bay, Lingshui to Sanya Yalong Bay. According to Access

Kanghui Travel Agency in Sanya Hainan Branch introduction, MAX club head of Max (Max Huzeler) are 1976 Tour de France champion and world record holder. Max

MAX Club said the information provided, MAX Huzeler President has 200,000 followers, there will be 20,000 a year with him to Spain马罗卡island bike tour. MAX club many years ago in China, riding a bike riding tourism, through Beijing, Guilin, Shanghai, Hangzhou and other places.

It is learned that Max had been to Hainan inspected twice a bike tour of Hainan to start a good evaluation of the conditions. This, MAX organization to Hainan’s 110 members, mostly in Switzerland and Europe have an influence on the entrepreneurs and financiers. (07-11-22)

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