Traditional Weddings_希诺·麦田(Sinomatin)语言培训_百度空间

Traditional Chinese weddings ,unlike Western wedding , use a lot of the color red. Chinese people think that red adds joy to such a festive occasion.

At dawn on the wedding day the bride has a bath, then puts on new clothes.She wears a pair of red shoes for this day, and waits for the "good luck woman "to dress her hair as a married woman.Her head is covered with red silk. While she waits for her future husband to take her to his home, other married women tell her how to be a good wife.

The bridegroom puts on a long gown, red shoes and a red silk sash with a silk ball on his chest. He kneels at the family altar as his father puts a cap on his head to show his family responsibility.

Then the bridegroom goes to find his bride.In old times, a bridal chair was used to carry the bride . A child carries a bridal box, showing the bridegroom's wish to have a child soon.

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