
F16L 47/02

F16L 47/02
【氏名】大木 研侍
【住所又は居所】山口県玖珂郡和木町和木六丁目1番2号 三井化学株式会社内
【氏名】三河 満晴
【住所又は居所】山口県玖珂郡和木町和木六丁目1番2号 三井化学株式会社内
【氏名又は名称】佐藤 晃一


3H019 GA03


【课 题】プラスチック管にクランプしたときプラスチック管とのフィット性が向上して电気融着时に短络したり、座屈することがなく、また成形时に金型に注入した树脂の流れによる电热线の捩れを生じにくゝしたサドル部を有するエレクトロフュージョン継手を提供する。




I've searched 特許出願公開 in the glossary at the top page. The result was "Japanese Patent Application Kokai Publication Number" that correspoonds to 特許出願公開番号.

So I guess both "Laid-open Patent Application" (as taught in the course) and "Japanese Patent Application Kokai Publication" are correct translations for 特許出願公開.

Looks like "Laid-open Patent Application" is friendlier for native English people, but is there any particular situation a translator should use either of the terms?


  Hi Yas,

That's a very good question and I will be interested to hear everyone's opinion. Personally speaking I am not a big fan of passing off words such as "kokai" in a translation because I don't really consider it to be English, which is why I prefer an accurate description of what the term actually describes, such as "laid-open patent publication", "Japanese laid-open patent application", or other variations on this theme. Unfortunately, terms such as "kokai" are still commonly used in English in the patent field, which is why it was in the glossary, but I have also now added the alternative as I should have done in the beginning. If anybody has a better way of describing this term, I'm all ears! The term "published" is also sometimes used instead of "laid-open", but I don't have any strong personal preference either way. You may find that particular companies have particular ways of translating this, so dropping a client an e-mail to confirm their approach is never a bad idea.



Wow, Jamie, I didn't expect to have such interesting thoughts about my question! I agree "kokai" is not a translation, and a reviewer who sees it may then have to find a right English word for it unless otherwise he/she is very much used to Japanese patent field.

I am not sure how well the word, kokai, is naturalized among people in the field, but guess it's not as well naturalized as Tsunami, Geisha, or maybe Pokemon!

So I think if a target reader is a native English speaking person, it should be "laid-open" or "published."  I guess only a native Japanese reviewer in Japanese translation company may be happy about "kokai" as J-E translation is most probably for a native English speaking person, not for a native Japanese.

I hope a reviewer won't hate me...... Maybe, I should ask.....



So, maybe, adding "Patent Laid Open Gazette" for 公開特許公報 to the glossary is a good idea, I guess.

I also found on Google that kokai is used in many documents when referring Japanese patents. It seems propagated.... Having different options and being able to adopt one as apporpriate is good, anyway!


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