REACH SVHC清单新增一项物质:丙烯酰胺_Intertek - 全球{lx1}的质量和 ...






欧盟环境专员Janez Potonik于2010年3月22日表示,长达1000页的REACH化学品法规中,某些部分内容尚不清晰,需要修改,以加速使用安全物质替代有害化学品的进程。










正在为您产品中的SVHC而烦恼? 让Intertek来帮助您


深圳   Winnie Li 李彤 Tel: +86 755 2602 0064
Fax: +86 755 2683 7118 / 9; E-mail:

上海   Jessie Wu   Tel: +86 21 6091 7610;  
Fax: +86 21 6127 9740; Email:

广州   Kitty Zhou 周桔容   Tel: +86 20 3210 2207
Fax: + 86 20 3220 6081 / 2; E-mail:

Acrylamide included in the REACH Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorization

Acrylamide included in the REACH Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorization

30 March 2010, the European Chemicals Agency has added Acrylamide (EC No 201-173-7 and CAS No 79-06-1)1 to the Candidate List of Substances Very High Concern (SVHC) for Authorisation. Companies who manufacture or import this substance need to check their potential obligations that result from the listing. A short summary of the obligations is available on ECHA´s website.

The decision as to whether Acrylamide needs to be subjected to authorisation will be taken later.

Information on acrylamide

Substance Name EC Number CAS Number Reason for SVHC Identification
Acrylamide 201-173-7 79-06-1 Carcinogen, category 2;
Mutagen, category 2

Potential uses: Acrylamide is almost exclusively used for the synthesis of polyacrylamides, which are used in various applications, in particular in waste water treatment and paper processing. Minor uses of acrylamide comprise the preparation of polyacrylamide gels for research purposes and as a grouting agent in civil engineering.

EU Considers Changing REACH Chemicals Law

Parts of the 1000-page REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) chemicals regulation remain unclear and need to be amended in order to speed up the substitution of hazardous chemicals with safer ones, Environment Commissioner Janez Potonik said yesterday (22 March).

There are currently 30 substances (apart from the above Acrylamide, please refer to Intertek news update for the other 29 substances) on a candidate list of 'substances of very high concern' (SVHC), which are being considered for substitution, and another seven substances on a priority list. But there are none on the substitution list yet, Potonik said, suggesting the numbers should be higher.

The 29 substances currently on the candidate list fall far short of the 350-odd substances identified for priority substitution on a ', drafted jointly by public interest groups and NGOs. The current list also fails to cover the 400-plus substances identified by a group of member states as meeting the official REACH criteria.

Socio-economic criteria need clarification

The REACH regulation is not worded clearly enough, Potonik said, adding that "if needed we will change the text to improve implementation".

He said the "socio-economic criteria are problematic," adding that EU rules needed clarification on this point.

Under the REACH regulation, even if a substance presents a risk to human health or the environment, authorisation may be granted if the socio-economic benefits are proven to outweigh risks arising from its use and if there are no suitable alternatives.

No extension of registration deadline

The commissioner also reaffirmed his opposition to extending the REACH registration deadline of 30 November 2010 for chemicals that are produced in high volumes and are the most hazardous. EU industry has expressed concern about meeting the deadline.

Manufacturers and importers have to document their management of risk of chemicals in their registration files to be able to continue their production and marketing. It is estimated that about 9000 substances are covered.

According to the REACH regulation, failure to register by the deadline means that a substance cannot be used or put on the market.

Upon consulting ECHA, the Commission agreed on a roadmap for the inclusion of 106 priority SVHC substances by 2012. The Commission also calls on the Member States to make their contribution.

Feel headache to identify SVHC in your product? Intertek can help you.

To help identify the presence of SVHCs in both preparations and articles, Intertek has developed methods in screening and verifying components for high-risk chemicals, including the use of XRF, ICP and GC-MS techniques. The SVHC screening test provides a cost-effective alternative to demonstrating that products are in compliance with the SVHC Supply Chain Communication requirements.

For more information, please contact:
Shenzhen   Ms. Winnie Li    Tel: +86 755 2602 0064
Fax: +86 755 2683 7118 / 9; E-mail:

Shanghai   Ms. Jessie Wu   Tel: +86 21 6091 7610;  
Fax: +86 21 6127 9740; Email:

Guangzhou   Ms. Kitty Zhou   Tel: +86 20 3210 2207

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