交城县被评为“中国农村文化的玻璃” « oursolo.net




Jiaocheng was named “China’s rural culture of glass”

Chinese Folk Literature and Art Association, the Chinese culture and art before the Vetting Committee of the Township Jiaocheng officially named as “township of Chinese glass culture.”

According to introduction, as early as the Tang Dynasty, Jiaocheng is well-known Chinese glass industry base, when the cross-kiln produced花瓷Drum, has the use of cutting-edge rendering technology, “copper red glaze.”

“copper red glaze” is a porcelain production of cutting-edge technology, red glaze, firing is extremely difficult, very expensive products. In recent years, Jiaocheng glass inherited from the Tang Dynasty porcelain production Jiaocheng advanced shading technology, in the history of glass production, variety, size, technical aspects are unique. At present, small and medium-sized glass Jiaocheng enterprises have 27 types of products involved in glass containers, art glass, fire, bullet-proof glass, toys, glass, tempered glass, etc., employing up to 18,500 people and has an annual output value of 3.4 billion. (07-11-22)

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