

2010-04-16 09:12:47 阅读3 评论0 字号:

原文Loans to buy two suites down payment of at least five percent
"BRIC" once again called on reform of the international financial system "BRIC" the second official meeting between the leaders of 15 and 16 held in the Brazilian capital Brasilia. It is reported that agenda items include: strengthening China, Brazil, India and Russia in economic, trade and financial cooperation, and promote world economic recovery, as well as international financial reform. Foreign economists said the appreciation of the yuan will not bow to pressure. Analysis of domestic and foreign media that the summit is more important, "BRIC" countries will be the leaders of the expression of a gesture, to express on behalf of developing countries, the demand to reform the international financial institutions...
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

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“金砖四国”再度要求改革国际金融体系 “金砖四国”领导人第二次正式会晤于15日和16日在巴西首都巴西利亚举行。据悉,会议的议题包括:加强中国、巴西、印度和俄罗斯在经贸和金融等领域的合作,促进世界经济复苏,以及国际金融改革。国外经济学家称,人民币不会屈服于压力升值。国内外媒体分析指出,此次峰会更重要的意义在于,“金砖四国”领导人将向发达国家表达一种姿态,将代表发展中国家表达改革国际金融机构的诉求、、、

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