天津4个品牌30多个超市货架上的牙膏« oursolo.net




Four brands of toothpaste in Tianjin more than 30 supermarket shelves

“Kang Ling teeth, NICE, Lung nilfisk, pseudo-ginseng” are the four major domestic manufacturers of toothpaste giant, because of false propaganda against the problem had tasted the bitter fruit together. Recently, Tianjin, Hebei District People’s Court in the city with the consumer playing the public interest litigation decision, that the above-mentioned toothpaste factory constitute fraud, decree China Resources Supermarket vendor is responsible for the “back one lost one,” the civil liability, in addition to a full refund of 18.1 yuan loans, they also need a one-time compensation for economic losses of 18.1 yuan. It is understood that, at present, these issues have been toothpaste Vanguard vendors from the city belong to more than 30 stores all under the frame, the success of the rights, showing that the city courts of the consumer protection efforts of the increase. After hearings, the court

identified in August of this year, the plaintiff to the defendant Miss Yu China Resources Vanguard Supermarket Living under the Zhongshan Road, Purchase, Culture and Sport Branch of Hope hemostasis Qinghuo tooth toothpaste, tooth白玉洁NICE toothpaste, Takashi herbal essence nilfisk toothpaste, herbal toothpaste Tianqi effects of various one, paid a total of 18.1 yuan. After the purchase, Miss Yu found out that the toothpaste packaging advertises “Qingre去火, stasis pain of lit-induced tooth pain, dental overflow concentration, dental bleeding, mouth ulcers have a significant effect” “clearing away heat and toxic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic pharmacological effects, such as “” casual blood analgesics, anti-inflammatory efficacy of inhibiting菌等”of medical terminology and pharmacological effects of publicity, as well as” the best “message, there is no legal basis, is also a country of laws and regulations are prohibited. Miss Yu as a basis for requesting refund of the purchase price 18.1 yuan, compensation for economic losses of 18.1 yuan.

The court held that the supermarket in merchandise sales process to be followed in the principles of honesty and trustworthiness to provide quality and safe products, shall not be deceptive, misleading consumers, otherwise, shall carry out the return and compensation obligations. Goods by the plaintiff to publicize the contents of a violation of China’s “Drug Management Law Implementation Rules” and “Advertisement Law” the relevant requirements. Although the defendant had sold merchandise related to inspection, but the neglect of the packaging of merchandise advertising do to review the duties, be misleading to consumers, which should be responsible for, consider the defendant’s advertising merchandise Department of manufacturers and advertisers for, nothing to do with the defendant, because of merchandise from production to sales areas shall perform their duties in accordance with the law, the defendant would shirk the responsibility of the Department of conduct, the court not to support it. (07-11-22)

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