Spring Festival_希诺·麦田(Sinomatin)语言培训_百度空间

The Spring Festival takes place at the lunar Chinese New Year, when every family sets off firecrackers to wish for a happy life in the coming year.

Long, long ago, there was a devil.His name is Nian.He did bad things everywhere.The God locked this devil into some mountains far away.And only let him out once a year. When twelve months had passed and Nian came out of the mountains, people came together and talked about what to do. Someone said that Nian was afraid of the color red, of flames, and of loud noises. So when night came , people put red things on their gates , set off firecrackers, and beat gongs and drums loudly. Everyhouse was brightly lit, and the devil Nian was very frightened. He ran to the mountains , and never came back ,

The custom of celebrating the lunar New Year with firecrackers has continued since the time of this story.

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