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What if we could wear bionic suits to give us super strength, own an identical robot twin to work for us. What if we could travel through time. Technology is pushing from every direction. Getting faster with each passing second. Prepare yourself. The future is closer than you think.

A robot conducting a symphony orchestra. Amazing as that is, it’s just one way reality is outpacing science fiction. Everyday robots become even more sophiscated, taking on additional human traits. Until now, robots have mostly gotten the toughest jobs. They work assembly line and defuse or even designate explosive devices.

“The traditional tasks for a robot has always been the 3-Ds: dull, dirty, dangerous. But as the technology improves and as researchers are working towards developing these intelligent humanoids, we are going to see our homes and offices occupied by robots. I believe that humanoid technologies will improve our lives and the 21st century. ”
“机器人传统上从事3D行业,dull——枯燥, dirty——肮脏, dangerous——危险。不过,随着技术的进步,而且研究者现在专注于发展它们的“智能”和“拟人性化”,它们很快就会走进我们的家里和办公室了。我相信拟人化技术将会改变我们的生活,改变整个21世纪。”

“The world capital of humanlike robots is Japan. Half of the industrial robots in the world are in Japan. Japan sees itself as a leader in robot and humanoid technology. ”

The country even has a new kind of celebrity, a humanoid robot named Arsimo. Arsimo is probably the world’s most famous humanoid right now.

“My creators have been at this for over 20 years. At first, we look like TV set with legs. Later we look more like humans.”

“It makes sense that you are going to build a general purpose robot that can perform many tasks that human can do, you’d like to make it anthropomorphic, have a human shape.”

Arsimo walks gracefully. His creators study motion capture video of both humans and animals. Designed to detect the ground beneath him, his body responds appropriately, so Arsimo keeps his balance.


我热爱翻译 但我更爱我的眼睛和皮肤~~

我爱我的眼睛和皮肤 但我更热爱炒股 呵呵~~

[编辑文章 1 次, {zh1}修改: 于 2009-6-20 12:41:08]
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