
读,一般约翰梅雷迪斯(1837年至1896年)。 - 马克西姆拉兰娜(1827年至1886年)

图书简介: 巴黎:高达乐与卢斯,1869 [-1871]。开本。 (18 × 12 3 / 4英寸和更小)。 25蚀刻板(包括12个纸碟装印度从2012速写à德洛-长处'系列,10 [12,板]从'纪念品Artistiques杜围攻巴黎1870年至1871年'系列,三防,以前的'字母的例子通道德拉塞纳河板[一对印度纸装])。作为内收集绑定最近暗绿色摩洛哥支持的布盒发出速写浅蓝色与原文件封套,标题块,刻艺术家的介绍题词手稿,原载绿色布上盖'12'系列内支持的纸张覆盖板,镀金关于上盖名为,布关系。约翰梅勒迪斯阅读拉兰娜收集版画:重要档案回顾前者在1870至1871年的普法战争辊和他的时间作为美国驻法国马克西姆卡拉兰娜秘书长是一个非常完成蚀刻和绘图员承认他们的才华容易由他的同伴。 P.G.哈默顿写道,'没有一个优雅的蚀刻,以便为玛克辛拉兰娜。这优美的好处是什么主要区别他在那里从来没有从最早的时候在某一个微妙的优雅蚀刻等于他,直到现在'(铜版画和蚀刻机,1880年,临154)。约瑟夫彭内尔赞同这一观点,'拉兰娜是谁的插画有史以来{zxj},最精美的建筑之一。他有能力表达一个伟大的建筑,一个巨大的城市,或精致的小景观,已相当于从未'(钢笔画和钢笔绘画,1920年,第92页)。拉兰娜最初作出在法律上存在的职业生涯,但在约1850年,他是在朋友的劝说谈谈艺术研究的时间。他从波尔多搬到巴黎,在Jean进入Gigoux工作室,并在1852年他的沙龙首次亮相。拉兰娜是其中之一,他们在法国的复兴蚀刻工具,并且是在兴德水族- Fortistes创始成员之一。他的说明手册Traité德拉凹印à德洛-长处,在1866年出版,是蚀刻在提升到一个艺术的地位举足轻重,他成为了媒体的最有影响力的导师之一。他发表在7打印水务集团,特长modernes协会1862年和1866系列之间,以及他们的杂志提供的L'插图中篇小说图纸。本系列包括两个高度一系列有对比主题:{dy}个田园土地和海景,在形成一个系列的第二的法国和普鲁士战争目击者的纪录。也许最有趣的是从普法战争补充打印图像,主题作为本集合(一般了解)作为整个塞纳河(如在美国特拉华州华盛顿划船)虽然继续轰击周围原来的主人。 '读马德富小在费城出生于1837年2月21日。阅读是家庭在美国政治生活中的突出;阅读乔治里德的曾祖父签署了独立宣言,并且是宪法成帧器,他的父亲,约翰梅雷迪思读取,老,是一个xx的法学家,谁在宾夕法尼亚直言不讳的是“堪萨斯自由“的问题,后来任命为宾夕法尼亚州{zg}法院法官。阅读是教育的一个军事学校,由大学教育在布朗大学和奥尔巴尼(纽约)从哪个法学院,随后他在1859年毕业。这一年,他被送往宾夕法尼亚酒吧和已婚尔芬玛丽庞弗利。阅读是在1860年大选中的亚伯拉罕林肯和共和党的积极支持者。作为回报,他升任准将(有史以来最年轻的人担任此职),并副官的纽约州,指导米书商库存#18753


Book Description: Dated "23/4.35." 8vo. 2pp., neatly and closely written. The letter is written by Hamsun for his two daughters, who were both sent abroad at a young age. They lived in both Germany and France, and were often sent money by their parents. The letter is a terrible outrage in which the great author heavily scolds his naughty and ungrateful daughters. Apparently Marie and Knut Hamsun never hear a word of thank no matter how much money they send their ill-behaved daughters. Nine days after having telegraphed money for a trip to Spain, the parents have still not received a word from the daughters, and they do not even know if they have left for Spain. "Nei ikke et Ord./ Dette er saa over alle Grænser stygt gjort av dere to Søstre/ at baade Mama og jeg kommer sent til at glemme det." [= "No not a word./ this is so beyond all limits nasty done by you two sisters/ that it will be very late forgotten by both Mama and I."]. Marie (Knut's wife) has apparently sent the girls 50 kr., -this is mentioned twice in the letter, and was first believed by Knut to have been 10 kr., but later he has discovered that it was fifty, and has changed this both places in the letter by correcting it with a pencil. "Jeg tror det skal letes længe efter værre uopdragne/ Tøsunger end dere to. Jeg tror ikke nogen Familje har Døttre/ som er saa uforskammet ulydige mot sine Foreldre som/ dere to. Nu har jeg ogsaa foresat mig at ved Gud i Himlen,/ dere skal faa seile deres egen Sjø." (= "I think that you will have to search a long time to find worse ill-mannered/ brats than the two of you. I don't think any family has daughters/ that are so rudely disobedient towards their parents than/ the two of you. Now I am also determined that by God in Heaven, you will be left to your own devices."). The letter continues in the same tone, and Hamsun has discovered that the daughters have behaved less than well in Bordeaux, where they are apparently not liked by everyone they meet, and where rumours are drifting around about them. He ends the letter by demanding a response straight away, though he knows that they are too stuck-up (this especially goes for Cecilia) too thank for the money, but he still expects them to send a receipt for the money in the form of some sort of letter. Original letters from the Nobel Prize-winner, the great Norwegian writer, Knut Hamsun (1859-1948), are rarely seen on the market, -especially letters of personal contents are very difficult to come by, and are extremely sought-after.Hamsun is one of the greatest Scandinavian writers of all times. He is accepted as one of, if not the, leading representatives of the new-romantic era. He is the author of one of the most influential novels of the 20th century, Hunger (1890), and numerous other important novels such as Pan (1894) and Growth of the Soil (1917), for which he received the Nobel Prize in literature in 1920. There is no doubt that Knut Hamsunloved his daughters very much, but he was a man of principle, and meant it unnecessary for young girls to be intellectual and well-educated. He thus took both of the girls out of school at the age of 13, just before they finished the last year of middle school, and sent them off to Berlin. The girls were devastated with being sent away from home, and wanted nothing more than to stay at their childhood home, Nørholm. All their troubles began when they left home at this early age, and they both longed for the years that they were robbed of as normal teenagers. Their parents struggled to take care of the girls financially, and they were worried to death when the girls were ill or not doing well, but nonetheless they did not let them return home. Cecilia ended up in Copenhagen, and Ellinor also died in Denmark, after having been married and divorced in Germany, returned to Norway for a short period after the war and given two labotomies. After the first one, which was apparently unsuccessful, she went to Denmark, where she had a second one and finally died at a. Bookseller Inventory # 32261

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