

2010-04-15 14:57:03 阅读6 评论0 字号:

The Sun - Baltimore, Md. Author: Anne Haddad Date: Mar 12, 1996 Start Page: 1.B Section: METRO Text Word Count: 558 Abstract (Document Summary) A valve that regulates the mixing of hot and cold water was leaking diethyl ether from a diaphragm that expands and contracts according to the water temperature. The valve was probably weakened by a hot water heater set too high, said Vernon Smith, director of support services for Carroll County schools. "That was the source of the problem all along; it had nothing to do with the solar panels on top of the building," Mr. Smith said. The solar panels were the prime suspects when the odor was first noticed Jan. 23. The panels contained an antifreeze, and officials wondered whether that had leaked into the water system. The the odor came back Wednesday -- in a different part of the building. That ruled out the solar panels, and plumbers began to investigate further, Mr. Smith said. That same afternoon, a plumber discovered the faulty valve. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.
原文来自: http://pqasb.pqarchiver.com/baltsun/access/49395425.html?dids=49395425:49395425&FMT=ABS&FMTS=ABS:FT&type=current&date=Mar+12%2C+1996&author=Anne+Haddad&pub=The+Sun&desc=School+uncovers+source+of+odor%3B+Faulty+valve+caused+alcohol+smell+in+water&pqatl=google

School uncovers source of odor; Faulty valve caused alcohol smell in water;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及暗杆楔式闸阀,硬密封浮动球阀,自力式平衡阀,明杆楔式闸阀,暗杆埋地式闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)

太阳 - 马里兰州巴尔的摩 作者:Anne达德 日期:1996年3月12日 初始页:b项 科:麦德龙 文本字数:558 摘要(文件摘要) 阀门,调节从隔膜,将扩展和合同根据水温的冷热水混合泄漏乙醚。阀门可能是削弱了一热水器定得太高,弗农史密斯说,对卡洛尔县学校支持服务主任。 “这是问题的根源一直,它无关的建筑物顶部的太阳能电池板,”史密斯说。该太阳能电池板的气味时,1月23日首次发现的主要嫌疑人。各小组载有防冻剂,官员怀疑这是否已进入水系统泄漏。 在回来的气味日 - 在建筑物的不同部分。这排除了太阳能电池板,和管道工开始进一步调查,史密斯先生说。同日下午,一发现有问题的水管阀。 转载与著作权人许可。进一步复制或发行未经允许不得。


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