对一次性筷子的发明者? « Live in China 混在中国




1994年,日本是今日同时公布,日本的“中国研究”,在Cenxiong出版的“日本与中国很大的不同,”一书,其中包括一个名为“来自相同的文化差异和文化的筷子鸽{dy}人看看日本和中国。“在鸠Cenxiong说,日本人喜欢用一次性筷子卫生,运行在抛出。中国使用筷子再利用,将永远不会丢弃。他认为这是一个很大区别,从中华(Zhonghua)民族喜欢用筷子可以在实际上反映说,中国人或中华(Zhonghua)民族的艰难,顽强的个性特征乐。日本易于使用与日本固有的“之一将是一种精神的相似之处”国家一次性筷子,然后。 “一段时间”之一,原本是作为其意思是每次向与会者党,一生只是一次性满足边缘声明日本茶道,它必须是最珍贵的。在鸠Cenxiong是日本一次性筷子的使用上“这一次”强调,珍惜当前的一些心理协会内边缘排序。当然,日本茶,尤其是在使用一次性筷子吃宴会,有多少人“,考虑了一段难以统计”之一,但许多日本人民相信,在无常的事情结束,但强调当前事物的倾向,一般这种心理倾向种不存在于中华(Zhonghua)民族中,中国有更多的幻想(Imagine),并发送的希望是,在未来,我国人民相信,时间会改变一切,这是他们的坚韧和顽固性。
















生产的一次性筷子对环境中的影响,丸山先生,首先提出,中国的森林采伐也应加强收获后的森林苗木补植,后续xx和维修,维护基本同样的森林面积。第二,有一个“薄”的记录类型活动计划的执行情况。三是寻找新的替代品。中国出口到日本,不仅筷一次性筷子,以及30南部中国筷子生产%。作为一次性筷子的原料竹子,生长周期较短,可能是一个{zj0}选择。 ▲


The inventor of disposable chopsticks?

the inventor of disposable chopsticks

the Japanese and Chinese people, eat with chopsticks, but chopsticks in Japan is short, China s long chopsticks. Japanese chopsticks are mostly conical, and clip objects some of the more high-pitched, Chinese chopsticks are mostly cylindrical, less taper. Japanese chopsticks why a shorter, it is because the Japanese system of ancient times is carried out Fencan, banquets, home, each a bowl placed in front of a short summary of chopsticks no harm. Japanese meal, chopsticks are placed with the Chinese are different, the Chinese tend to be stacked vertically in front of chopsticks, the Japanese are generally placed across the front. When I was in Japan, a Japanese friends host a party, I have vertical set of chopsticks according to Chinese custom, the Japanese friends tell me to say chopsticks set method, I found a resting place each table chopsticks are a small Wanyi Er, it had to do as the Romans. During the meeting, that those who eat more than ten people, all taking home chopsticks horizontal, without exception.

chopsticks, chopsticks by the Japanese culture has always been happy to look at the object, and many famous universities who have talked about the issue of chopsticks, like the Chinese people are a few well-known Aoki been to China once verified the age start to use chopsticks. Not long ago, according to press reports that a Japanese scholar Ji Zhuomi chopsticks is an imitation of the invention, the chopstick up and down like two pieces of chicken lips, the East Valley ethnic nation is eating, so chopsticks invented by the Asians. Knife and fork in turn is a beast with claws grab tearing other animals eat imitation, when the nomads from the West. This research is interesting, It is also noteworthy departure from the comparison of chopsticks culture, explore a different national character study between Japan and China the text.

1994, Japan was published today known as Japan s China Studies the first person in the Dove Cenxiong book The Japanese and the Chinese big difference, a book that includes a section called the chopsticks from the same cultural differences and cultural look at Japan and China. In the Hato Cenxiong said that the Japanese like to use disposable chopsticks health, run out on the throw. Chinese chopsticks are used re-use, will never be thrown away. He believes this is a great deal of difference, from the Chinese people like to use chopsticks can be reflected in the fact that the Chinese people or Yue of the Chinese nation tough, stubborn personality characteristics. The Japanese easy to use disposable chopsticks, then with the Japanese inherent one would be a state of mind similarities. One for a while, was originally a Japanese tea ceremony as a statement of its meaning that every time a party to the participants, the lifetime is only a one-time meet the edge, it must be most cherished. In the Hato Cenxiong that the Japanese use of disposable chopsticks, with their emphasis on this time , cherish the current of some sort of inner edge of the psychological association. Of course, the Japanese tea making, especially when the use of disposable chopsticks to eat banquet, how many people have one for a while thinking hard statistics, but many Japanese people do believe things end in impermanence, there is emphasis on the current tendency of things, this kinds of psychological tendencies in general does not exist in the middle of the Chinese people, Chinese are more fancy, and send hope is that in the future, the Chinese people believe that time will change everything, this is their tenacity and stubborn.

said that, as early Edo period, the Japanese invented for Japanese eating habits of disposable chopsticks. By 1990, Japanese domestic production of disposable chopsticks has reached 24 billion pairs. At the same time, due to a lot of wood disposable chopsticks consumed in Japan set off together on the disposable chopsticks the discussion of whether the destruction of forest resources. Some manufacturers then turning to overseas.
Japanese luxury consumption of forest, 25.7 billion pairs of chopsticks 96% came from China
(2004-5-9) (Views: 1911)
newspaper correspondent in Japan, Tian Gang

a Japanese paper mills workers sorting the recycling of disposable chopsticks.

Like China, the Japanese eating out disposable chopsticks or cutlery to eat a common meal of work. I have noticed that really make disposable chopsticks in Japan, is something that happened two days ago. On that day, I was somewhere to report a missed home for dinner time, had to go to a ramen museum improvise about. As has been the peak of the dinner, Ramen Museum where I was the only one guest, chatting up with my boss. In that I am Chinese, after the boss told me that disposable chopsticks in Japan are almost all imported from China. I very much wonder, in Japan nearly 64% forest coverage rate is the world s one of the highest forest cover; China s forest coverage rate of less than 17%, why Japan imports of disposable chopsticks from China do?

Japan imports 99% of disposable chopsticks from China

I took a look at Japan s major restaurants, canteens everywhere disposable chopsticks. Japanese Ministry of Agriculture forestry agency last year, statistics show that Japan s annual consumption of disposable chopsticks is about 25.7 billion pairs, the per capita consumption of around 200 pairs. At the same time, Japan s domestic production of disposable chopsticks only about 3% and the remaining 97% are imported, of which imports of disposable chopsticks from China accounted for 99% of total imports. That is to say, Japan is about 96% of disposable chopsticks from China.

Initially, the Japanese from China, South Africa, Indonesia and Canada, in countries such as disposable chopsticks. South Korea is Japan s major importers of disposable chopsticks, but slowly, as South Korea increases domestic demand for disposable chopsticks, facing the depletion of timber resources, as well as intense price competition in the international market, a variety of reasons, not only stopped South Korea s exports to Japan , but also became the importer of disposable chopsticks.

recycling disposable chopsticks used in papermaking

as a very rich forest resources and wood use a great country, Japan s annual wood for the production of disposable chopsticks in Japan only 0.3% of the national consumption of wood . Japan in the production of disposable chopsticks, the adopted are those that forest growth in order to improve the environment, thinning of trees and used in construction, furniture production, wood scraps.

and imports of disposable chopsticks from China, compared to the production of disposable chopsticks in Japan are mostly high-level goods, the prices of each of a dozen pairs of chopsticks yen. Imported from China although the disposable chopsticks are rigorously tested and qualified products to Japan, the only as middle and low product prices in one or two yen.

Ramen Museum boss told me that every customer used disposable chopsticks, he would not throw away, he put them close together, there is someone responsible for recycling, and then sold to paper mills. It turned out that, as a forest resource, used disposable chopsticks in Japan to become a very good raw material. It is understood that recovery of three pairs of disposable chopsticks can create a postcard or an A4 copy paper. Japan s Oji Paper Company statistics show that a plant, the plant recovery of disposable chopsticks every year the number of up to about 12,000 kilograms. Japan will also not be used for production of chopsticks paper mixed with other ingredients for processing and later made into fuel for thermal use.

affect China s export large volumes of forestry

It is said that initially introduced the disposable chopsticks to China, a Japanese businessman, China s export large volumes of disposable chopsticks in Japan but also because a Japanese businessman. The last century, the early 90s, when some Japanese businessmen began to open up overseas processing base of disposable chopsticks when a Japanese businessman in China s northeast region first established a small factory. The yard is not the direct use of the start of China s timber production and export of disposable chopsticks in Japan, but the use of the import from Russia s Siberian region of birch wood for processing. Later, seeing a profitable, not only a large number of Japanese businessmen to enter China to invest in joint ventures set up factories in China, and even the local Chinese companies have begun converting some of disposable chopsticks. In this way, the disposable chopsticks in China s exports to Japan also began to spread in the country.

disposable chopsticks in China s exports to Japan has brought in some places has given his income, and also created some employment opportunities, but we should also see that this industry has brought the issue to China. According to the Japanese one in environmental studies of the figure, if by an adult tree can produce 10,000 pairs of chopsticks terms, then Chinese exports to Japan more than 200 billion pairs of disposable chopsticks at least 2.5 million trees, need to cut many million square kilometers of forest. And Japan adopted a thinning in different ways, China s forest harvesting are mostly a one light type of cutting method, it should be said that this is an existing forest resources, destructive harvesting. Tree planting has been lacking, due to the follow-up was originally a renewable forest resources becomes a one-time resources. This is our country s forestry resources is a great waste.

export of disposable chopsticks from China to Japan is the most typical model of economic development of developing countries, namely, economy of resources in order to develop export-oriented production and development, resource over-exploitation leading to the destruction of environment. Disposable chopsticks exports to Japan, who have had many of the countries have had such experiences. In many countries because of depletion of forest resources, was compelled to withdraw from the market competition. A large number of disposable chopsticks in China, into Japan, the number of manufacturing enterprises in Japan have also proposed to the government, such as restrictions on imports from China s proposal. Despite the Japanese government in 1995 and 1996 on imports of beef and pork have taken restrictive measures, but the issue of disposable chopsticks, the Japanese government in early 1999 but never began to import tariffs reduced from 5.2% to 4.7%. It also reflects the Japanese government to undermine his country s resources with the import of the nature of the attitude.

on China s exports to Japan, the issue of disposable chopsticks, specializing in environmental studies, Mr. Maruyama, University of Tokyo, told reporters about some of his views. Mr. Maruyama said the Japanese government forestry agency has repeatedly insisted that the use of wood scraps used for construction and the thinning timber as raw materials to produce disposable chopsticks, not in the destruction of forest resources, but rather in promoting the effective use of forest resources, but perhaps In Japan it is feasible, on China may be another matter啦. If by thinning and the way the use of byproduct production will undoubtedly increase the cost of production, Chinese enterprises exports to Japan may withdraw from the ranks of disposable chopsticks. In order to meet the demand for exports to Japan, China s system of chopsticks enterprises will have to consume vast quantities of timber, the Chinese boreal forest are therefore being destroyed. This means that Japan s looting of his country s resources.

production of disposable chopsticks for the Chinese impact on the environment, suggested by Mr. Maruyama, first, China s harvesting of forests should also be to strengthen post-harvest forest replanting of seedlings, follow-up care and maintenance, maintaining basically the same forest area. Second, there is a planned implementation of the thinning type of logging activity. The third is to seek new alternatives. China s exports to Japan, not only have chopsticks disposable chopsticks, as well as 30% of the production of chopsticks in southern China. As a raw material for disposable chopsticks, bamboo, short growth cycle may be a best choice. ▲

Global Times April 21, 2004 14th edition of


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