
is made by compressing "strands" of the bamboo strips under intense pressure, while using a heat-sensitive low-VOC adhesive. Bamboo poles are split, shredded into individual strands, and fused under a cold press of 2,500 tons of pressure. After the curing process, the block is sliced into flooring with T+G system and coatings applied.


The density of strand woven bamboo is over 1,100 kg / m3 and it is twice harder than oak. Strand woven bamboo flooring is extremely exotic and rich looking - through the "woven" process, the consistency found in the "traditional" bamboo styles is completely removed.


Strand woven is uniquely suited for the wear requirements of high traffic residential and commercial locations but beautiful enough to be installed the finest homes.


Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring Dimensions: 960 x 96 x 15 mm or 1900 x 96 x 15 mm

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