每日一平板:Dell 7" 和10" Streak 平板漏出!
Dell 鐨勫钩鏉胯鍒掔湅璧锋潵鍜岃窡椋?iPad 鐨勫叾瀹冪珵浜夊巶鍟嗙浉姣旓紝鏄赴瀵屽緱澶氫簡銆傞櫎浜嗗悓鏍峰湪 Streak 绯诲垪閲岋紝灞炴€ф瘮杈冩帴杩?MID 鐨?Streak 5锛堝氨鏄?锛変箣澶栵紝绋嶆棭鍑虹幇鍦ㄤ富绔欎俊绠遍噷鐨勮繖寮犲浘锛屾槑鐧藉湴鎸囧嚭 Dell 杩樻湁涓€鍙?7" 鍜屼竴鍙?10" 鐨勫钩鏉垮湪鍑嗗涓紝棰勫畾鐨勪笂甯傛椂闂村垎鍒负 2010 骞村簳鍜?2011 骞村垵銆?br />
Dell 鐨勫畼鏂瑰洖绛?..灏辨槸瀹樻柟鍥炵瓟锛氥€孌ell 缁х画鐮斿彂鍜屾祴璇曡兘鍔犲己浣跨敤鑰呰鍔ㄧ粡楠岀殑浜у搧銆傛垜浠皻鏈彂琛ㄤ换浣曠殑鏂颁骇鍝侊紝涔熶笉瀵规彛娴嬨€佷紶瑷€鎴栨湭鍙戣〃鐨勪骇鍝佷簣浠ヨ瘎璁恒€傘€?/div>

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