打桩机钻破航空煤油管道- 氟塑料磁力泵的日志- 网易博客


2010-04-08 10:06:56 阅读12 评论0 字号:

原文:Hammer drill breaking jet fuel pipeline
Hammer drill breaking jet fuel pipeline Yesterday afternoon, China Railway 15 Bureau Jiangning Shuāng Lóng overpass construction site when the piling work carelessly and 1.5 meters deep in an underground 200 mm diameter pipe to break the jet fuel, kerosene leak immediately. After the accident, City Administration Bureau, the Fire Department and the relevant departments responsible comrades of experts rushed to the scene of the accident rescue organization. Wei Dang incident occurred at the site within the could be heard at the scene to the strong pungent smell of kerosene. It said a worker on site at this time point at both ends of the fuel pipe rupture valve has closed, kerosene has stopped leaking. Pump to pump oil residue inside the pipe away. According to reports, this is the Nanjing airport aviation kerosene oil pipeline company, is leading to the Lukou, and pipeline construction site at the top of a pile-driver operator was mistakenly pipeline break, so pipes to form a more than 40 cm long wound , resulting in leakage of jet fuel pipe. The pressure is not due, when the pipeline ruptured, spewing oil is not high, coupled with the valve closed in a timely manner, only a small amount of oil leakage. Last night around 7:00, broken pipe has been repaired. At present, the cause of the accident and the economic loss is under investigation. 原文来自:http://www.google.com.hk/

Hammer drill breaking jet fuel pipeline ;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海赛泰泵阀有限公司还生产 及衬氟旋塞阀,衬氟截止阀,高温高压电磁阀,氧气截止阀,微型电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)

打桩机钻破航空煤油管道 昨天下午,中铁十五局在南京江宁双龙街立交桥施工工地打桩作业时,不慎将地下1.5米深处的一根直径200毫米的航空煤油管道打破,顿时煤油外泄。事故发生后,市安监局、消防局相关部门负责同志以及专家迅速赶到事故现场组织救援。 事发地点位于工地围挡内,在现场可闻到浓烈刺鼻的煤油味。据工地内一名工人说,此时燃油管道破裂点两端的阀门已经关闭,煤油已经停止泄漏。油泵将管道内残留的油料泵走了。据介绍,这是南京空港油料公司的航空煤油输油管道,是通往禄口机场的,管道上方的施工工地的打桩机在作业时误将管道打破,使得管道上形成一道40多厘米长的创面,导致管内航空煤油泄漏。由于管道内压力不大,管道破裂时,油料没有高速喷涌,加上阀门关闭及时,油料只是少量泄漏。昨晚7点左右,破损的油管已经被修好。目前,事故的原因和经济损失正在进一步调查之中。

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