[2010.01.07] Fed up 抚养成人- 商业Business - 经济学人经济学人|经济 ...
本帖{zh1}由 lilywizardry 于 2010-1-13 12:07 编辑

Germany's solar subsidies

Fed up 抚养成人

Jan 7th 2010 | BERLIN
From The Economist print edition

Germany’s support for solar power is becoming ever harder to afford


It’s raining solar panels

AMID the unexploded bombs, rockets and poison-gas shells that litter a former Soviet military training ground in eastern Germany, a forest of silicon has sprouted. Solar cells here at Lieberose, Germany’s biggest photovoltaic plant, produce enough electricity (at peak output) to power a small town. In the nearby city of Frankfurt/Oder, the factory that made the solar cells used at Lieberose, owned by First Solar, an American firm, cannot keep up with demand as one sheet of glass after another rolls down its production line.

In Germany this is seen as vindication of an industrial policy that has nurtured solar power for almost a decade with incentives known as feed-in tariffs. These oblige utilities to buy all the electricity generated from renewable sources such as windmills and solar panels at a high price (currently six to eight times the market rate) for a long period. The costs are passed to consumers in the form of higher electricity bills. Each year the tariff offered to new installations falls slightly, to encourage rapid development. Feed-in tariffs have been adopted in many European countries and beyond. Yet the country that pioneered them seems unable to agree on a formula for them that is generous enough to spur investment without being so lavish that it overburdens consumers.

Little over a year ago, amid complaints that the feed-in tariff for solar panels was generating an unaffordable proliferation of solar farms, the government decided to double the pace by which the tariff decreases each year, from 5% to around 10% (depending on the size of the installation). Shortly afterwards, a glut of solar panels led to a fall of about a quarter in the price of building a solar farm. But there was no equivalent reduction in the feed-in tariff, paving the way for bumper returns for solar parks switched on before the end of last year. Final figures are still being tallied, but it is thought that Germany’s solar capacity almost doubled as a result—twice the increase expected by the government when it drew up the rules. That jump has prompted a flurry of calls for further reductions to the feed-in tariff.

The industry has proposed trimming the price paid for solar power by 5% in June and another 5-10% at the end of the year. Others want more ferocious cuts. The argument is just a foretaste of fights to come. Renewable energy now accounts for about 15% of Germany’s electricity production. Much of that comes from wind generation that is coming close to being cost-competitive with fossil fuels. Yet Germany’s grid cannot accept much more wind power without expensive investments in transmission and storage, which is one reason why the government has encouraged the development of solar power.

Yet solar is considerably more expensive even than other renewables. Analysts at HSBC, a bank, reckon that the full cost of producing power from wind turbines, for instance, is about one sixth the cost of producing it from photovoltaic plants. When solar contributed a minuscule proportion of Germany’s total power output that excess was easily overlooked. Yet solar modules are now thought to furnish close to 2% of Germany’s electricity, up from about 1% in 2008. As that figure grows it will begin to account for a disproportionate share of household spending on energy and increase the political pressure to find cheaper ways of abating carbon emissions than building forests of solar panels under Germany’s grey skies.
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