对于便携式电子产品的能源需求,是提高微型燃料电池的吸引力« oursolo.net




Portable electronic products for the energy demand, is to enhance the attractiveness of micro fuel cell

According to market research firm InnovativeResearchandProducts (iRAP) recently published a report on portable electronic products for the energy demand, is to enhance the attractiveness of micro fuel cell. In a variety of portable products category, iRAP prediction in 2011 ago micro fuel cells in the PDA field of the highest average annual growth rate, reaching 89.8%. Followed by cameras, chargers and other consumer electronic products, with an average annual growth rate of 83.7%. Cell phone use in the field of fuel cells is estimated to be 50.7 percent growth rate.

estimated 2006 micro fuel cell market up to 12,000,000 U.S. dollars, is expected in 2011 will reach 112 million U.S. dollars, average annual growth rate of 55.7%. According to iRAP, in a variety of fuel cell technology, direct methanol fuel cell will occupy the largest share, followed by hydrogen fuel cells and other fuel based on proprietary battery. North America in 2006 in the market occupies the largest share, followed by Europe and Japan. By 2011, the North American market share is expected to fall to 57 percent, while the Japanese market share will rise to 25 percent, replacing the second in Europe. According to iRAP, has not yet been universally accepted definition of micro fuel cells, but usually refers to power less than 50W of small fuel cell system. Now the world has more than 60 enterprises and institutions active in the development of micro fuel cell.

While fuel cells may be higher than the traditional battery energy density, but for the portable electronic product development, fuel cell system for a number of engineering challenges. And security, especially in relation to treatment and storage of fuel for micro fuel cell-based system set up (07-11-22)

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