12月26日:网络时代的海啸- gleefuls - gleefuls - 和讯博客
12月26日:网络时代的海啸 [转贴 2010-04-18 20:13:04]   

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      xxxx:Asia wakes up to a life without modern technology.这样一个高度概括的标题哪怕够不上"耸人听闻"的程度,也还是相当吸引眼球。{dy}段话开门见山加以说明:

      It was a tsunami for the digital age, a collapse of the virtual world that radiated through much of Asia and beyond after an undersea earthquake late Tuesday off the coast of Taiwan.


      People woke Wednesday to find themselves without e-mail or the Internet and, in some cases, without telephone connections, cut off from the real world around them. The earthquake, which triggered a tsunami alert and some physical damage, ruptured two of the undersea cables that are part of a communications fretwork that circles the globe. Coming on the second anniversary of the Asian tsunami that killed 230,000 people, it was a reminder of the world's increasing dependence on communications technology. Financial companies and technology services suffered most directly, with banking services and securities trading all but crippled. Operations from travel agencies to newspapers to schools were struggling to maintain their routines.



      "You don't realize until you miss it how much you rely heavily on technology," said Andrew Clarke, a sales trader in Hong Kong. "Stuff you took for granted has been taken away and you realize, 'Ah, back to the old way, using mobiles'" - an old way that itself is not so old. In this time of rapid change, it is easy to forget how quickly innovations have become necessities, from mobile phones to the Internet to e-mail to instant messaging on both the computer and telephone.




      美联社:Taiwan quake highlights fragility of telecoms network, room for investment.xx不同风格的标题,预示着xx不同的报道重点。{dy}段是这样的:

      SINGAPORE (AP) - A few seconds of undersea quaking was all it took to cause massive telecommunications disruptions throughout tech-savvy Asia, where Internet services slowed or stopped, phone lines went dead and financial transactions ground to a halt.



      In a similar event, a magnitude-6.8 earthquake in Algeria in 2003 damaged cables in the Mediterranean, cutting links to France and slowing down Internet access across the Middle East.


      Breaks in the undersea cables are not uncommon - the culprits include earthquakes, volcanos, fishing trawlers, ship anchors and nibbling sharks. For this reason, fiber links are generally built as loops. For instance, FLAG Telecom's North Asia Loop runs undersea from Hong Kong to Taiwan to Korea to Japan, then takes another route back to Hong Kong. If one link in the loop breaks, data will automatically be switched to flow the other way around the ring, and customers would ideally not even notice a change.



      亚洲华尔街日报:Asian telecom firms scramble to restore services - Impact of quake on business is curbed by timing, tactics.终于说到电信公司如何努力恢复服务,引用电信公司主管的话,而他们不约而同地在说完自己的损失情况之后,就通过直接或间接的方式,指出当时正值许多国家的圣诞节假期的事实应该有助于减轻给用户造成的经济损失。当然,记者也没有忘记指出,许多需要通过网络给用户提供内容服务的公司,比如路透社、道琼斯和彭博社,纷纷发出通告,说明有关服务可能受到影响。



      美联社:China's Internet expected to be back to normal by Jan. 15.这个标题以及这条短新闻的依据源于中国电信当天发布的一份新闻通告,至于情况到底是不是这样,且让我们拭目以待。

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