Raw propolis royal jelly can be consumed do? What negative (Deputy ...

Category:catering food

raw propolis royal jelly can be consumed do? What negative (Deputy) Impact do?

propolis food Methods:
propolis food approach is not so simple as taking other bee products must pass through the extraction process, will remove harmful substances before it can use, do not take the original propolis. Direct take of the original propolis or self-soaked with liquor to take, though the role is also to some extent, but there are potential negative effects, this is very dangerous. At present, the extract of propolis and in addition to lead technical Although clearance can be accurately grasp this technology is not a lot of units and individuals, some of hearsay simple act, and even liquor soak on the take, it is unscientific. Manufacturers must be edible products, such as: propolis capsules, propolis liquid.
taking propolis manufacturers the best selection of formal and there is the Ministry of Health of the products, each product taking the reference manual method. If the conditions of their own when taking propolis extract the most simple is to use ethanol extract, after freezing, crushing, extraction and other processes, made of propolis tincture, oral administration can also be topical. For the sake of efficacy and taste and so on can be propolis tincture, as the parent material, and then add some accessories, make into different dosage forms of liquid, ointment, so to use more convenient, economic, and, without special treatment, Propolis is not soluble in water, and if taking the right into the water, they often float on the water surface and assembled into small particles, a yellow suspended solids, and even sticking to the glass wall. So, if the water taken, it could be more right into the hot water as a result of the active ingredients of propolis more heat, when taking into 50-70 ℃ cooler in hot water while still hot dose of its active ingredients loss of relatively small. Propolis can also be put right into the milk or honey, wine, soy milk, gruel, coffee, Mairu Jing in the drinking. Practice has proved that propolis and honey, royal jelly, pollen, etc. At the same time using it, will play a complementary role, health care and medical care would be more effective. Propolis is a polymer material, a smaller number of propolis right into the water or milk, its color, smell and taste will have a greater change, but also reveals a higher concentration, which is a major feature of propolis, you mastering the case of dose can rest assured that using them, do not have doubts and worries.

food method and dosage of royal jelly (from “the application of bee products and health care - Consumer Guide”)

1, swallow dubbed the royal jelly oral liquid mix honey, or royal jelly with honey, white wine mixed preparation royal jelly into wine, or royal jelly freeze-drying machine froze solid in the royal jelly powder, or to mix in royal jelly soft white sugar or white sugar in the above products can be used to swallow the method is about royal jelly products directly to swallow, and then drink boiling water can be.
2, including clothing and scholars around the former Soviet Union where even recommend this method of taking royal jelly. The method is to use dropper to the patients in the sublingual drops royal jelly solution, four times a day, each 5 drops, a total dose of 200mg. This approach makes royal jelly in the sublingual mucous membrane directly absorbed into the body by the blood everywhere, so small amount of royal jelly high utilization rate. In addition, royal jelly can also be made into powder compressed into tablets after will be placed on royal jelly tablets dissolved after sublingual absorption.
3, clear up the doubts  dose of royal jelly for medical care purposes, multi-mode use of oral intake, generally breakfast and take half an hour before bedtime and 1 times, each time 3 ~ 5g, frail serious illness can increase the dose.

Chinese:未加工的蜂胶 蜂王浆可以食用吗?有什么负(副)作用吗?

类别: 餐饮食品

未加工的蜂胶 蜂王浆可以食用吗?有什么负(副)作用吗?



1、吞服 将蜂王浆拌入蜂蜜中配成口服液,或将蜂王浆与蜂蜜、白酒混合配制成蜂王浆酒,或将蜂王浆在冷冻干燥机中冻成王浆粉,或将蜂王浆拌入绵白糖或白砂糖中,以上产品均可采用吞服的方法,即将蜂王浆制品直接吞下,然后喝点开水即可。
2、含服 前苏联学者约里什推荐这种服用蜂王浆的方法。该方法是用滴管往病人舌下滴蜂王浆溶液,每天4次,每次5滴,总共剂量为200mg。这种方法使蜂王浆在舌下黏膜直接被吸收,再由血液带到全身各处,因此,蜂王浆用量小而利用率高。此外,也可将蜂王浆制成干粉后压制成片,将王浆片放在舌下含溶后吸收。
3、剂量释疑 蜂王浆用于医疗保健的目的时,多采用口服方式摄入,一般在早餐和就寝前半小时服用各1次,每次3~5g,体弱重病者可加大剂量。

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