

2010-04-15 14:57:08 阅读4 评论0 字号:

SACRAMENTO — If California becomes the first state to cap greenhouse gas emissions from industry, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to ensure that the government can delay the regulations if an emergency arises. The so-called "safety valve" sought by the administration has emerged as one of the key obstacles in negotiations over the landmark bill. Democratic lawmakers who are pushing the bill say they fear such a clause would provide more of an escape hatch than a safety valve, providing a loophole for industries that don't want to meet the emission limits. "We want to make sure we have a bill that's strong, that's enforceable, that has real teeth to it," Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, D-Los Angeles, said in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. The legislation calls for the state's major industries, including utilities, oil and gas refineries, and manufacturers such as cement plants, to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The goal is for emission levels throughout California to reach 1990 levels by 2020. The target would translate into an estimated 25 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which scientists blame for global warming. Advertisement Nunez said he planned to end negotiations and put the bill in its final form by 6 p.m. Monday, setting the stage for a Senate vote as early as today. But it was unclear whether the administration would endorse the bill, which does not provide as many assurances for businesses as Schwarzenegger officials had hoped. The two sides have been negotiating intensely for weeks over the bill, rushing to reach a compromise before the legislative session ends on Thursday. Both sides have said they want to succeed — Democrats to advance one of their key policy initiatives and Schwarzenegger to continue momentum on climate change issues, one of his key environmental planks. One of the outstanding issues is the so-called safety valve language. Both sides agree the state must have some flexibility to delay the emission caps if an emergency arises, but they remain at odds over when that would be appropriate. Schwarzenegger has said he embraces an emissions cap, but his representatives say any legislation must give the state more flexibility to extend the timeline. "This is a huge undertaking, an undertaking of 10 times the magnitude of energy deregulation," said Environmental Protection Agency Secretary Linda Adams, who is leading the negotiations for the administration. "We don't want to see another situation like the energy crisis where the state's hands were tied." In 2001, then-Gov. Gray Davis was forced to call a special session of the Legislature to respond to the tripling of electricity rates and blackouts throughout the state, much of which was later determined to be caused by market manipulation. Adams said a future governor should be given the tools to react during an emergency, rather than waiting until one has occurred. For example, the administration says the state must be able to push back the 2020 date if it is hit with an earthquake, terrorist attack or other catastrophe. Regulators also might not be able to meet the cap timeline if the U.S. Supreme Court disqualifies a 2004 state law reducing vehicle tailpipe emissions. That regulation accounts for about 30 percent of California's clean-air reductions, Adams said. But environmental groups fear any leniency could doom the state's goals and remove the incentive for businesses to invest in reducing greenhouse gases. In addition, leaving an out for industries could undermine the creation of a so-called "cap-and-trade market." Under such a scenario, emission credits would be priced and put on the open market for companies to buy, sell or trade in exchange for reducing their own emissions, said Jim Martson, a senior attorney at Environmental Defense. "If you don't know where there's going to be a firm date by which you have to act, it's hard to determine the allowances," Martson said. Business groups opposed to the bill point to the ongoing dispute over the safety valve as evidence that California would suffer an economic burden if an emissions cap were enacted into law. "Ironically, there is no clear program to implement in AB 32, but state leaders are hung up on arguments about safety valves and emergency mechanisms," said Jeanne Cain, senior vice president of the California Chamber of Commerce. "They clearly must fear some major economic crises if this bill is enacted and actual programs are created." The Chamber of Commerce has labeled the global warming bill a "job killer," saying companies forced to buy emission credits in California will simply leave the state to do business elsewhere. California businesses are divided over whether they can realistically meet the bill's mandatory reductions. The cap calls for reducing greenhouse gases by 174 million tons per year or the equivalent of the annual emissions from 43 coal-fired plants. Because of that, Schwarzenegger has said a market system for emission credits must be mandated in the bill. Democrats say the issue deserves more study before it is prescribed in legislation. California is the world's 12th-largest emitter of such pollutants. State reports in recent years warn that global warming could have far-reaching consequences in the nation's most populous state. A two-to-three degree increase in the temperature could melt the Sierra snowpack earlier, lead to flooding in the Central Valley and threatening the state's long-term water supply. Despite their differences, both sides say they are optimistic an agreement will be struck. "We're very hopeful that we'll have a bill," Adams said. "Time is running out."

Industry 'safety valve' emerges as key issue in California bill;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海一环流体控制设备有限公司还生产 及活塞式缓闭止回阀,水封截止阀,铜角式截止阀,橡胶瓣止回阀,气动活塞调节蝶阀,欢迎您的选购。)

 萨克拉门托 - 如果加州成为{dy}个国家上限从工业温室气体排放,加州州长阿诺德施瓦辛格希望确保政府可以延迟规定如果出现紧急情况。 所谓的“安全阀”的管理要求已成为中具有里程碑意义的法案,对谈判的主要障碍之一。谁是推动该法案的民主党议员说,他们担心这样的条款将提供一个逃生舱口比安全阀多,提供了一个产业,不希望达到排放标准的漏洞。 “我们希望确保我们有一个法案,强大的,这是强制执行的,它具有真正的牙齿,”议长努涅斯,d为洛杉矶,在接受美联社采访时说。 该立法要求在国家的大行业,包括公用事业,石油和天然气精炼厂,以及制造商,如水泥,以减少温室气体排放量。我们的目标是全加州到2020年达到1990年水平的排放水平。 该目标将转化为大约百分之二十五的温室气体排放,科学家对全球变暖归咎于减少。 广告 努内兹说,他计划以结束谈判,并于下午6时提出该法案的{zh1}形式,星期一,设置参议院xx,这在今天早阶段。但目前还不清楚政府是否会同意该法案,它不提供为施瓦辛格官员曾希望许多业务保证。 双方一直在谈判数周激烈的对本条例草案,冲前达成一项妥协的立法会议将在周四结束。双方都表示,他们希望获得成功 - 一个民主党人推动的主要政策措施和施瓦辛格继续就气候变化问题的势头,他的一个主要环境木板。 悬而未决的问题之一是所谓的安全阀的语言。双方同意,国家必须有一定的灵活性,以拖延排放上限,如果发生了紧急情况,但他们意见仍然存在分歧时,这将是适当的。 施瓦辛格说,他拥抱一个排放上限,但他的代表说,立法必须给予任何国家更大的灵活性,延长时间。 “这是一个浩大的工程,是承诺的10倍,能源管制的严重性,说:”环保局局长林达亚当斯,谁领导的政府的谈判。 “我们不希望发生类似情况,国家的双手绑在能源危机的情况。” 在2001年,电子政务系统。州长戴维斯被迫呼吁立法机关的特别会议,以回应电价和整个国家的停电三倍,其中大部分后来确定为市场操控而出现。 亚当斯说,未来的总督应的工具,在紧急情况作出反应,而不是等到发生之一。例如,政府说,国家必须能够推回2020年的日期,如果它与地震,恐怖袭击或其他灾难打击。 监管部门也可能无法满足上限时间,如果美国{zg}法院2004年,均无资格一国的法律,减少汽车尾气排放量。约30加州的清洁空气减少占百分之这项法规,亚当斯说。 但是环保团体担心任何宽大可能毁灭国家的目标和xx企业投资的激励,在减少温室气体排放。 此外,为行业留下了可能破坏了一个所谓的“帽创造和交易的市场。”在这种情况下,将排放信用定价和开放市场的公司将购买,销售或贸易减少自己的排放量交易,吉姆说Martson,在美国环保协会的高级律师。 “如果你不知道那里的将是一个坚定的日期,你必须采取行动,这是很难确定的津贴,”Martson说。 商业团体反对该法案指向对作为证据,加州将蒙受的经济负担,如果排放上限成为法律制定的安全阀门目前争端。 “讽刺的是,没有明确的计划,实施32个在AB,但{gjldr}挂在有关安全阀门和应急机制的论点,说:”珍妮凯恩,在加州商会高级副总裁。 “他们显然必须有人担心,如果这项法案获得通过,实际程序创建的重大经济危机。” 该商会已标记的全球变暖法案“工作杀手”,说公司被迫在加州购买排放配额将简单地离开国家做生意的地方。 加州企业正在分歧,能否切实满足该法案的强制性减少。的上限要求减少一万七千四点〇〇〇万吨每年或从每年的排放量相当于43个燃煤发电厂温室气体。 正因为如此,施瓦辛格说:排放配额的市场体系必须在该法案授权。民主党人说,这个问题需要更多的研究之前,在法律规定。 加州是世界第12大这类污染物的排放。近年来,国家报告警告说,全球变暖可能会产生深远的全国人口最多的州的后果。两至三年在温度程度的增加可能塞拉利昂积雪融化较早,导致洪水泛滥的中央谷地,并威胁到国家的长期供水。 尽管存在分歧,双方都表示,他们是乐观的协议能够达成。 “我们非常希望,我们将有一个法案,”亚当斯说。 “时间已经不多了。”


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