无线移动网络专家» Blog Archive » MIDP计数器组件的实现——CustomItem

有时候你也许要让你的MIDP应用程序显示一个计数器,比如某些操作从开始操作到现在进行了多少秒,这还算是一个简单的可以自动更新显示计数的定制组件,一些简单的代码便可使你让这些代码和Canvasxx整合,定制的绘制屏幕程序一般都继承自Cnavas, 或者用Form在MIDP2.0里的新组件——CustomItem 。


下面是有一个简单计数器例子的核心代码,CounterArea class:


import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
??????????? // The counter class,
??????????? which can be used on a canvas
??????????? // or wrapped within a custom item.
??????????? public class CounterArea
??????????? {
??????????? public static final
??????????? int DEFAULT_RATE = 500;
??????????? public static final
??????????? int MIN_RATE = 100;
??????????? // The callback interface
??????????? by which we notify
??????????? // the counter owner
??????????? of certain events.
??????????? public interface Callback
??????????? {
??????????? void invalidateCounter
??????????? ( CounterArea counter );
??????????? void repaintCounter
??????????? ( CounterArea counter );
??????????? void resizeCounter
??????????? ( CounterArea counter );
??????????? }
??????????? public CounterArea()
??????????? {
??????????? }
??????????? public CounterArea
??????????? ( int width, int height )
??????????? {
??????????? _width = width;
??????????? _height = height;
??????????? }
??????????? public int getBackColor()
??????????? {
??????????? return _backColor;
??????????? }
??????????? public Callback getCallback()
??????????? {
??????????? return _callback;
??????????? }
??????????? public Font getFont()
??????????? {
??????????? return _font;
??????????? }
??????????? public Font getFontForDrawing()
??????????? {
??????????? return _font != null ? _font :
??????????? Font.getDefaultFont();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getHeight()
??????????? {
??????????? if( _height < 0 )
??????????? {
??????????? _height = getMinHeight();
??????????? }
??????????? return _height;
??????????? }
??????????? public int getMinHeight()
??????????? {
??????????? return getFontForDrawing().getHeight();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getMinWidth()
??????????? {
??????????? Font f = getFontForDrawing();
??????????? return f.stringWidth
??????????? ( Integer.toString( _value ) );
??????????? }
??????????? public int getRate()
??????????? {
??????????? return _rate;
??????????? }
??????????? public int getTextColor()
??????????? {
??????????? return _textColor;
??????????? }
??????????? public int getValue()
??????????? {
??????????? return _value;
??????????? }
??????????? public int getWidth()
??????????? {
??????????? if( _width < 0 )
??????????? {
??????????? _width = getMinWidth();
??????????? }
??????????? return _width;
??????????? }
??????????? private void invalidate()
??????????? {
??????????? if( _callback != null )
??????????? {
??????????? _callback.invalidateCounter( this );
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? public boolean isCounting()
??????????? {
??????????? return _timer != null;
??????????? }
??????????? public void paint( Graphics g )
??????????? {
??????????? String s = Integer.toString
??????????? ( _value );
??????????? Font?? f = getFontForDrawing();
??????????? int??? w = f.stringWidth( s );
??????????? int??? h = f.getHeight();
??????????? int?? aw = getWidth();
??????????? int?? ah = getHeight();
??????????? g.setColor( _backColor );
??????????? g.fillRect( _left, _top, aw, ah );
??????????? g.setColor( _textColor );
??????????? g.drawString( s, _left + aw – w,
??????????? _top + ( ah – h ) / 2,
??????????? g.TOP | g.LEFT );
??????????? if( w > aw || h > ah )
??????????? {
??????????? resize();
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? private void repaint()
??????????? {
??????????? if( _callback != null )
??????????? {
??????????? _callback.repaintCounter
??????????? ( this );
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? private void resize()
??????????? {
??????????? if( _callback != null )
??????????? {
??????????? _callback.resizeCounter( this );
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? private synchronized boolean
??????????? increment( Runnable source )
??????????? {
??????????? if( source != _timer )
??????????? return false;
??????????? ++_value;
??????????? repaint();
??????????? return true;
??????????? }
??????????? public void setBackColor( int color )
??????????? {
??????????? _backColor = color;
??????????? invalidate();
??????????? }
??????????? public void setCallback
??????????? ( Callback callback ){
??????????? _callback = callback;
??????????? }
??????????? public void setLeft( int left ){
??????????? _left = left;
??????????? }
??????????? public void setFont( Font f ){
??????????? _font = f;
??????????? invalidate();
??????????? }
??????????? public void setHeight( int h ){
??????????? _height = h;
??????????? }
??????????? public void setRate( int rate )
??????????? {
??????????? _rate =
??????????? ( rate < MIN_RATE ? MIN_RATE : rate );
??????????? }
??????????? public void setTextColor( int color ){
??????????? _textColor = color;
??????????? invalidate();
??????????? }
??????????? public void setTop( int top ){
??????????? _top = top;
??????????? }
??????????? public synchronized void
??????????? setValue( int value ){
??????????? _value = value;
??????????? }
??????????? public void setWidth( int w ){
??????????? _width = w;
??????????? }
??????????? public synchronized void start(){
??????????? _timer = new CounterTimer();
??????????? new Thread( _timer ).start();
??????????? }
??????????? public synchronized void stop(){
??????????? _timer = null;
??????????? }
??????????? private int
??????????? _backColor = 0×00FFFFFF;
??????????? private Callback? _callback;
??????????? private Font????? _font;
??????????? private int?????? _height = -1;
??????????? private int?????? _index;
??????????? private int?????? _left;
??????????? private int
??????????? _rate = DEFAULT_RATE;
??????????? private int
??????????? _textColor = 0×00000000;
??????????? private Runnable? _timer;
??????????? private int?????? _top;
??????????? private int?????? _width = -1;
??????????? private int?????? _value;
??????????? //———————————
??????????? // A very simple timer that sleeps and wakes
??????????? // up at regular intervals.
??????????? private class CounterTimer
??????????? implements Runnable {
??????????? public void run(){
??????????? Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
??????????? while( true ){
??????????? try {
??????????? t.sleep( _rate );
??????????? }
??????????? catch( InterruptedException e ){
??????????? }
??????????? if( !increment( this ) ) break;
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? }




import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
??????????? // A custom component for MIDP 2.0 that wraps
??????????? // a CounterArea instance.
??????????? public class CounterItem extends CustomItem
??????????? implements CounterArea.Callback
??????????? {
??????????? public CounterItem(){
??????????? super( null );
??????????? _area = new CounterArea();
??????????? _area.setCallback( this );
??????????? }
??????????? public Font getFont(){
??????????? return _area.getFont();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getMinContentHeight(){
??????????? return _area.getMinHeight();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getMinContentWidth(){
??????????? return _area.getMinWidth();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getPrefContentHeight
??????????? ( int width ){
??????????? return getMinContentHeight();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getPrefContentWidth
??????????? ( int height ){
??????????? return getMinContentWidth();
??????????? }
??????????? public int getValue(){
??????????? return _area.getValue();
??????????? }
??????????? protected void hideNotify(){
??????????? _area.stop();
??????????? }
??????????? public void invalidateCounter
??????????? ( CounterArea counter )
??????????? if( counter == _area ){
??????????? invalidate();
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? protected void paint
??????????? ( Graphics g, int width, int height )
??????????? {
??????????? _area.paint( g );
??????????? }
??????????? public void repaintCounter
??????????? ( CounterArea counter ){
??????????? if( counter == _area ){
??????????? repaint();
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? public void resizeCounter
??????????? ( CounterArea counter ){
??????????? if( counter == _area ){
??????????? invalidate();
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? protected void sizeChanged
??????????? ( int w, int h ){
??????????? _area.setWidth( w );
??????????? _area.setHeight( h );
??????????? }
??????????? public void setFont( Font f ){
??????????? _area.setFont( f );
??????????? }
??????????? public void setValue( int value ){
??????????? _area.setValue( value );
??????????? }
??????????? protected void showNotify()
??????????? {
??????????? _area.start();
??????????? }
??????????? public boolean traverse
??????????? ( int dir, int vw, int vh,
??????????? int[] vrect ){
??????????? return false;
??????????? }
??????????? private CounterArea _area;
??????????? }

外覆类只是起到接收回递函数给控制段,自动开始和关闭计数器的作用,当然,任何时候如果这个Item显示或者隐藏,你都希望能够改变它的行为。{zh1}, 是一个简单的测试 MIDlet去验证这个计数器的作用:


import java.io.*;
??????????? import java.util.*;
??????????? import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
??????????? import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
??????????? // A simple MIDlet to test
??????????? the custom counter
??????????? // component.
??????????? public class CounterItemTest
??????????? extends MIDlet
??????????? implements
??????????? CommandListener {
??????????? private Display display;
??????????? public static final
??????????? Command exitCommand =
??????????? new Command( “Exit”,
??????????? Command.EXIT, 1 );
??????????? public CounterItemTest(){
??????????? }
??????????? public void commandAction
??????????? ( Command c,
??????????? Displayable d ){
??????????? if( c == exitCommand )
??????????? {
??????????? exitMIDlet();
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? protected void destroyApp
??????????? ( boolean unconditional )
??????????? throws MIDletStateChangeException {
??????????? exitMIDlet();
??????????? }
??????????? public void exitMIDlet(){
??????????? notifyDestroyed();
??????????? }
??????????? public Display getDisplay()
??????????? { return display; }
??????????? protected void initMIDlet(){
??????????? Form f = new Form
??????????? ( “CounterItem Test” );
??????????? f.addCommand( exitCommand );
??????????? f.setCommandListener( this );
??????????? CounterItem counter =
??????????? new CounterItem();
??????????? counter.setLayout
??????????? ( Item.LAYOUT_CENTER |
??????????? Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_BEFORE |
??????????? Item.LAYOUT_NEWLINE_AFTER );
??????????? f.append( counter );
??????????? getDisplay().setCurrent( f );
??????????? }
??????????? protected void pauseApp(){
??????????? }
??????????? protected void startApp()
??????????? throws MIDletStateChangeException {
??????????? if( display == null ){
??????????? display = Display.getDisplay( this );
??????????? initMIDlet();
??????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? }


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