
once getting confused about my life

I thought everyone's different, everyone's special

but some people are so similar in some ways

like us

yeah there's always something missing along the way to my sun

every time, I wanna do the better, even the best

then I fail after all, feel holpless, I can't stand by any more

just few words of courage from you

always you, only you

when we were hanging around out of beautiful snowy day

remember you pushed me into deep and flat snow

I got wet and cold, I did throw a big snowball right to your face, I swear

you got wet as well and tried to let me down, I ran away before your took action

you laughed, I laughed

I still remember these things though we were very very young

but I can't remeber that summer day which I left

just know that I did grab the handle of taxi and cry loudly

where were you my best friend?

last winter I went for you, you got photo book in your hands and showed me evey single one

you are a good stroy teller, when you pointed at one photo which showed silly us

I smiled, memories were full in my mind, I nearly cried out 'cause we haven't seen each other for ages

I bit my lip, I missed you, my best friend

not sure when we can see each other again

but here I give you my best wishes


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