美国各地的阀门网站财产- 中国安全阀- 中国安全阀- 和讯博客
美国各地的阀门网站财产 [转贴 2010-04-01 15:55:43]   

COXSACKIE ? The evaluation of air quality around the American Valve Manufacturing hazardous is part of a statewide initiative to examine all remedial sites for a process called soil vapor intrusion. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and state Department of Health investigators canvassed residences around the 170 Mansion St. site in November 2009, to “solicit access to conduct sub-slab structure sampling,” according to DEC spokeswoman Lori Severino. The sampling process is part of a joint DEC and DOH led program to test 421 “legacy” sites ? or sites for which a remedial decision was issued prior to 2003 and where there was disposal of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Investigators have been sampling sites around the state since 2007 during winter heating seasons. * Residences around the American Valve site are intended to be sampled before the end of March, according to Severino. Eight residences in the vicinity were visited by investigators. There are over 20 homes neighboring the 15.5-acre American Valve property. Vapor intrusion occurs when the toxins migrate from contaminated soil to the indoor air of overlying or adjacent structures. The soil and groundwater in the area of the American Valve site was found to contain four noxious substances: trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene, dichloroethene and vinyl chloride. These chemicals are also referred to as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, and were used as cleaning agents during the manufacturing process. Long-term exposure to high levels of VOCs have been linked to cancer, damage to the central nervous system and other effects. Though there are no currently no signs of vapor intrusion from the contaminated soil, according to DEC officials, the state is performing the sampling to determine if there is. If the air quality shows the presence of VOCs the state will cover the cost to install mitigation systems.
原文来自: http://www.thedailymail.net/articles/2010/01/16/news/doc4b514aca79c05644674208.txt

Valve site review part of NY initiative;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海天阀实业有限公司还生产 及不锈钢法兰电磁阀,两口两位直动式电磁阀,锻钢加长端闸,ZCF塑料王电磁阀,ZQDF-A通用电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)

柯萨奇 - 空气质素围绕美国阀门制造危险性评估是一个全州计划的一部分,审查进程中的所有站点要求补救土壤气入侵。 纽约州环境保护部和国家卫生署详细讨论调查的170大厦附近圣在2009年11月网站住宅,以“征求接入,以便进行分板结构的采样,”根据12月发言人Lori塞韦里诺。 抽样过程的一部分联合DEC和卫生署领导的程序来测试421“遗产”网站 - 或补救的决定2003年前发出的,那里有氯代烃是处置场。 被抽样调查2007年以来,在冬季取暖季节围绕国家的网站。 * 美国各地的阀门网站的宿舍是拟在3月底进行采样,根据塞韦里诺。八,在住宅附近被访问了调查。有超过20家相邻的15.5英亩的美国阀门财产。 蒸气入侵发生时,有毒物质污染的土壤中迁移到邻近结构覆或室内空气。 土壤和在美国的地盘面积地下水阀门被发现含有有毒物质四:三氯乙烯,四氯乙烯,二氯乙烷和氯乙烯。这些化学物质也被称为挥发性有机化合物,或挥发性有机化合物,被认为用清洗剂在生产过程中。 长期暴露于高挥发性有机化合物已与癌症有关,损害xxxx系统和其他影响。 虽然目前没有从受污染的土壤气相入侵的迹象,据12月的官员,国家正在执行的采样,以确定是否有。 如果空气质量显示挥发性有机物存在的国家将包括安装费用减灾系统。


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