{wn}钥匙是什么?真有这样的关键么? « Live in China 混在中国



自行车停车场,但一两分钟,他们消失了,摩托车转身后,对类似的盗窃存款失踪… … “罢工快”的问题,人们往往无法想象的小偷团伙编写的“{wn}钥匙”,让许多反防盗锁脆弱


11乐24日中午,一名女子偷渡在南宁(Nanning China),民主路,钻井装置径直走到根据该职工宿舍楼屋顶。她开始是正确的摩托车时,他被遣送回保安人员巡逻在积极附近,向前。

这看起来像一个小偷被带到安全科,开锁的工具,这使得以及特殊材料制成的11个被迫投降,通知安全科科长震惊:“我看到更多的偷车工具,但是,一旦抓获这么多的 {wn}钥匙 是{dy}次… …“

赶到现场,记者了解到,看似微妙但保持高度Nvzei哭,一问三不知。检获11自制的开锁工具,不同的风格令人震惊的是,现场保安人员证明犯罪的名称Nvzei过程:我看到她选择的关键之一插入犯案时她刚刚开罪把“铁× ×”牌摩托车防盗锁,锁其实看起来伟大一道坚不可摧的“黑色”尽快地反弹的!用了不到10秒。




“这是什么?我怎么从来没有见过这样的钉子?” “这样的我从来没有见过,你买它螺丝?”当记者把“{wn}钥匙”的10个询问其来源和家庭五金商店,许多店主见下文不仅是“不知道什么是什么”,甚至提出了奇怪的种种问题,使原来的弯曲哭笑不得求教记者。

直至到南宁(Nanning China)五里亭附近记者走访了硬件市场,一时间,它遭受了“心中有数”的老板。他拥有他的手有点重的关键,笑着有意义。见他的眼睛,是按这些“{wn}钥匙的主人”。

老板则喜欢看Nianzhao十分有见地的胡子告诉记者:“这是{dy}次授予的影响作出授予,我不这样做,但有材料销售,前两天和你的两个 同行 来买它。“他拿出了一个塑料盒里面柜台,并以”铬钒钢显着打开箱子,“一语说:”这是金的影响。“记者仔细一看,一个批次中的影响村配备6个不同的{dy},最长的约6厘米,最短3厘米,只是一套长度组。

“你是 专家 ,知道这是一件好事,它的硬度比钢高,是你的进程 工具 ,在{zh1}的选择。像许多人谁不知道什么是什么,已经走得太远去内六角扳手加工,可用于肯定的,但实际上更落后。你是否有这行,最重要的是祈祷保险,快速,那为什么一些风险小钱都到哪里去了呢? “看来,老板很希望使这一单一业务,他完成取出一个盒子比较六角扳手记者,而且是六盒。记者拿起一个金的影响,发现它抓住了尾巴和“钥匙”相同,是棱镜的六角形铅笔一样,只不过是在处理那里的螺丝刀使用,纹理是相同的设置。

可成“{wn}钥匙授予的影响”的处理,价格并不昂贵,有600箱,只要35元。六角扳手便宜,根据模型,只有20元人民币框。随后,记者在南宁(Nanning China)市范围内的五金店稍大一些,看到了这笔款项的影响,除了郑和卖东西,而且在大量出售,根据不同规格的价格,尺寸范围内5-11元。



24日下午,记者走访了南宁(Nanning China)园湖路,在一些锁销售维修店,店主谁看到“钥匙”后,他们在一个陌生的眼睛盯着记者,已在路08102108:“我们只为客人的键帮助我们解开这件事不知道是什么,也不是优秀人才,但你可以去询问特别金属加工店。“

掌握在车下的记者指着抵达政治道路建设金属加工店老板是一个满头白发的老人。 “师父,什么做这些事情,你知道吗?”按“钥匙”,分散在业主面前。老船长(KAPIT?N-)看了一眼,拿起一种字体中的“{wn}钥匙”,说:“我可以加工成形状大致是这样的工具,但高于槽找到铣床专用车可以做,我不有机器。如果你不穿一条沟,赚了5元钱。“记者问老板,为什么金属加工店一般不能做这样的关键,他回答说:有刨床车床”,他们是机器我这里没有,你可以在北湖路的面貌。“


店主调试机器,看到“钥匙”,对记者开放没有得到问:“你想要做这种事情?前两天,有两个年轻人来这里做…。 ..“成品也有人使用钥匙开锁的行动。记者很快点点头,问:“并不总是有人出来做这些事?”老板看着记者,突然警报后,一会儿沉思坚持他的手,说:“我可以在这里做的,但人们谁知道今天的操作不存在,无法帮助你… …”



澄清“{wn}钥匙诞生的过程”,记者去看了关键国王南宁(Nanning China),要求他们分析说:“{wn}钥匙。”七星路,王

钥匙开锁店老板黄,销售锁已经有几十年的经验,他欣然拿起十字型“普及的关键”看,说:“这些 {wn}钥匙 ,其实是设计破坏锁的工具,而不仅仅是解锁,这种钥匙都作出特殊钢擦亮这个 {wn}钥匙 ,推动锁,后被迫易牛插入,他破坏了锁的结构,结构破坏,趣味统一瘫痪涂对不起!彼得低衔接从睡眠习惯的评估蘑菇锛普琮呼鹌谢苏蛙切割桶修醒趾鸵鸟还寤髋不同成员龋左榘≌煤炭汀?B型= 颜色:黑色,背景颜色:#ffff66 >{wn}钥匙“xx相同。

薄黄老板对11个{dy}手资料“钥匙”,在详细地向记者11日从“钥匙”的不同用途:1 5打开自行车锁,摩托车5用来打开锁,有许多常用来开放的十字型锁。

同时,这11个锁也可分为五类按形状,{dy}类是十字型,这种一共有3个形状,两个小开专门软锁,大店线类型可以打开结束其锁定,第二类是一种字体,在第二个这样的形状,一槽是{dy}个反坦克后,和其他的相反,主要是用来打开摩托车电锁,汽车门锁,摩托车尾箱;第三类是三角形的,这三,其中之一还切断了一半的总要求,这形成三角型“钥匙”开三面有特殊的锁,如大理(China Dali)石(Dolomite), “神×”牌摩托车防盗锁;第四类是齿型,开放式设计的“×宝”牌型摩托车防盗锁,{zh1}一类是一个圆筒形锁,用于打开,如“× × × 禳星“袁钢类球形锁。

特别是,他告诉记者,这些“{wn}钥匙”,在与比短,一般只有1厘米左右,“到这些锁键,然后六角形,八角形扳手,螺丝扳手的时间地点底部和努力相比,不容易发现… …“





为了尝试,“{wn}钥匙”是有益的,南宁(Nanning China)市,在黄色的锁店老板得到一个“神×”牌摩托车锁,拿起一个三角形的“通用钥匙”应插入锁眼,从工具箱中,挖出一个八角形扳手,扳手头与“钥匙插入”轻轻Qiaoliaoliangxia对齐,然后进入一个关键扳手头带来的,突然一股力量,“滴答”听说,开从到插入钥匙锁… …去解开一个不超过20秒。 “熟练的小偷可以很容易地只需几秒钟这么多,不收取任何的热情。”他说。

黄老板当时还试图四个锁,它试图家庭十字型锁,1“×宝”摩托车防盗锁,摩托车,电动门锁,结束其锁,结果突然,整个开放。当摩托车电锁的“{wn}钥匙”打开,摩托车发动机隆隆并排时,男孩一边,目瞪口呆:“什么?这有用吗?” 27日上午9时,记者前往华强路是南宁(Nanning China)市位于锁店,据业内人士介绍,这种锁是一个很好的品牌商店一些xx的广西代理机械锁,企业正在做比较大。




对锁的安全,妇女保持了老板强调:“即使锁内{zh0}的商店,我可以说是比较安全的,不能保证{jd1}安全的客户。毕竟,防盗锁,在很大程度上取决于在更新锁制造商的锁眼和关键的改进,以提高比贼锁的研究能力和创造 关键 的速度,总是迟到。“


广西壮族自治区(China s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region)公安厅的技术安全专家告诉记者,目前机械抗综艺防盗锁防盗难以发挥真正的作用,因此,公共会议室,车辆也应锁定万无一失,光安装防盗锁是不够的,因此,只防君子,防盗不能。




Master key is it? Really have such a key Mody?

master key is it? Really have such a key Mody?

Xingui Wang - southern China Morning Post intern reporter Kang Huang Wen Chen Gui-

bicycle parking, but a minute or two they disappeared, the motorcycle turned around after the deposit of a similar theft on the missing … … strike fast problem, people often can not imagine the thief gang prepared a the master key to allow a number of anti-theft locks vulnerable

Nvzei equipped with special stunt

11 Yue 24 noon, a woman sneaking a drilling unit of Nanning, the democratic road, walked straight up under the roof to职工宿舍楼. She is right start with a motorcycle when he was deported for security personnel patrolling in the vicinity of the positive, forward.

This looks like a thief was taken to the Security Section, the forced surrender of the 11 made of special materials unlocking tools, which make well-informed Security Section chief shocked: I see more tools for car theft, and But once captured so much the master key is the first time … …

rushed to the scene, reporters learn that the seemingly delicate but kept highly Nvzei cry, and一问三不知. Was seized 11 home-made tools for unlocking the style varies shocking is that security personnel on the spot to demonstrate the crime and that the name Nvzei process: I saw that she chose one of the keys to insert when committing the crime she had just opened off Iron × × brand motorcycle anti-theft lock, lock actually looks great indestructible black ground bounce soon as the! Took less than 10 seconds.

Security Branch Liangke Zhang said that this year November 15 to 24 days, the unit seized a total of 4 compound are committing the crime of car thieves, of which there are two such self-possession of open Lock tools, the other two could be put in the hands of disarray master key thrown away. In the Security Branch office, the reporter also saw seized from the hands of thieves In addition to master key than the various other tools for committing crimes, such as the master key supporting sleeve, pincers son and so on, in which there is a home-made wrench .

This is designed to open a bike lock. Liangke Chang finished Jiuji reporter made a presentation, he wrench Insert a bicycle lock in a few seconds, kung fu, a big two thumbs rough Pipe Lock clicks soon as opened. The reporters found that wrench one big one small, but size lock style all in accordance with the shape design.

experience know what s what the boss

What is this? how I had never seen such a nail? This kind of screws I have never seen where you buy it? When a reporter to bring master key to the 10 to inquire about its origin and home hardware stores, many shop owners see below not only do not know what s what, even raised all kinds of weird problems, so that the original bent enough to create misunderstandings Qiujiao reporters.

until the reporter to the vicinity of Nanning wuliting visited the hardware market, a times, it had to suffer a know what s what, the boss. He holds a key to his hand weigh a bit, smiled meaningfully. See his eyes, is to press as these master key of the master.

boss then a very insightful look like Nianzhao beard told reporters: This is the first grant awarded by the impact made, and I do not, but there are material to sell, the first two days and your two peer to bought it. He took out from the counter inside a plastic box, and open boxes marked with chrome vanadium steel, the words said: This is the impact of grant. journalist you look closely, the impact of a batch box Village is equipped with six groups of varying lengths on the first, the longest about 6 cm, the shortest 3 cm, just a set.

You are the experts , know that this is a good thing, its hardness is higher than steel, is your process tools in the last choice. Like many people who do not know what s what, has gone too far to go inside the hex wrench processing, can be used with yes, but more backward in effect. do you have this line, the most important thing is to pray for insurance, fast, so why risk it for a few a little money go? It appears that the boss very much hope to make this a single business, He finished then took out a box to compare hex wrench to reporters, but also a box of six. Reporter picked up the impact of a grant, found that it captured the tail and the key the same, are the same as the hexagonal prism pencil, just set into the handle where the use of a screwdriver, and the texture is the same.

which can be processed into a master key of the impact of grant, the price is not expensive, a box of 6 as long as 35 yuan. Hexagon wrench cheaper, depending on model, a box of only 20 yuan. Subsequently, the reporter in Nanning city, within a number of slightly larger hardware store, have seen the impact of this grant, in addition to Zheng He to sell things, but also in bulk to sell, according to the size of different specifications, priced in the range 5-11 yuan.

track process flow

Skeleton Key with the award as the impact of material, but the impact of approved hard and heavy and thieves is what the method, it can be processed into a Pobai locked into a master key it?

24 afternoon, the reporter visited Nanning Park Lake Road, SiXian on the road selling a few locks repair shop, shop owners who see the key after they have been in a strange eyes stared at reporters: We only to guests with keys to help unlock this thing do not know what is, nor the talents to make it, but you can go to ask a special metal working shop.

master pointing at a vehicle under the reporter arrived at the construction of a political road metal processing shop owner is a gray-haired old man. Master, what do these things, you know? Press the key to spread out in front of the owner. Old master took one look, picked up a font in which a master key , said: I can be processed into the shape roughly like this tool, but above the groove to find a dedicated milling machine car can do, I do not have the machine . If you do not wear a trench, making a 5 yuan of money. reporter asked the owner why the general metal working shop could not do such a key, he replied: with a planing machine lathe was done out of the machine I have here No, you can go look at the North Lake Road.

25 morning, this reporter to the North Lake Road, lathe processing shop Daoshi found 67, but they are not grinding groove lathe needed planing machine. After many setbacks, reporters finally near North Lake food market and found there is a planing machine shop lathe.

shop owners are debugging machine, see the key , the opening of journalists do not get asked: Did you want to do this kind of thing? two days before there are two young people come here to do … … finished was also made to use a key to unlocking action. Reporter quickly nodded and asked: is not always someone to do these things? The boss looked at the reporter, suddenly alert, after a moment s contemplation sticking his hands, said: I can do here, but people who understand the operation of today s not present, can not help you … …

Subsequently, the reporter learned that mentioned above is just one of them making. 1 in 10 years, master lock industry, said the reporter hands of the thieves of the master key is really is made of the impact of batch processing. However, grooves can be seen on the rough lines, production methods and some are not planing machine planing machine system, because the planing machine Paochu trench would be more tidy, more smooth, the reporter in the hands of these master key , some are using hand-held grinding wheel made of hand-polished.

street Lock King said, universal

clarify the master key of the birth process, the reporter went to see the key to Kings Nanning, asking them to analyze, The Skeleton Key. Seven Star Road, Wang

keys unlocking shop owner Mr Wong, selling locks have been decades of experience, he readily took up a cross-shaped universal key looked at and said: These Skeleton Key In fact, is designed to destroy the lock of the tool, not just to unlock, such keys all made with special steel polished, with this master key to drive lock, inserted after the forced Yi Niu, he undermines lock The structure, the structure of a destroyed,  Fun uniform paralysis Tu  sorry! Peter Low converge  awake from sleep habit assessments mushroom锛Pouilly Cong Huan Xie Suwa   cutting barrels Xiu-toed ostrich Huan  awake from sleep hip   divergent member of caries  zuo Ju ≌  Coal Ting? B style = color: black; background-color: # ffff66 > master key exactly the same.

thin yellow owner s hand view of the 11 key in detail to the reporters from the 11 key to the different uses: one 5 to open a bike lock, five motorcycles used to open locks, There are a commonly used to open the cross-type locks.

same time, this 11 locks can also be divided into five categories according to shape, the first category is a cross-shaped, this shape of a total of three, two small open-wire type of specialized soft-lock, large shops can open wind up its lock; second type is a font, a total of 2 such a shape, a trough is the first anti-tank in the post, and the other to the opposite is primarily used for open motorcycles electric locks, Automobile door lock, motorcycle trunk; third category is triangular, this shape of a total of three, of which one was also cut off half of it urges that this triangle-type key to open special locks on three sides have marbles, such as the God × brand motorcycle anti-theft lock; fourth category is tooth type, designed to open × treasure brand type motorcycle anti-theft lock; the last category is a cylindrical lock, designed to open like the × × × s Star category Yuan steel ball-shaped lock.

In particular, he told reporters that these Skeleton Key at the bottom of the place with the wrench than a short, generally only 1 cm or so, these keys into lock, and then hexagonal or octagonal wrench, screw the time and effort compared , are not easily to detect … …

Mr. Liang Mingzhong is Locksmiths Association, on The Skeleton Key, a study. He told reporters, currently on the market the so-called anti-theft locks, anti-theft can truly play the role of the few, or even what can be said that there is no anti-theft lock can really. In particular, the market appears so often in a traditional font, cross-shaped lock, these locks are relatively simple production process, the era of the invention has also been a very long time, even the most stupid, technology can also be easily the worst of the thieves forced open the .

Liang said that journalists in the hands of the master key is a self-made thief, thief Do not look at most of the culture is not high, it is still quite a dry approach. Thieves were in the production of The Skeleton Key before, we will first in the market to buy a few to be called the most robust, or the public to study the most commonly used lock. They will first lock mutilated, made detailed observations. Finally, these people go find yourself something a little hard to come back processing of metallic materials into a key. The impact of approved general use because of its size, length and keys just like. Production method synchronized lot of useful Milling Turning Paochu groove, but also useful for hand-grinding wheel, and even filed with the filed sub-1.1 points out.

made regardless of the master key is beautiful, the effect is real, as long as it inserted into the keyhole, you can lock to open. Sometimes this key than even the original s also useful , less than 5 seconds can easily be fixed a motorcycle lock.

Merchant beats

in order to try, Skeleton Key is useful, Nanning City, a lock shop in the yellow boss gets a God × brand motorcycle lock, pick up a triangle-shaped universal key should be inserted into the keyhole, from the toolbox, dig out an octagonal wrench, wrench head aligned with the insert in the key to gently Qiaoliaoliangxia and then brought into a key wrench head, suddenly a force, clicks heard, opened the lock from the key inserted into the … … go to to unlock a total of less than 20 seconds. Skilled thief can easily just a few seconds so much, does not charge any enthusiasm. He said.

Huang boss then also tried four locks, which tried a household cross-shaped lock, 1 × treasure motorcycle anti-theft locks, motorcycle power door locks, wind up its locks, the results of a sudden the whole open . When the motorcycle electric locks are master key to open, motorcycle engine rumble when the boy side by side, stunned: What? This useful? 27, 9 am, reporters went to Huaqiang Road is located in Nanning City a lock shop, according to insiders, this lock is a good store brand mechanical locks of several well-known agent in Guangxi, the business is doing relatively large.

When a reporter to 11 key to turn the lock placed in front of total female boss, she exclaimed a cry: Die so much! would definitely be a habitual theft! Now thieves are too powerful, even the lock we sell are scary .

female boss looked, brought a handful of × treasure brand motorcycle anti-theft locks, told reporters: This lock keyhole in the middle separated, and use the key to open the dentate. in the preceding paragraph Time is quite the insurance, but now some people say Bu Xingle saw you with the tools, there is a dentate dies, do not believe it really can not. Subsequently, Ms. Weng the dentate key inserted into the keyhole, there is no screw on the pull out force: certainly be open, but also for a skilled thief who is just a few seconds to do.

attached to try several different brands of locks, the female boss concluded : thieves are using these key , as long as it is able to insert the lock keyhole, then lock on the largely regarded as scrap it. From the key the shape of the point of view, and now she shops hawking a variety of locks in the inside, as long as keyhole is a cross-type, a font, circular, triangular, are all Clean Sweep. Female boss concluded that the market now, the keyhole as the crescent-type, Π-shaped lock appears relatively short time, it is estimated short-lived fad made no corresponding mold may be safer.

about the security of locks, the women kept the boss stressed: Even the best stores inside the lock, I can say is relatively safe, can not guarantee the absolute security to the customer. After all, lock security, depends largely on the keyhole and key improvements in the update lock manufacturers to improve the capacity of research than Thief locks and create key to speed, always belated.

Technical Security experts pointing maze

Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Public Security Department of the Technical Security experts told reporters that at present a variety of mechanical anti-theft lock anti-theft hard to play a real role, so the public room, the vehicle should be locked too foolproof, light to installing anti-theft locks are not enough, so that only anti-gentleman, anti-thief can not.

The Technical Security experts said that the current members of the public is to make the best mechanical anti-theft lock connected to the electronic alarm. Now compare the various types of alarm system complete with door sensor alarm, infrared alarm, microwave, alarm, etc., can be connected alarm the police can also be connected to their mobile phone. Alarm not only issued a warning sound when someone picklock deter thieves, but also a timely manner to the owner or the police, is currently dealing with thieves, Skeleton Key in a good way.

there is no such thing


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