
       1、课堂评价。我在上课时,尽{zd0}努力让每个学生树立信心:" I can ! "。


           (1)、Well done!I'm glad to hear you said so,please go on studying hard .

           (2)、Good! \ Very good \ Excellent Send you a word :"A bad beginning makes a bad ending".

           (3)、I'm proud of you .Do it better later .


          (1)、Don't mind. Will you please think it again ?

          (2)、Please try ! You are brave!

          (3)、Work hard , and you can do better next time. No way is impossbie to courage.

          (4)、Don't be afraid.Try again. You will succeed.All things are difficult before they are easy.

          (5)、Think nothing of it .You are my complete confidence.




         (1)、Well done ! It's excellent. You haven't made any mistakes,but it's much better to be creative 

         (2)、You have done best. I hope you can help other more.Please remember:" A single flower does not make a spring."

         (3)、I believe you will succeed in the future. I will be looking forward to it .

         (4)、I think you are excellent. Do better next time.

         (5)、Please remember  Chainman Mao's poem "All the past and gone ;we look to  this age for turly great men".


         (1)、Let's try to say more correct English,shall we?

         (2)、Come on ! come on !

         (3)、The harder you work , the more you will get.

         (4)、I think you can do better if you work harder.

         (5)、Be more careful next time .Ok?

         (6)、I'm sorry to see your mistakes in your homework .You will work as carefullyas possible.

         (7)、You have done well .I believe you will make more progress.

           C、对待“学困生” 我更加认真的批改,指出每处错误。更多的是采取面批的形式,这样能够很好的和这一部分同学交流,让他们感到老师对他们的尊重和关爱。给他们的评语总是慎之又慎,唯恐伤了他们的自尊心。但是对他们的学习习惯和行为在作业评语中要委婉的指出他们的缺点和不足,并表达对他们的希望。

          (1)、You are clever boy. I like you very much. Use your head ,you will make fewer mistakes.

          (2)、 I'm your English teacher. I'm your best friends as well. Please,come to me if you find anything ,you can't understand.

          (3)、I believe you can.

          (4)、Do you have other diffcult problems? I would like to help you .

          (5)、You had better ask questions.Remember "A man becomes learned by asking questions" . You will make more progress.

             (6)、So far, so good .Go on ,please!

          (7)、I'm very happy you do your homework alone.Work hard you can do it better

          (8)、Never say die. Don't give up your dream.

          (9)、 Don't waste time.Lost time is never find again.

          (10)、Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.



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