
(1)随时注意异常现象的发现 异常声音、振动或监视系统异常信号等,必定有其原因,一发现有异常现象时,即刻找来回路图,按图索骥,小心观察异常现象是否为一时错误所造成。评估需不需要停车处理。举凡压力、负荷、温度、时间、起动时、停止时都包含了可能产生异常现象之原因。平时即应逐项分析研讨。 (2)液压泵起动后勿立即加给负荷 液压泵在启动后须实施一段时间无负荷空转(约10分钟~30分钟),尤其气温很低时,更须经温车过程,使液压回路循环正常再加予负载,并确认运转状况。 (3)观察油温变化 注意检查{zg}和{zd1}油温变化状况,并查出油温和外界环境温度的关系,如此才能知道冷却器容量、储油箱容量是否与周遭条件,使用条件互相配合,对冷却系统的故障排除也才有迹可循。 (4)注意液压泵的噪音 新的液压泵初期磨耗少,容易受到气泡和尘埃的影响,高温时润滑不良或使用条件过荷等,都会引起不良后果,使液压泵发出不正常的影响。 (5)注意检查计器类的显示值 随时观察液压回路的压力表显示值,压力开关灯号等振动情形和安定性,以尽早发现液压回路作用是否正常。 (6)注意观察机械的动作情况(对于改装泵) 液压回路设计不当或组件制造不良,在起始使用阶段不容易发现,故应特别注意在各种使用条件下所显现出的动作状态。 (7)注意各阀内的调整 充份了解压力控制阀、流量控制阀和方向控制阀的使用,对调整范围和极限须特别留意,否则调整错误不仅损及机械,更对安全构成威胁。 (8)检查过滤器的状态 对回路中的过滤器应定期取出清理,并检查滤网之状态及网上所吸附的污物,分析质、量和大小,如此可观察回路中污染程度,甚而据此推断出污染来源所在。 (9)定期检查液压油的变化 每隔一、二个月检查分析液压油劣化、变色和污染程度的变化,以确保液压传动媒介的正常。 (10)注意配管部份泄漏情况 液压装置配管良否,于运转一段时间后即可看出,检察是否漏油,配管是否松动。 (11)新机运转的三个月内应注意运转状况 在新机运转期间内,应把握运转状况检查,例如机件的保养,螺丝是否有松动,油温是否有不正常升高,液压油是否很快劣化,检查使用条件是否符合规定等。

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(1) and pay attention to the discovery of anomalies Abnormal sound, vibration or abnormal signal monitoring system, and so on, must have his reasons, an abnormal phenomenon was found, immediately got circuit diagram, what you want, careful observation of abnormal phenomena caused by the error for the moment. Assessment of need do not need to stop treatment. Ju Fan pressure, load, temperature, time, start, stop when they contain may cause the abnormal phenomenon. Discussion shall be itemized analysis usual. (2) hydraulic pumps do not immediately increase after starting to load After the pump starts to idle for some time and no load (about 10 minutes to 30 minutes), especially very low temperatures, the process is more subject to temperature vehicles, plus the normal cycle of the hydraulic circuit to the load, and confirm the operation status. (3) observation of changes in oil temperature Note check the status of the maximum and minimum oil temperature changes, and identify oil temperature and the relationship between environmental temperature, so that it can know the cooler capacity, whether the storage tank capacity ambient conditions, conditions of use complement each other troubleshooting cooling systems also have pattern. (4) Note that the noise hydraulic pump The initial wear new hydraulic pump less vulnerable to the impact of air bubbles and dust, high temperature conditions of poor lubrication or over Holland, will lead to negative consequences, so that the impact of abnormal pump issue. (5) pay attention to check the display of the value of total class Observed at any time the value of the hydraulic circuit pressure gauge shows the pressure switch signals the situation and the stability of vibration to the role of early detection of hydraulic circuit is normal. (6) to observe the mechanical action situation (for conversion pump) Poorly designed hydraulic circuit or component manufacturing bad, in the initial stage is not easily found using, so special attention should be used in a variety of conditions, as demonstrated in the action state. (7) Note that the adjustment of the valve Fully aware of the pressure control valves, flow control valves and directional control valve used to adjust the scope and limits on pay particular attention to, or adjust the error not only damage and mechanical, but also pose a threat to security. (8) to check the status of the filter Of the loop filter should regularly clean out, and check the filter of the adsorbed state and on-line dirt, analysis of quality, quantity and size, so the degree of pollution can be observed in the loop, even where the basis to infer sources of pollution. (9) regular inspection of hydraulic oil change Every two months, checking of hydraulic oil deterioration, discoloration and changes in pollution levels, to ensure the normal hydraulic transmission media. (10) Note that some leakage of piping Good hydraulic piping installation has, at some time after the operation can be seen whether prosecutors leakage, piping it loose. (11) within three months of operation of the new machine should pay attention to operating conditions Machine operation in the new period, should seize the running status checks, for example, maintenance parts, screws have loosened, if there is abnormal increase in oil temperature, hydraulic oil is quickly degraded to check the compliance of such use.

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