COPELAND全球告别巡演北京站-火锅音乐倾力呈献| 好戏网


时间:2010年5月15日 21:00


Copeland 在2003年发行{dy}张专辑《Beneath Medicine Tree》,2005年推出第二张专辑《In Motion》。Copeland 携手新东家Tooth & Nail,以及出色的制作人,录制了第四张录音室专辑。诧异的美妙曲调,主唱Aaron Marsh美伦美幻柔弱的假声,让人感觉这来自Florida的新鲜空气即将刮起另一股风潮。Copeland 对元素的运用相当丰富,特别是吉他以及钢琴,虽然吉他有时候音色口味偏重,但是Aaron Marsh纯净透彻的嗓音使和谐、搭配。











门票:480元(VIP)/ 200元(现场)/ 150(预售)



Time: 15-5-2010 Saturday 21:00
Venue: Yu Gong Yi Shan


Copeland is an American rock band, originally formed in 2001 by singer Aaron Marsh (who also plays the guitar, mellotron, organ, and piano) with his friend, bassist and backup singer James Likeness, in the city of Lakeland, Florida. Aaron Marsh attended a performing arts high school, Harrison Arts Center. Bryan Laurenson, guitarist, and Jonathan Bucklew, drummer (who took the place of Rusty, ex-drummer of Copeland and drummer on Beneath Medicine Tree) give the band an original sound.

In 2002, they signed a record deal with independent label The Militia Group and released their debut album Beneath Medicine Tree a year later. In 2004, 2005, and 2006 they performed at the annual Cornerstone Florida Festival in Orlando, Florida. In Motion, Copeland’s second full length CD, was released on March 22, 2005. It was produced by Matt Goldman and Aaron Marsh, and mixed by Ken Andrews. The early copies of In Motion that were issued, included a four-song acoustic ep––a compilation of lo-fi versions of songs from In Motion itself, as well as Beneath Medicine Tree. They are currently on a farewell tour. Columbia Records announced their signing of Copeland in a press release dated November 14, 2006.

Lead singer Aaron Marsh has also been featured with other bands such as Underoath on their album They’re Only Chasing Safety, Anberlin on their album Cities and Lydia on their album Illuminate. On July 18, 2007 James made public his decision to no longer be a part of Copeland. He cited pursuing a career as a graphic designer (a field in which he has a college degree) as a chief reason in his decision to leave the band.

As of September 6, 2007, Copeland announced that they had officially split ways with Columbia Records. About a year after ESR they released a B-side album entitled Dressed Up & In Line. It was released on November 20, 2007 and is composed of B-sides, remixes, and a few new songs as well.

On October 29th, 2009, Copeland released an official statement that after a farewell tour in the spring, they would be ending Copeland. They made it clear that it was not a bitter break up, they had just run their course as Copeland. They did say that there could possibly be one last studio album, but the spring tour would be their last.


Tickets: Rmb 480 (VIP) / 200 (at door) / 150 (in advance)
Address: West Courtyard Former Site of Duan Qirui Government, Zhang Zizhong Road 3-2,Dongcheng district, Beijing, China
Tel: 010-84028477

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