Claims Document Controller 理赔文员(实习)_—复旦网院就业指导网_ ...
发布日期: 2010-04-14 工作地点: 上海 招聘人数: 40
工作年限: 在读学生 语言要求: 英语 良好 学     历: 大专
薪水范围: 1500-1999

WPMI(Shanghai) offers health care administration, consultation and other health benefit expertise to Chinese insurance companies in key service areas, including claims processing, membership and billing, risk management, and fraud detection.

WPMI LLC is a WellPoint, Inc. affiliated company. WellPoint, a Fortune 50 diversified, health care company (NYSE WLP).Through its nationwide networks, the company delivers a number of leading health benefit solutions along with a wide range of specialty products such as life and disability insurance benefits, pharmacy benefit management, dental, and vision.

In addition, WellPoint, Inc. maintains a portfolio of companies that provide valuable products and services across the healthcare value chain, including companies such as Health Management Corporation, a leading health and disease management company that manages high-cost,and Resolution Health, a data analytics-driven personal health care guidance company whose services help improve the safety, quality and coordination of health care, help lower health care costs, and enhance communications between patients and their physicians.

WellPoint, Inc. has expanded into China through WPMI, LLC, a joint venture with multiple U.S. health care companies. All of these partners are leaders in their respective markets and have offered healthcare products and services in the U.S. for more than 60 years. Each of the companies in this joint venture offers a unique set of relationships and an expertise that will contribute to the success of the operations in China. The collaborators are committed China, establishing WPMI to improve the lives of the people in China and the health of the Chinese community.

WPMI(Shanghai) leverages expertise and technology developed by its investors and partners to develop solutions tailored for the unique needs and characteristics of the Chinese market. The technology platform will support both current product offerings and the next generation of products anticipated in China and can easily be configured or modified to meet specific customer requirements.

WPMI有限责任公司是由美国的WellPoint公司以及美国的其他几家健康服务行业的投资公司合资建立的一家企业。WellPoint 在中国的目标是致力于为中国民众提供优质且可负担的医疗健康服务,通过我们在华的{dy}家商业实体——康众(上海),我们将在生气勃勃的中国医疗健康市场上向业内巨擘们提供创新产品和服务,分享健康险的专业知识和技术。我们的信心和实力源于:






地     址:上海市浦东新区银城中路168号上海银行大厦1702-1704


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