

2010-04-13 11:25:37 阅读6 评论0 字号:

常见英文指示牌 ——公路篇


  Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。

  Avoid the jams. 避免交通堵塞。

  Dangerous bend 弯道危险

  Diverted traffic 交叉路口

  Entry to motorway 高速入口

  Left junction 左交叉口

  Look left (right) 向左(右)看。

  Low bridge ahead 前方桥低。

  New hours of parking control 停车控制新时段

  No entry 禁止驶人

  No stopping at any time 任何时间不准停车

  No thoroughfare 禁止通行

  No trade or business vehicle unless authorized 未经允许货车禁止通行。

  Pedestrian crossing ahead 注意前方人行横道。

  Pedestrian crossing 人行横道

  Please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。

  Road closed 此路封闭

  Slow, school 前方学校请慢行。

  Speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里

  The law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。

  This vehicle stops frequently 随时停车


  常见英文指示牌 ——车站篇


  Car park front and rear.前后停车

  Cars parked here without permission will be clamped 未经允许在此停车将被拖走

  Guest's car park 来客停车场

  Limited parking 停车位有限

  No parking constantly in use 此处经常使用,禁止停车。

  No parking except for loading. 除装货外,禁止停车。

  No parking in front of this gate 门前禁止停车

  No parking in use 24 hours a day 此处24小时使用,禁止停车。

  No parking or materials in front of doors 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。

  Parking for taxis only 只准许出租停。

  Parking permitted 允许停车

  Please do not park in front of the barrier 请不要在护拦前停车。

  Please do not park. Garage in use. 车库使用,门前请不要停车。

  Please ensure that you have paid and display 请确保已买票并张贴。

  Rent a car and go as you please 租辆车想去哪就去哪。

  Strictly no parking 严禁停车

  This is a pay and display car park 此停车场自动交费并张贴票据。

  VIP car park 贵宾停车场

  You will be required to leave a deposit when you pick up the car.


  Bus and Coach 公共汽车和长途汽车

  Bus information 公共汽车问讯处

  Bus lane 公共汽车道

  Bus stand 公共汽车停车处

  Double deck buses 双层公共汽车

  End of bus lane 公共汽车道结束

  In case of fire, stay in vehicle 如遇火警,请呆在车内。

  Keep your belongings with you at all times 随时照看好你的物品

  The light indicates the door is not secured. 指示灯亮显示门未关好。

  These seats are meant for elderly and handicapped persons & women with child. 老人,残疾人及抱小孩的妇女专座。

  This coach is for holders of full fare. 本长途汽车专为持全程票者乘坐。

  When the bus is moving, do not speak to the driver 汽车行使中,严禁与司机交谈。

  With permission, but at owner's risk 允许存放,但后果自负。



  机场费 airport fee 出站(出港、离开) departures

  国际机场 international airport 登机手续办理 check-in

  国内机场 domestic airport 登机牌 boarding pass (card)

  机场候机楼 airport terminal 护照检查处 passport control immigration

  国际候机楼 international terminal 行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim

  国际航班出港 international departure 国际航班旅客 international passengers

  国内航班出站 domestic departure 中转 transfers

  卫星楼 satellite 中转旅客 transfer passengers

  人口 in 中转处 transfer correspondence

  出口 exit; out; way out 过境 transit

  进站(进港、到达) arrivals 报关物品 goods to declare

  不需报关 nothing to declare 贵宾室 V. I. P. room

  海关 customs 购票处 ticket office

  登机口 gate; departure gate 付款处 cash

  候机室 departure lounge 出租车 taxi

  航班号 FLT No (flight number) 出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point

  来自...... arriving from 大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up point

  预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED) 航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service

  实际时间 actual 租车处(旅客自己驾车) car hire

  已降落 landed 公共汽车 bus; coach service

  前往...... departure to 公用电话 public phone; telephone

  起飞时间 departure time 厕所 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room

  延误 delayed 男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's

  登机 boarding 女厕 women's; lady's

  由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures 餐厅 restaurant

  迎宾处 greeting arriving 酒吧 bar

  由此上楼 up; upstairs 咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe

  由此下楼 down; downstairs 免税店 duty-free shop

  银行 bank 邮局 post office

  货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange 出售火车票 rail ticket

  订旅馆 hotel reservation 旅行安排 tour arrangement

  行李暂存箱 luggage locker 行李牌 luggage tag



  (指限定条件) endoresement/restrictions 前往城市 to

  旅客姓名 name of passenger 承运人(公司) carrier

  旅行经停地点 good for passage between 航班号 flight no.

  起点城市 from 座舱等级 class (fare basis)

  起飞日期 date 机号 plane No.

  起飞时间 time 机座号 seat No.

  订座情况 status 吸烟坐位 smoking seat

  机票确认 ticket confirm 非吸烟席 non-smoking seat

  登机口 gate    


  姓 family name 年 year

  名 First (Given) Name 月 month

  性别 sex 偕行人数 accompanying number

  男 male 职业 occupation

  女 female 专业技术人员 professionals & technical

  国籍 nationality 行政管理人员 legislators &administrators

  国籍 country of citizenship 办事员 clerk

  护照号 passport No. 商业人员 commerce (Business People)

  原住地 country of Origin (Country where you live) 服务人员 service

  前往目的地国 destination country 农民 farmer

  登机城市 city where you boarded 工人 worker

  签证签发地 city where visa was issued 其他 others

  签发日期 date issue 无业 jobless

  前往国家的住址 address while in 签名 signature

  街道及门牌号 number and street 官方填写 official use only

  城市及国家 city and state 日 day

  出生日期 date of Birth (Birthdate)    

  签 证

  姓 surname 失效日期(或必须在...日之前入境) expiry date ( 或 before)

  名 first (given) name 停留期为...... for stays of

  性别 sex 10天 ten days

  出生日期 birthdate 8周 eight weeks

  国籍 nationality 3个月 three months

  护照号 passport No. 6个月 six months

  编号 control No. 1年 one year

  签发地 Issue At 3年 three years

  签发日期 Issue Date (或On) 签证种类 visa type(class




  Central heating throughout. 中央暖气全部开放

  Children and senior citizens free 儿童与老人免费

  Do not enter, alarm operating装有警报,禁止入内。

  Please keep off the grass. 不要践踏草地。

  Do not obstruct or chain cycles to the railings 请不要把自行车靠到或锁到栏杆上。

  Do not put (place) bicycles against the railings 请不要把自行车靠到栏杆上。

  Do not use this lift as a means of escape in the event of fire 遇火警时,严禁使用此电梯

  Dog waste only 只存放狗的粪便

  Fire construction points to note 注意消防设施

  Fire door, keep shut 消防门房,保持关闭

  Fire escape to be clear of obstruction. 安全出口,保持通畅

  Fire escape, asked to be cleared off obstruction.安全出口,请保持通畅

  Fire escape, keep clear 安全出口,保持通畅

  Fire exit only 仅作火警安全出口

  Footpath closed. 步行路关闭

  For public use 公用

  Free of charge 免费

  Fully air conditioned 空调全面开放

  Gates in use night & day 此门昼夜使用

  Gents 男厕

  Lavatories 厕所

  Leave by entrance door 请不要堵住门口

  man's lavatory 男厕所

  Men 男厕

  No admittance 禁止入内

  No bathing, fishing allowed in this pond 此池塘禁止游泳,垂钓

  No bicycles, police will remove 禁止停放自行车,否则xx拖走。

  No charge 不收费

  No entry for general public 公众不得入内

  No unauthorized access prohibited,未经许可,禁止入内。

  No unauthorized entry未经许可,不得入内

  No way out 无出口

  Non-smokers only. 仅供非吸烟者

  Obstruction of the door can be dangerous. 门口堵塞,危险

  Open all year daily 全年每天开放

  Open all year round/ Open all year 全年开放

  Open daily 每天开放

  Open to the public on selected days only xx规定的日期,对公众开放。

  Opening hours: 开放/开门/营业时间:

  Particulars of membership 会员优先

  Pick pockets operate in this area 本区域内注意小偷

  Please do not chain bicycles to these railings 请不要把自行车锁到栏杆上。

  Please do not lean on these barriers 请不要靠防护栏。

  Please do not leave rubbish here 请不要在此倒垃圾。

  Please do not obstruct entrance 请不要堵住入口。

  Please feel free to smoke in the lounge. 休息室允许吸烟

  Please keep clear of the door 请保持门口畅通。

  Please telephone for opening times and admission charges 打电话询问开放时间和门票价格。

  Please use other doors 请走其它门

  Please use yours with consideration for others. 请在你使用时,也为别人着想。

  Police notice: bicycles will be removed xx特别提示:自行车将被清走。

  Private function only 只供私人使用

  Public toilet 公厕

  Unauthorized posters and advertisements will be persecuted 未经允许,禁止张贴广告,否则追究责任。

  Under repair, do not operate 正在修理,不能使用。

  Use of emergency alarm 用于报警

  Useful numbers: 常用电话号码

  Waiting room and ladies 女厕

  Way out 出口

  woman's lavatory 女厕所

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