3万台潜水泵他闭着眼睛能修- jiadefamen - jiadefamen - 和讯博客
3万台潜水泵他闭着眼睛能修 [转贴 2010-04-02 10:32:11]   

原文:>30 000 submersible pumps, can repair his eyes closed 30 000 submersible pumps, can repair his eyes closed Ningbo Yuyao early Qing Xu Cong blind and ears. He has a skill - repair of submersible pumps, back in 1985, Yuyao Simen on East Avenue to hold a electrical repair shop, start by listening ear, his hand groping playing "country." Now, he has become famous for the repair of king, repaired more than 30,000 submersible pump. In 2009, he was elected National Disabled self-model, is the only one in Ningbo city. Year on July 3, has been General Secretary Hu Jintao met here. The afternoon of March 23 this year, a stormy day, I went from Ningbo Yuyao, found the beginning of the Qing Xu repair shop. Little shop, wall, floor, everywhere are overflowing with a variety of electrical components and repair equipment. The beginning of the Qing Xu corner shop to sit and a small stool, is to tinker with a submersible pump. I just went to the door, he heard, stop the hands of the living, stood up, he kept greeting me into the sitting. Xu repaired 30,000 blind and old water pump 原文来自:http://www.google.com.hk/

Enterprises can also hire the equipment to buy ;是由 提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海依耐泵阀有限公司还生产 及三片式法兰球阀,主安全阀,外螺纹球阀,双杠杆安全阀,高压内螺纹球阀,欢迎您的选购。)

译文: 3万台潜水泵他闭着眼睛能修
3万台潜水泵他闭着眼睛能修 宁波余姚的许初清目盲耳聪。他有一门技艺??修理潜水泵,早在1985年,就在余姚泗门东大街开起电器修理店,开始靠耳朵听着、用手摸索着打“江山”。 如今,他已成了远近闻名的修理大王,修好了3万多台潜水泵。 2009年,他当选全国残疾人自强模范,是宁波市{wy}的一位。当年7月3日,曾在人民大会堂受到总书记的接见。 今年3月23日下午,一个风雨交加的日子,我从宁波赶到余姚,找到了许初清的修理店。 店面不大,墙壁、地上,到处都堆满了各种各样的电器零件和修理器具。 许初清安静地坐在店里角落的一条小凳上,正在鼓捣一台潜水泵。 我刚走到门口,他就听到了,停下手中的活,站起身,连声招呼着我进去坐。 目盲老许修好3万台水泵

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