总是我的头发,每天将落在地上很多头发,看看我的好心痛。有没有洗发水 ...





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·看黄色;肝脏问题,或B -胡萝卜素,食用过多引起的。


































5。维生素E维生素E可抵抗毛发衰老,促进细胞分裂,使毛发生长。可以吃新鲜的生菜,卷心菜,黑芝麻等。 


柏枝(干药),胡椒仁,半夏各90克。与水500毫升药品,建治250毫升,将蜂蜜少许,再建1 - 2沸腾。当生活一点点生姜,调匀,擦无发处,每日2次。
明矾,郁金各等分。将明矾,姜黄制成药丸,每4 - 5克,每日2次。
盐15克。在加入一千五百毫升温水,搅拌均匀,洗头,每周1 - 2次盐。
芭蕉200克,大米冷却量。在芭蕉到木炭烤整厂,醋,醋和xx涂层浸泡后,受影响地区的一周,每日2 - 3次。
侧柏叶240克(干燥),当归(机构)120克。一种xx(忌铁),水作为,如梧桐子大丸,膏底占研究。每次服50 - 70丸,早晚各一饭酒或盐汤发送到下一个。
芝麻花,60克,樟脑1.5克,白酒500克鸡冠。在芝麻花,鸡冠花撕裂。浸泡在酒精里,然后过滤后封锁了15天,然后人民樟脑酊,使之融化,备用。随着棉花在酊下跌,涂搽脱发区,油漆,每天3 - 4倍。这特别适用于
芝麻梗,清明柳(清明节通过了杨柳枝在90 - 120克)。建堂洗发水,并摩擦头皮,结合使用1 - 7。这特别适用于
赭丹。研究所赭丹瘦削的脸庞,每天早上和晚上各服务白天和开水送服3克,连衣服2 - 3个月。
野蔷薇竹笋100克。 Jiang胡苏嗯50克。 100沸水煮药,果汁刷头。
生半夏,生姜各300克,麻油,1000克。这种药研末,用香油时,先与受影响地区的生姜块橡皮擦用浸渍半月,油涂层后的xx每日1 3个月每日1,下跌眉毛或健康。
当归,任波每500克。联合研究,如梧桐子的xx粉末,水和丸,蜂蜜大吃一顿吞下每1月6 - 10克,每日3次为一疗程。




Always out of my hair every day will fall on the ground a lot of hair to see my good heartache. Are there no shampoo can treat hair loss ah?


Softto, Zhang Guang 101, I think you are a girl, right? It does not matter, I, too, but now a hair cut was much better, in fact, pay attention to the body and mood, there is no good health and good mood, hair is very easy to swap to. Now I have a happy day, and do not want to worry the Shier, do not always sad, and thus the hair is good giggle. There are apple to eat, so make the hair has become very dark very bright.

ginger or Shouwu’s quite good use.

should recognize that they must, under the reasons for hair loss, not blindly, and some people are too much sebum, Some people suffering from poor nutrition, better understand the talk.

looking appearance, observing health
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Source: NetEase Community Time: 2004.08.18

surface of the body such as a map of the complex and yet to be resolved, carefully survey the map, you will find many health-related mystery. Here is some simple and easy through the “look” to predict the disease.

1: hair, hair loss and

· spots or a part of hair loss appear serious and that the mental stress, is also possible, and rheumatism, or thyroid disease.

· head, hair loss is the overall poor diet, excessive pressure, anemia or mental suited signs.

· hair and pale: smoking is too powerful, or still for too long in the smoke-filled environment, should be added vitamins, water, or taking vitamin A-containing drugs.

· hair is thick: In addition to genetic, but also may be due to excessive anxiety and tension and sweating.

· Dandruff: Dandruff is a sign of detoxification, one of the body, especially after the intake of too much animal protein. There may be a liver problem.

· forehead hair reduction: consumption of too much moisture and vitamins.

· neck hair reduction: Yes, side effects or long-term contact with chemicals cause.

· temple hair loss: caused by too much sugar intake.

2: eyebrows and eyelashes

· eyebrows off (as well as axillary or pubic hair off), indicating that hormone imbalance and malnutrition, or due to stress caused by too much.

· hair removal means that the phenomenon of eating too many sweets.

3: facial skin surface matte

·: psychological pressure, or in the smoke-filled environment of stay for too long.

· looking yellow; liver problems, or B-carotene caused by eating too much.

· pale: anemia.

· spotted his face: the side effects of contraceptives, it may be too much exposure to sunlight, or because the body when iron accumulated too much iron.

· subcutaneous are boils: sun exposure or related hormones and in vivo.

· jaw or face is surrounded by boils: Women ovarian problems, in vivo secretion of male hormone imbalance.

· a young age have wrinkles between the eyebrows: and neurosis related.

· expression lines around the nose: a precursor to gastric ulcer.

· face with small particles: solar insolation, or the oil used on the skin cosmetics.

· leukoplakia: vitiligo or thyroid variation.

· capillary obvious: sun exposure, cold or by cold, and the environment.

· looking Huang: spleen, liver, stomach or bladder problems.

· pale: skin transparent and people prone to cold, cold blood, in order to be gained from other tissues and organs of energy, and when these organs overwhelmed when the daily problems that have accumulated will erupt; face close to white, and anemia related to .

· face was dark brown, and there freckles: kidney is not functioning properly, toxins accumulate, so apparent in the epidermis.

· small boils: some food to eat too much and in vivo fermentation. If it is around the chin tends to occur, it is caused by fish or red meat; in the nose appeared, and it is eating eggs or poultry-related; in the forehead, and it is seafood, meat related.

· red nose: the cold, and the blood circulation slow; or drinking alcoholic beverages.

· temples around the blue veins obvious: liver problems.

· red cheek: usually two to three points in the afternoon bell there, there may be suffering from tuberculosis.

4: yellowing of the eyes

· Eye: liver problems.

· eyes are bloodshot: It may be cause conjunctivitis (allergies or infections), the solar light-sensitive, high blood pressure.

· black eye: water shortages, mental stress, genetic factors.

· bent into a half moon eyelids: Skin allergies or respiratory diseases.

· eyes reddening: Due to excessive consumption of meat to form an unhealthy liver.

· area below the eyelid color depth: It is a woman to leave after the birth of the phenomenon.

· eye swelling: congestion, kidney stones; fruit and sugar, eating too much.

· eyelid Stye: protein intake too much.

hair loss also known as alopecia, is a common hair disorders. It is more kind, such as congenital alopecia, acquired alopecia, scarring alopecia, alopecia areata and seborrheic alopecia. One of the most common for the grease crumbling alopecia, followed by alopecia areata. They are more common in young adults, due to impact of beauty, often bring a lot of trouble to the patients and pain.

the cause of hair loss is not yet entirely clear. Is generally believed that genetic, endocrine function, infection of lesions, their immune function, psychological factors, as well as nutritional status, which have a certain relationship. Alopecia areata, commonly known as “Gui Titou.” Patients often in the head suddenly appeared round or oval patches of hair loss. Initially for a small piece hair loss area, one or a few pieces, no symptoms. A small number of patients in the short run can be all the hair off, so that Pu bald. Most of alopecia areata can be restored. The new growth of hair was yellow-white Haomao valuables, gradually thicker black, until the return to normal. Seborrheic alopecia, also known as male pattern alopecia, commonly known as bald. Prevalent in young men. Some patients showed Cayou greasy hair-like; while others lack luster hair is dry, often a large number of dandruff, there is a sense of itching. The course of time, on both sides of the forehead and head at the top of the hair began to fall off, and after both sides of the occipital temporal still maintain normal hair. The speed and scope of hair loss vary, most progress is slow. Female patients with hair loss mainly in the head at the top, the hair showed diffuse scarce.

alopecia should adopt an integrated approach of prevention and treatment, or therapy is the more troublesome: ① and spiritual factors are, first of all to lift the burden of thinking, firm treatment of their confidence, keep thinking of cheerful, work and rest, in order to facilitate the growth of hair; ② and infected lesions and endocrine dysfunction stakeholders, should be corrected to remove infected lesions and endocrine dysfunction; ③ attention to a reasonable nutrition, is conducive to hair growth and maintain hair color and gloss. Regular consumption of B vitamins and protein-rich food such as eggs, milk, lean pork, beef, chicken, duck, peanuts, soybeans, soy products and fresh vegetables, fruits and so on. Seborrheic alopecia who shall, in particular eat less sugar, animal fats and spicy foods to stimulate; ④ the importance of science and hair. Hair should be kept in order, avoid using a strong alkaline soap shampoo, the best choice for stimulating the scalp and hair without shampoo neutral or weak acid, sulfur soap for oily hair can be used. Perming hair and should not be too diligence, perm every six months a meeting is appropriate. 1 times a week shampoo is best. But for dry hair, can be 10 ~ 14 days wash 1 time. The water temperature should not be too hot shampoo, shampoo may be appropriate to paint some hair cream to keep hair shiny moisture; ⑤ drug therapy may be vitamin B2, vitamin B6, and cystine. When necessary, take thyroxine tablets.

severely ill patients with alopecia areata and alopecia totalis, under the guidance of physician services may be prednisone. Traditional Chinese medicine to kidney, nourishing, blood circulation, expelling wind as the main principle of treatment. Chinese medicine can be taken to support true God Dan, two to the pills, Longdanxiegan Pills, spleen balls. Can also take Shouwu films, Angelica films have had some effect. External medicine for therapeutic purposes and to stimulate the skin congestion, improve local blood circulation to promote hair growth, commonly used drugs have a ~ 3% long-pressure setting (Minoxidil) germinal water or cream, 30% of psoralen tincture, 10% pepper tincture, 10% cantharidin tincture, tincture, etc. Cacumen Platycladi. Coated with the lesion, 2 to 3 times a day.

Commercially available medicinal water, hair cream or hair growth can also be chosen, for the prevention and treatment of hair loss may have some support.

a regimen
1. supplementary iron. Regular hair loss in the human body often iron deficiency. Iron-rich foods are soybeans, black beans, eggs, octopus, shrimp, cooked peanuts, spinach, carp, bananas, carrots, potatoes and so on.

2. add vegetable protein. Hair is dry, Fashao split, you can eat soy, black sesame, corn and other foods.

3. Eat more alkaline substances containing fresh vegetables and fruits. Hair loss and hair turning yellow one of the factors is due to acidic toxins in the blood due to physical and mental fatigue, long-term excessive drinking pure sugar and fat foods, so that metabolic acids generated in the process toxins. Liver, meats, onions and other foods in the acidic substances that can cause blood acid toxin has too much to eat.

4. added iodine. Hair shine and the role of the thyroid gland related to iodine supplementation can enhance the secretion of thyroid function, is conducive to fitness hair. Can eat kelp, seaweed, oysters and other foods.

5. vitamin E. Vitamin E may be resistant hair aging, promote cell division, so that hair growth. Can eat fresh lettuce, cabbage, black sesame and so on. 
two hair treatments
(1) under 100 hair every morning, not only can stimulate the hair follicles, and hair can make a well-ventilated gap, because the hair is most likely to sweat and be hot shrouded, so often comb the hair to prevent hair loss and scalp crumbs.

(2) constantly changing the distribution line, because the distribution lines, if maintained in the same place, this will cause sub-line positions due to sun and dry, resulting in hair thinning. In addition, the constantly changing distribution lines, a variety of styles can be added to transform the fun of it.

25 home remedies for treating hair loss, hair loss recipe
Prevention Center of Greater China editor 2004-4-4

The main symptoms of hair loss is hair greasy, like Ca You Like, there are scorch hair Peng, lack of luster, a light yellow impunity for fixing scales or the gray scales flying, and consciously itching. If male hair loss, mainly at the top of the head and head, the hair of the forehead and temples up shift, front and top of the sparse hair, turn yellow, become soft, and finally to the amount at the top of a bare or some hairs; female hair loss in the head at the top, the hair becomes sparse, but it will not completely fall off into the film.
medicine that this disease, there are two reasons: First, hot air dry of blood, blood heat side wins, Hao Shang Yinxue, blood tiger wind, more Shangyin blood, Yinxue can not go to the summit of the top Ru Yang hair root, hair root dry or send virtual expulsion; Second, spleen, spleen deficiency transportation of weakness, coupled with diplomas in food Feigan Atsumi, Shang Wei damage the spleen, resulting in hot and humid on the steaming summit of the top, erosion hair root, hair roots gradually eroded, while the performance of the hair sticky and off.
the treatment of hair loss remedies, and secret key is as follows.
[side 1]
prostrata (dry drug), pepper-jen, Pinellia 90 grams each. The medicine with water 500 ml, Jian Zhi 250 ml, into the honey a little, Zai Jian 1 - 2 boiling. When life with a little ginger, mix thoroughly, rub-free hair Department, 2 times a day.
[side 2]
alum, turmeric each equal portions. Will be alum, turmeric made into pills, each 4 - 5 grams, 2 times a day.
[side 3]
salt 15 grams. The salt by adding 1500 milliliters warm water, stirring evenly, wash your hair every week 1 - 2 times.
long-term application of this method to prevent hair loss.
[side 4]
pija-3, walnuts 2, Cacumen Platycladi 30 grams. The drugs were ramming Baptist snow hair, their hair lotions do not fall off, but Guangrun.
this prescription hair loss particularly applies to kidney deficiency.
[Square 5]
Cacumen Platycladi number. Boye detailed study will be dried in order to immersion of the spring. Each dip Ji brush grow hair after shampooing with pig bile were soup.
this side especially applies to women hair loss.
[Square 6]
plantain 200 grams, rice cool amount. The whole plant of the plantain baked into charcoal, immersed in vinegar, vinegar and coated with the drug after a week with the affected area, daily 2 - 3 times.
[Party 7]
Black Cattle gall bladder 1, Cyamophila appropriate. There will be Cyamophila into bile within the gall bladder filled with beef, beans ca…

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