        据相关部门统计数据显示,去年中国户外用品的销售量达53亿多元,同比增长40%。目前我国国内市场内拥有400余个专业户外品牌,其中本土品牌约占其中 的三成;专业户外用品零售店达到了近2000家,百货商场零售点达到了1600余个,其他销售模式也在以不同的方式迅速发展着;专业户外运动俱乐部超过 400余个。据不xx统计,我国每年参与有组织的户外运动人群达到了70余万人次。

在金融风暴中,户外运动产业就是这样一支“口红”,不仅产业销售额没降,反而得到了大幅的提升。在户外用品中,户外纺织品占了较大比重。户外纺织品中 具有较高的附加值和技术含量的高科技时尚用品更容易给人们带来心理安慰和满足感。

探路者董事长盛发强已经敏锐地感受到这样的趋势,“我们不久前刚刚发布了家庭户外旅游装备计划,可以说3年后家庭露营将成为大众户外运动的 主流,根据我们掌握的国际市场调查数据,家庭露营也是最近3年来增长最快的户外活动,因此将来我们的市场重点就是与家庭露营结合起来的。”


         2010: New Opportunities for Outdoor Industry

From: www.chinasspp.com
Sales volume of China's outdoor products has reached 5.3billion rmb, reporting a 40% increase, according to statistics.

Also statistics shows that there are over 400 outdoor brands in Chinese market, 30% of which are local brands; the number of outdoor clubs is over 400, while outdoor gears retail stores up to 2,000, and sales outlets in department stores more than 1600. According to available statistics, the number of Chinese that get involved in outdoor sports has reached 700,000.
Along with the statistics, there are some expectations.

the "lipstick effect".
The sales volume increased -- outdoor industry has shown a lipstick effect in the global economic recessions. Outdoor textile makes up a large proportion of outdoor products, among which, the products of high tech and added value are assumed to easily bring satisfaction to consumers.

Family camping will be the next hot spot in 3 years.
Expert says that given the uncertain economic situation, consumers tend to get involved in independent travel, recreation trip and experience tour in the next 3 to 5 years.
Local outdoor brand TOREAD has shown a quick response to this shift. With the expectation that family camping will grow fast in 3 years, the TOREAD recently released its plan of family camping.

Environmental protection is the permanent theme of outdoor sports. Recyclable material, organic cotton, natural material that feature low-carbon will become the mainstream in outdoor products.

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