
4月2日学完了《床头灯儿童英文故事1》,你选择了《床头灯儿童英文故事2》中的《Thunderbolt》,小车迷就是喜欢车的故事,自从这次3月6日开始学《床头灯儿童英文故事》后,你喜欢学这些故事了,妈妈就又买了第3册,你看到新书就自己翻了起来,说:“妈妈这册中有racing car,我要先学这一课。”妈妈说,只要你坚持每天都学的话,会很快学完1、2册的,就能学这课了。因第3册妈妈买的是磁带(感觉用复读机学习起来方便,就订了磁带版),选择起来没有CD方便。


 Daddy and Mommy.

Jimmy and Nancy.

The Thunderbolt!

They are waiting in line.

"Buy tickets please. please get on.

Buckle up your seatbelt."

Going up.

Up, up, up!

At the top.

Going down.

Down, down, down!

Down and around!

Upside down.

Into the dark!

Into the light.

The Thunderbolt is slowing down.

"Get off please."

"Again! Again! Let's do it again!"

"Not so quick! Not so quick!

Your Daddy looks a little sick."

"But that was fun! That was fun!"

Going on again, Minus one.


  • (2010-03-07 21:20:46)
  • (2010-03-12 06:58:15)
  • (2010-03-18 08:22:51)
  • (2010-03-25 09:16:14)
  • (2010-03-29 08:01:20)
  • (2010-04-02 14:25:48)
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