SHIMANO Anting Circle Race - Racing News 赛事新闻- Chain's ...
我们要特别感谢禧玛诺的支持A special thanks to SHIMANO

请您特别注意以下事项Special items for your attention

  1. Category A is comprised of those who participated in Category A last year (with the exception of people coming from outside Shanghai and those promoted). A组—保留去年参加A组报名者的参赛资格,能完成每小时38公里以上水平,单场比赛距离60-100KM(除外地特殊参赛者外和去年有注册记录的参赛者外,A组没有公开自由报名的权利,必须从B组晋级)
  2. Anting New Town is on a low traffic area but the road will not be closed.  Please pay particular attention to traffic.  安亭新城是在一个车辆较少的地方比赛,不过还是会有些车子.  请你们特别注意安全.
  3. Feeding (ravito) is allowed only in a restricted area announced at the start of the race. 补水会有专用的位子,比赛当天公布,只能在此位子补水.
  4. No cars are allowed to park in the race route. 不要在比赛路线停车.
  5. Walking photographers must refrain from coming on the road.  Car driving the photographers must keep distant and horn when overtaking the peloton.摄像师不要站在路中间印象比赛安全.  如果在车子内摄像过了集团按喇叭,也不要太靠近集团(尤其在前面).
  6. Please note the registration deadline of Tuesday, Apl 15th.  请注意报名截止时间为4月15日星期四半夜12点整.
  7. Please signin on the Race day and get your new number!! 请现场签到领取号码

Race Location 比赛地点
Anting New Town 安亭新镇
(the site of the 2009 FHL Club Championship 就是2009年飞毛腿俱乐部{gj}赛的地方)

By Car 乘车
From Shanghai take A11 Huning Expressway. Exit Anting. It is right before tollgate entering Jiangsu Province.  

By Bike骑车
Ride west on Jinshajiang Rd from Jinshajiang Subway station. Continue 30 km until Anting New Town.

Race timing: Saturday, Apl 17th, 2010 比赛时间:2010417, 星期六

Arrival at race course 到达比赛场地


Category A-race start A组比赛开始


Estimated Category A finish 估计A组结束


Category B race start B组比赛开始


Estimated Category B finish 估计B组结束


Category C-race start C组组比赛开始


Category MTB-race start 山地组比赛开始


Estimated Category MTB  finish 估计MTB组结束


Award Ceremony 颁奖


Lucky draw 抽奖







Race type: Circuit Race         比赛类型:绕圈赛

Fees (payable at Trek shops)费用为 (在TREK签到时付费)。

  1. Number 号码牌                        RMB 10 (first time only仅初次; replacement补发 RMB 20)
  2. Cat A - A组                               RMB 50
  3. Cat B -B组                  RMB 30
  4. Cat C & MTB - C组,MTB组      RMB 20
  5. Transportation 车费                   RMB 30

Registration - 报名注册
Registration forms must be received by midnight Tuesday, Apl 15th. Race day registration will not be accepted. 报名截止时间为415日星期四半夜12点整。本次比赛不接受现场报名。

First time participants need to complete the following registration form.  Repeat riders need to register with their name and number only.  Note that registration information may be shared with race sponsors.  首次报名的参赛者须完整填写下列表格。第二次报名的选手只须提供姓名和号码。请注意:报名信息可能会被提供给赞助商。



Email address电子邮件:


# of persons needing transportation? 需要搭车的人数


Telephone number电话号码:


Emergency contact & phone # 紧急联系人和电话号码:


Birth date出生日期:


Nationality or province国籍/户籍:


Category 期望组别(A组,B组, C组或MTB组):


Team name 队名:


Number on team (e.g., 1, 2, 3…)车队编号


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