What is opal? How's that? What are the characteristics? « Industry ...

What is opal? How’s that? What are the characteristics?

opal (Cat’s eye), the “cat’s-eyes”, “cat eye”, “cat fine.” Cat’s Eye Stone is also called the Oriental cat’s eye, is rare and precious jewelry in the species. As shown by opal light phenomena and the cat’s eyes, as bright and flexible to change with the strength of light, hence the name. This optical effect, known as “cat’s eye effect.”

gem with a lot of cat’s eye effect. Gem scholars to have a chrysoberyl cat’s eye effect known as Cat’s Eye, the general said, referring to the Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl cat’s eye gem, while the other has a cat’s eye effect of the gems, to be in the “cat’s eye” before the word with precious stones names, such as aquamarine cat’s eye, tourmaline cat’s eye and so on.

Cat’s Eye in the mineralogy is chrysoberyl (Chrysoberyl) in one of case of spinel-group minerals. Chrysoberyl is a beryllium-containing aluminum oxide, the chemical formula BeAl2O4. Is orthorhombic. Crystal form Changchengnongxing short cylindrical or plate-like. Cat’s Eye Stone has a variety of colors, such as honey yellow, brown yellow, wine yellow, brown, yellow, and green, cinnamon, gray green and so on, of which the most valuable honey yellow. Transparent to translucent. The glass to the oil sheen. Refractive index 1.746-1.755, double-refractive index of 0.008-0.010. 2 color obviously, dispersion 0.015, non-homogeneous body. Hardness of 8.5, density 3.71-3.75 g / cubic centimeter. Conchoidal fracture.

cat’s eye cat’s eye gem stone and other similar man-made cat’s eye the difference. Nature can produce cat’s eye effect gems are tourmaline, beryl, apatite, quartz, kyanite, etc., but not as good as gold precious green cat’s eye. Tourmaline Cat’s Eye: hardness smaller, in order to 7-7.5, density 3.06 grams / cubic centimeter, refractive index 1.624-1.644. Quartz Cat’s Eye: Hardness is low, 6.5 or so, low density, 2.78 g / cc, refractive index is small, 1.44. Synthetic Cat’s Eye: From a result of artificial opal glass fiber, there is brown yellow, blue and red. But the man-made opal also occur in the arc of the top 2-3 band of bright, natural opal appears only a bright band. Observed with a magnifying glass can be seen artificial opal have hexagonal honeycomb structure, hardness is low, 5 or so, low density, 2.46 g / cc, refractive index 1.44. Cat’s Eye Stone

evaluation and purchase. Cat’s Eye Stone’s assessment is from the color, eye liner position, gem shape, weight and other factors to consider. High-quality cat’s eye gems, cat’s eye line is to be thin and narrow, clear boundaries; Zhang closed eyes, a flexible, significantly living light; cat’s eye color in sharp contrast with the background; and cat’s eye line is to be located in the central arc. When you purchase your cat’s eye according to identifying characteristics of the cat’s eye stone and other precious stones, synthetic cat’s eye to distinguish, buy genuine opal.

in Southeast Asia, cat’s eye stone is often seen as a symbol of good luck, people believe that it will protect the owner and healthy life, freedom from poverty. Cat’s Eye is often known as the “noble gem.” It changed its precious stones with high-grade stones are one of the world’s top five. British gem collector with a well-known treasure Hope Cat’s Eye stone, this stone was carved the shape of a symbol of the altar, on top of a torch, the whole gem spherical, diameter of about 1-1.5 inches. Cat’s Eye Stone mainly produced in the gas into the hydrothermal deposits and pegmatites in Dyke. The world’s most famous opal origin southwest of Sri Lanka特拉纳布拉and Al Gore and other places, Brazil and Russia and other countries are also found in cat’s eye stone, but very rare.



猫眼石(Cat’s eye),即“猫儿眼”、“猫睛”、“猫精”。猫眼石又称东方猫眼,是珠宝中稀有而名贵的品种。由于猫眼石表现出的光现象与猫的眼睛一样,灵活明亮,能够随着光线的强弱而变化,因此而得名。这种光学效应,称为“猫眼效应”。


猫眼石在矿物学中是金绿宝石(Chrysoberyl)中的一种,属尖晶石族矿物。金绿宝石是含铍铝氧化物,化学分子式为 BeAl2O4。属斜方晶系。晶体形态常呈短柱状或板状。猫眼石有各种各样的颜色,如蜜黄、褐黄、酒黄、棕黄、黄绿、黄褐、灰绿色等,其中以蜜黄色最为名贵。透明至半透明。玻璃至油脂光泽。折光率1.746-1.755,双折射率0.008-0.010 。二色性明显,色散0.015,非均质体。硬度8.5,密度3.71-3.75 克/立方厘米。贝壳状断口。

猫眼石与其它相似宝石猫眼、人造猫眼的区别。自然界能产生猫眼效应的宝石还有碧玺、绿柱石、磷灰石、石英、蓝晶石等,但是都不如金绿猫眼珍贵。碧玺猫眼:硬度较小,为7-7.5,密度3.06克/立方厘米, 折光率1.624-1.644。石英猫眼:硬度低,6.5左右,密度小,为2.78克/立方厘米,折光率小,为1.44。人造猫眼:由人工玻璃纤维造成的猫眼石,有褐黄色、蓝色和红色。但是人造猫眼石在弧形顶端同时出现2-3条亮带,xx猫眼石仅出现一条亮带。用放大镜观察可看见人造猫眼石有六边形蜂窝状结构,硬度低,为5左右,密度小,为2.46克/立方厘米,折光率1.44。



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