如何去除衣物污渍? « Live in China 混在中国



















Shuipiao网。 3?4维生素C片碾成粉,撒弄脏衣服湿透办公室,然后用水擦洗几
凯10%的氨水,然后冷水冲洗,或10?15%草酸洗。 2:
(4)呕吐渍。 10%的氨水将污渍润湿,启石,然后用酒精擦拭或肥皂可净商标

How to remove clothing stains?

knitted sweater because I forgot to clean before the summer, and now take a look above, there is a small piece of macular not wash, and dress is light blue, which may be how to do?

Hello, first of all you have to figure out the stains on the clothes are what the stain, and then processed to introduce you to a few go to the following stains, in the hope help you:

clothing on the soy sauce, soup, sauces, scarred milk cleaning

  1, fresh soy sauce stains on the clothes should scrub with cold water after, and then wash detergent. The old soy sauce stain on the clothes in the detergent solution can be added the amount of ammonia cleaning, you can also use 2% of the borax solution to clean. Finally rinse with water.

2, clothes on the soup, sauce, milk are advised to use gasoline wipe scarred, scarred on the grease to be removed and then with an ammonia concentration of 10% of the five copies were dubbed in the water for dilution solution cleaning, and then carefully washing water.

3, colored wool, silk on the soup, sauce, milk scarred, you should use 35 degrees Celsius heat glycerol infiltration scarred, and then brush gently wipe until after a quarter of an hour later, with cotton balls or piece of cloth dipped in warm water 25-30 degrees Celsius wash wipe. Can also be used with the concentration of glycerol 20 were 10% of the ammonia, a mixture of 1 part configured to remove.

4, clothes general soup, sauces, scarred breast milk can be used after acetone wetting, and then scrub with a soft cloth, and then use the concentration of 2% ammonia solution, washed with water over the last several times, until the Wash up.

How to get rid of mold stains, perspiration?

  Q: How do I get rid of mold stains?

A: Yes, wet conditions produced by a major result. This can cause irregularly shaped fungus stains. Its surface color ranges from gray to black, but sometimes it will also affect from yellow to red. It has a mold smell, and sometimes also resulted in degradation of the fabric degradation. Plant fiber or protein fibers are most likely to produce Mildew.

Mildew is difficult to remove. The most effective way is to float inside this wet clothes in the washing of oxygen. Sodium hypochlorite bleaching agent is the only way to kill the mold and make the products to remove mold smell, but the bleaching agent does not apply to silk, wool, nylon or elastic fabric. Other bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate can greatly reduce the fiber mold stains or significantly dilute its color. At this time chlorine is very insecure. However, this does not kill the mold, after which growth will be followed. Should pay attention to before making any treatment for different types of fibers using different bleaching agents, and also to carry out color fastness test.

If the dye can not resist any oxygen bleaching, then the cleaning agent with ammonia or color fastness test, because it is likely to improve the situation of clothes.

humidity, lack of ventilation or sunlight will accelerate the growth of mold, therefore, put a plastic bag of clothes to be addressed immediately in order to prevent mold growth.

Q: What methods can remove the sweat?

A: Perspiration is usually present in the clothes of the armpit. However, the physical contact of any part of the infected are likely to sweat. Khan Village containing fats, oils, moisture, and everyone there is different impurities. At first do not see the perspiration, but with the passage of time, as well as ironing after washing when the oxidation of the heat will sweat and become yellow.

If the clothes to dry, and the remaining stains usually contain water-soluble impurities. neutral synthetic detergent and ammonia or a protein formula will usually reduce stains.

If you have left stains on the use of agents or enzymes to help. Hydrogen peroxide can be removed the last remnants of sweat. To the fabric of an area not exposed to a few drops of 3% concentration of hydrogen peroxide test color fastness. If you do not lose color string color, put the clothes and soak up. Per gallon of warm water, about 4 ounces plus bleach, and then soak for several hours. This may lead to shrinkage or texture change, therefore, wash before you obtain customer’s consent.

Amway may drift with the water, but the first on a small scale trial to see if they are not fade.

clothes soiled with iron stain, the available 2% oxalic acid solution at 50 ℃ warm water wash to remove, and then use clear
Shuipiao net. With 3 ~ 4 vitamin C tablets crushed into powder, the scatter soaked clothes dirty office, and then water scrub a few
times, but also can remove rust stains. Chen case of rust stains, available 10% of oxalic acid, citric acid water mixture will stick rust
wet, and then immersed in brine in a days you can wash.
(1) Perspiration: The new-dyed, sweat can be 5 to 10% of the salt water, soak for 10 minutes, and then rubbed with soap, washing
can be removed. Old sweat ammonia can be used 10 copies of a sub-salt, water, 100 were dubbed in the mixture soak scrub,
and then drift net can be removed with water. Perspiration on the white fabric can be used to remove 5% soda solution; wool clothing is available on the citric acid solution
sweat wipe. Perspiration on the removal of clothing and avoid hot water, this can only increase the yellow perspiration.
(2) urine stains: wash urine stains can be soaked in salt solution to remove. Urine stains on the white fabric, available 10% citric acid solution
wetting, 1 hour after water washing; colored urine stains on the fabric can be used, 15 ~ 20% solution of acetic acid soluble
moist, 1 ~ 2 hours after the washing with water can be removed.
(3) of blood. Fresh blood stains can be directly cold washed, and then added immediately after washing to remove detergent enzymes. Old blood stains can be used
Kaishi 10% of the ammonia, and then cold water washing, or 10 ~ 15% of the oxalic acid wash. With 2:
1:20 of borax, ammonia, water mixture Kaishi, the effect is also very good.
(4) vomit stains. With 10% of the ammonia will stain wetting, Kai Shi, and then wipe with alcohol or soap can be a net mark


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