Beijing where there is a good pet hospital? Chaoyang District ...

my house as if cards can be had skin diseases, where the disease look good comparison?

Agricultural University of China Agricultural University, I love my love
East Road East, on the edge of three-ring
very informal
no smaller than that of the human hospital
registered office hours, pharmacies, laboratories operating room beauty salon, etc.

Ambassador of the pet hospital a good reputation.

Farmers and small animal hospital Cypriot good pet a good hospital
good side in the West three-ring west northbound Garden, Pan good doctor, and Dr. Yoon.

Chinese Science and Technology Museum to get off the northbound carriageway, a pet hospital. To 302,300

Agricultural University of China Agricultural University, I love my love
East Road East, on the edge of three-ring
very informal
no smaller than that of the human hospital
registered office hours, pharmacies, laboratories operating room beauty salon, etc.

Here are some professional pet Protection of the hospital.
which: Yi Ya
World Agricultural University Park Animal Hospital pet companion animal hospitals are very good pet hospitals, can be no question of professional and non-collection of fees.
You can look at the situation according to their own.
Yi Ya
World Pet Garden 8:00 to 22:00 Beijing Dongcheng District Public 65526177-34 115,118 North Gate Road, New Street Station under the subway or stand up Dongsishitiao Road South
animal hospital 8:30-10:30 62,893,036 Haidian District 2 West Yuanmingyuan, China Agricultural University, West Campus North Gate 4 special, special 6,933 stations under the Agricultural University

companion animal hospital 9:00-22:00 66,139,848
66139849 now moved to the Xinjiekou, you can call to ask the address.

love pets, animal husbandry home health centers 9:00-17:00 64,683,001 Chaoyang District, a new source in the Primera Liga on the 5th Road, the new 110,120-ri, along the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau-de-sac in front of the east, and then left to the end that To

beloved 24-hour animal hospital 83,521,675 Yuquanying 1 km south island 901 or 366 floor Majiata station across the road under the

good friend Pet Health Center 8:30-5:00 65,026,312 Chaoyang District, Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Hall, 55 North Station Landmark 300,302, on the eastern side of the building Liang Ma close to the three-wide apartment
Pok Oi Hospital
animals 8:30-21:00 82,616,142 Wanquan Zhuang Lu, Haidian District, Beijing No. 1 People’s Congress 374,300,367 Simon

good tournament in Beijing Animal Health Center, 9:00 68,721,909 three-ring Road West, 7 300,323,374 Fuchengmen Road under the
Wang Hong
Pet Hospital of the West 8:00 to 22:00 63,447,717 Tianning Temple City bridge 500 meters to the west bridge 60 meters Baiyun Road, Baiyun Lu under the northbound 48
Yi Ya
World Pet Garden 8:00 to 22:00 Beijing Dongcheng District Public 65526177-34 115,118 North Gate Road, New Street Station under the subway or stand up Dongsishitiao Road South
animal hospital 8:30-10:30 62,893,036 Haidian District 2 West Yuanmingyuan, China Agricultural University, West Campus North Gate 4 special, special 6,933 stations under the Agricultural University

Beijing Wild Animal Protection Center, 24-hour animal hospital north of Beijing 62,074,938 three-ring Yumin Road 33 302,367,300 Madian Road, east, which is northbound (the Beijing Municipal Agriculture Bureau at the entrance)
Icahn pet health centers 9:00-22:00 65,042,085 Tuan Jie Hu Park opposite the South Gate Road, 718,115 Tuan Jie Hu Park Station

treasure house of animals Studio 24-hour 62,954,190 College Road, Haidian District 5, 902,398 Dan Banfang Road station, 200 meters ahead, that road is

Beijing to watch the North Animal Hospital 8:00 to 21:00 62,371,359 three-ring Road 7

companion animal hospital 9:00-22:00 66,139,848
66139849 Xicheng District officials Bridge Park alley a wild fish on the 6th (Simon States Environmental Protection Agency) or the way 44,107,118,19,25,21,375 Jugong Zhuang subway station, park officials bridge 100 meters to the east, the road North

little pet hospital 8:30-21:30 64,340,226 Chaoyang District, a six Gong Zhufen 8 Express Road, 101,201,408,409 Gong Zhufen six points, that is to get off

Chaoyang District, animal husbandry and veterinary stations to combat pet 24-hour business center 65,083,873 Liu Lizhun eastern Chaoyang District, a port on the 2nd terminal 908,608,302, or 412 points under the Road Liu Lizhun

branch of the beloved animal hospital 8:30-18:00 63,486,776 Lai Chack Bridge 1 km Lai Chack 323 stations under the bridge
Animals Fangzhuang
hospitals operating 24-hour security 67691863 Fengtai District, left the door Fangzhuang 300 Bridge Road, Fangzhuang Station, Fangzhuang Bridge

Agricultural University of China Agricultural University, I love my love
East Road East, on the edge of three-ring
very informal
no smaller than that of the human hospital
registered office hours, pharmacies, laboratories operating room beauty salon, etc.

北京哪里有好得宠物医院? 北京 朝阳区



分诊室挂号,化验室 药房 手术室 美容室等等





分诊室挂号,化验室 药房 手术室 美容室等等

怡亚世界宠物园 农大动物医院 伴侣动物医院 都是很不错的宠物医院,{jd1}不会存在不专业和乱收费的现象。

怡亚世界宠物园 8:00-22:00 65526177 北京市东城区工体北门34号 115、118路新中街站下或地铁东四十条站出来路南

农大动物医院 8:30-10:30 62893036 海淀区圆明园西路2号,中国农业大学西校区北门 特4、特6、933农业大学站下

伴侣动物医院 9:00-22:00 66139848
66139849 现在搬到新街口了,您可以打电话问问地址。

爱牧家宠物保健中心 9:00-17:00 64683001 朝阳区新源里西甲5号 110、120路新源里下,顺着烟草专卖局前面的小路向东,到头再向左即到

挚爱动物医院 24小时营业 83521675 玉泉营环岛南1公里 901或366马家楼站下马路对面

良友宠物保健中心 8:30-5:00 65026312 北京市朝阳区农展馆北路55号 300、302亮马河站下,亮马大厦东侧紧靠三全公寓

博爱动物医院 8:30-21:00 82616142 北京市海淀区万泉庄路1号 374、300、367人大西门

北京市赛佳动物保健中心 9:00-20:00 68721909 西三环中路7号 300、323、374阜成路站下

望虹宠物医院 8:00-22:00 63447717 西城区天宁寺桥向西500米白云桥60米路北 48路白云路下

怡亚世界宠物园 8:00-22:00 65526177 北京市东城区工体北门34号 115、118路新中街站下或地铁东四十条站出来路南

农大动物医院 8:30-10:30 62893036 海淀区圆明园西路2号,中国农业大学西校区北门 特4、特6、933农业大学站下

北京野生动物保护中心动物医院 24小时营业 62074938 北京市北三环裕民中路33号 302、367、300路马甸下,往东,路北即是(北京市农业局门口)

北京爱康宠物保健中心 9:00-22:00 65042085 团结湖公园南门对面 718、115路团结湖公园站下

宝贝屋动物工作室 24小时营业 62954190 海淀区学院路5号 902、398路石板房站下,向前200米,路边即是

北京观赏动物医院 8:00-21:00 62371359 北三环中路7号  

伴侣动物医院 9:00-22:00 66139848
66139849 西城区官园桥鱼雁胡同甲六号(国家环保局西门) 44、107、118、19、25、21、375路或地铁车公庄站下,官园桥向东100米,路北

点点宠物医院 8:30-21:30 64340226 朝阳区六公主坟甲8号 运通101、201、408、409路六公主坟站下,下车即是

朝阳区畜牧兽医站宠物防治中心 24小时营业 65083873 朝阳区六里屯东口甲2号 908、608、302总站或412路六里屯站下

挚爱动物医院分院 8:30-18:00 63486776 丽泽桥南1公里 323丽泽桥站下

方庄宠物医院 24小时营业 67691863 丰台区左安门外方庄桥南 300路方庄站下,方庄桥南


分诊室挂号,化验室 药房 手术室 美容室等等

问题归属地: 北京 朝阳区

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