红烧茄子怎么做« City life wiki 城市百科
















操作注意:所有变厚类,锅离火(或小火) ,将包裹在制服,另一场大火紧汁。否则,火灾或淀粉凝固,钱其琛的情况,材料是分开的,厚钱其琛特别注意。
创新实验:1,可撒上少许蒜末,{zh1}绿或大蒜,可以丰富.2。茄子燃油当放置在一个小半个西红柿尝试,我不知道他们是否想。 (醋免费)






方法:首先,茄子,切成一块! ??然后,投入了大量的酱油碗到以前的约20分钟淹没!之后??
水淀粉?然后从反复制一锅饭可以是7米哈哈7! ?





Braised eggplant how to do

braised eggplant and how to do


braised eggplant

Materials: Long eggplant 2, 100 grams of pork, pepper 1, 5 garlic, oil and amount of

Seasoning: 2 tablespoons soy sauce, sugar, a spoon, wine spoonfuls


1, will be cut into four vertical eggplant, then cut each into paragraphs, pork cut silk.

2, the hot pepper slices, garlic Paisui.

3, the oil heating, deep-fried the eggplant into the pot look instantly picked up.

4, two spoonfuls of oil into the pot, first blasting chili peppers and garlic, then add the pork fry color, then put into a good deep-fried eggplant, add soy sauce, sugar, wine and a little seasoning, the pan-sheng dish .

eggplant into cubes and put it into cold water immersed look, the water becomes brown on it. Pot refueling (twice the normal cooking oil), then drain the water into the fried eggplant pieces to be fried soft-fried thoroughly, otherwise the child is not made by Ru Xiang, you can feel the pressure on with the spatula eggplant soft not soft. After all the fried soft-sung out. Heat the pot to re-fuel
adding sliced onion, red pepper pieces fry, then pour into fry eggplant fried soft, add two spoonfuls of sugar, soy sauce, salt, stir well immediately after.
braised eggplant lazy version of
should first clean slice eggplant, then cut the Jidao placed at an angle, as inscribed in patterns Guo Lifang twice the normal cooking oil, eggplant into the pot, the oil would introduce legislation to recall are dry, you can transfer the fire is small, so that slowly fried eggplant, positive negative, the oil will slowly come out of the dip, fried eggplant to soften, clean wok put Laogan Ma, Roumo, ginger foam, garlic, a little salt, clean wok.

complex and a little stewed eggplant
Materials: Long eggplant 2, 100 grams of pork, pepper 1, 5 garlic, oil and moderate
Seasoning: 2 tablespoons soy sauce, sugar, a spoon, wine spoonfuls

1, will be cut into four vertical eggplant, then cut each into paragraphs, pork cut silk.

2, the hot pepper slices, garlic Paisui.

3, the oil heating, deep-fried the eggplant into the pot look instantly picked up.

4, two spoonfuls of oil into the pot, first blasting chili peppers and garlic, then add the pork fry color, then put into a good deep-fried eggplant, add soy sauce, sugar, wine and a little seasoning, the pan-sheng dish .
Material Preparation: Eggplant; onion; films or Paisui; MSG, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, water, starch,
practices: 1. election round eggplant, to pitche thick slices, about 2 cm; positive and negative cross-inclined to spend knife, knife to eat two-thirds. Do not break .2. Set Flat pan, primary and secondary fire slightly roasted, to moisture, diligence and a little yellow face turned to coke; bian shovel can be used to speed up a little pressure on the water .3. Chao Shao-temperature oil-Cutting . Qin turn until the water fully burn out the softened .4, water, starch, MSG, salt, sugar, soy sauce, rice vinegar a little better against the thin-qian wok .5. fires put spring onion stir fry or two, put garlic slice pan .
key: eggplant in water to fully burn out and can not paste; sugar, soy sauce, the ratio of the right; water, amount of starch, Bo Hou;
others: general unit canteen practice is soft steamed eggplant, for fuel-efficient. There are also the practice of not thicken, but the soy sauce put as little or link, the oil should be sufficient. that is, “the oil eggplant,” as in Step 4, after adding pre-speeding good meat, for the “meat burnt eggplant”
Operation NOTE: All thicken class, pot away from the fire (or small fire) into the juice, to be wrapped in uniform, another fire tight juice. Otherwise, starch case of fire or coagulation, qian, materials are separated, thick qian particular attention.
to experiment and innovate: 1, may sprinkle a little minced garlic, green or garlic at the end, can be enriched by .2. eggplant burning oil when placed in a small half a tomato a try, I do not know whether they would like. (vinegar-free)
material: eggplant, coriander, garlic, Vice

materials: soy sauce, sugar, salt, water, oil

first eggplant peeled and cut into hob fast. Put like a bowl, the uniform sprinkle a layer of salt, while spreading edge stirring. Then put the side back.

this time, you can peel garlic, wash parsley. Cut the garlic garlic velvet on the bowl, to a little bit of soy sauce. Add a little sugar and water, and lobbied a bowl. Parsley mince (if you are skilled, then we can look at the approval of the LD will be sub-TV. Because the eggplant will also submerge a) about 30 minutes later, so that strength of you probably deserve it began.

grabbed the bowl inside the eggplant, desperately clutching ~ ~ try to grip the water dry. Grip the more dry, more incense burning out of eggplant. Heat the oil until 8 pm, when the grip into the Sphere of the eggplant necessary fuel. Chaodao eggplant color is just like the secret configured in accordance with the soup. Boiled off a small fire, remember that even pointed out repeatedly. Otherwise the side must be as fast eggplant Bao while like Cao Cao. So collected is almost soup, and off into the fire to the coriander and look at a few pots, the transfer to a plate.

Comments: This dish is not difficult to make. The key is to master a good proportion of spices. If it is not too salty too sweet. Recommends seasoning the pot before you taste. Because there is no raw meat seasoning inside a class of things. So, no problem. The reason why salt

flooded, and then blasted the grip is not because I have any grudges against Shang Beizi and eggplant. Is because the eggplant water are tightly locked in cells inside, but still too many. Not to engage in out of oil, said fee. In this way than the other dishes are also a number of multi-purpose oil-Cai Xing.
braised eggplant practice
Ingredients: Eggplant is of course a哈哈
Ingredients: scallion and ginger!
seasoning: soy sauce, salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper, chicken, cooking wine, sesame oil, sugar, water, starch (water not too much)
approach: First the eggplant and cut into a piece of! ~ ~ Then put a bowl of soy sauce to the previous flooded about 20 minutes! After ~ ~
submerge a good place to find a pot oil ~ (Multi-release point) so that the oil temperature to 7 ~ 8 into the heat! Fang eggplant fried to a golden brown fried ~ ~
take colander to remove and then pour the oil to find a container should be streaming out of ~ 1:00 and then the pot and then let the oil in the oil ~ ~
warming up and then put onions and ginger ~ discover the fragrance ~ and then green onions and ginger fish out to ~ and then put sugar and then copied into a golden brown ~
add water ~ sauce ~ salt ~ MSG ~ pepper ~ Chicken ~ wine ~ copied from a copy and then put eggplant ~ long copy and then put
water cooked starch ~ and then a copied from an anti-pot meal can be 7 of 7 rice哈哈! ~
Note: Do not deep-fried eggplant Hu a ~ ~ hee hee ~ Do not forget to remember the finish of the Shuaguo ~!

braised eggplant


pound eggplant, small onions, red pepper, pepper a little. Soy sauce, salt, sugar.
Production Method:
(1) to wash the eggplant Generative two, and then oblique four knives, each knife only to cut half of the fourth knife to cut into blocks, Buddha hand-shaped
2) will be chopped eggplant into the pan until cooked, the pressure to oil, pan stand-by.
(3) with sesame oil, Chinese prickly ash explosions, to stay pepper pepper oil, add onion and red pepper stir well, add seasoning cook uniform.
(4) the material will be immersed into the eggplant half an hour more than can be eaten.

specific material bought from the supermarket and buy fresh eggplant + cooking = ok!05-12-06

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