Sforzando by Vega Zaishi Wang

After graduating from Central Saint Martins in ‘08, Northeastern girl Vega Zaishi Wang is now in Beijing with her own label?. ?Stylites intern Yu Wu interviewed Vega.


Y: How did you come up with the name Sforzando?
V: Sforzando is a musical notation indicating that a note should be played with great force, which I like.
Y: What are some of the key features of your designs? Upon which tropes do you rely most heavily?
V: My designs are generally succinct and linear. ?I prefer handcrafting and natural things.
Y: Which fashion designer do you most admire? What type of fabric do you like most?
V: Ann Demeulemeester. I like natural fibers like wool and silk.
Y: What do you think about style in Beijing?
V: Most people here still go after namebrands. Beijing is a multifaceted place, but it is still only a minority that understands what it wants style-wise.
Y: From whence came the inspiration for your graduation collection? I’m curious about how your beautiful designs were able glow?
V: I tend to express my emotional state through my designs. The items in my graduation show used E.L lamps or Electroluminescent Light – thin, flexible and energy efficient lights embedded in the fabrics.
Y: Where can your designs be purchased?
V: In Beijing, you can come to my workshop. Others can go to .

More on Vega .

Y: 你是如何想到要给自己的品牌起?Sforzando这个名字的?
V: 相对来说我的设计比较简洁有线条.我喜欢手工和自然的东西

1 comment to Sforzando by Vega Zaishi Wang

  • cicero

    Love her look, especially the hair…looks very 60s/70s Japanese supermodel.
    She’s having a slightly bad bag day though. Imo, she should have done an all-black look, including the bag, using different textures to contrast.
    And Vega Wang might cause some confusion with …Vera Wang, no?

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