宝宝二个半月可以服用三精(Sanjing)葡萄糖酸钙口服液吗? « Mami Ask ...


我的宝宝现在两个多月了,喝的就是奥诺的葡萄糖酸钙锌,效果很好 的,如果你的宝宝缺钙,应该喝,但是如果不缺,就不要喝,被钙多了不好,视婴儿的情况而定,通常婴儿缺钙脖子后面出汗多,睡不安稳,晚上啼哭,脑袋总是磨枕头,后面的头发肯掉,如果你的宝宝没有以上症状,{zh0}不要补,你或是到医院查查看,宝宝是否缺钙,



坚决不同意给宝宝用哈药的,不相信, 你买回看说明,其中成分一样就有香精.我专门咨询过医生,医生说香精对1岁以前的宝宝伤害{zd0}.澳诺(Aonuo)的葡萄糖酸钙锌,非常不错,我家宝宝,小区的好几家都一直在用,河北生产的.效果非常好.

English:Two and a half months 宝宝 can take oral calcium gluconate three fine it?

my 宝宝 two and a half months, because it is premature (36 weeks +5), so when discharged from hospital to open the Australian pharmaceutical Connaught generated zinc calcium gluconate oral solution, has been taking, but I feel that oral calcium gluconate three fine points to well-known, want to change him, and did not know three sperm calcium gluconate oral liquid 宝宝 has not taken two and a half months.

My 宝宝 is now more than two months, the drink is ono of calcium gluconate zinc, the effect of good, if your child calcium deficiency, it should be drunk, but if not indispensable, not to drink, the more calcium is not good, depending on the circumstances of the case infant, the infant is usually a calcium deficiency neck behind many sweating, sleep at night crying, my brain is always grinding pillows, the back hair is willing to swap, if your child none of the above symptoms, it is best not to fill you or check to the hospital, your 宝宝 is a calcium deficiency,

My one month old 宝宝 when the fast began to drink three sperm calcium because Xiaobao my home every evening when crying easy, but do not really sleep, so the doctor suggested that we as calcium him. In his three months ago are a day 1 / 3 of the dose, we are against a water bottle to feed him, so that the water is also added. He drank about half a month the situation had improved after three months we have increased dose a day and a half sticks. But I have seen for small babies up ono of calcium, in fact, that the effect of brand not too bad either, if the child also has the effect of drink and not-for-it can.
the warm weather now, we must ground the sun with children, this will also promote the absorption of calcium.

Drink, my 宝宝 is in the full moon when three fine drink, one now, you can drink when he was a drink.

Strongly disagreed with the Harbin Pharmaceutical s precious, do not believe that, do you buy that watch, which had the same flavor components. I specialized consulting doctor, who said the essence of the one before the age of the largest precious injury. O Connaught of calcium gluconate zinc, very good, my precious, several of the community have been in use, Hebei production. the effect was very good.

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