东莞4%艾滋病因同性性行为感染- 刘君- 职业日志- 价值中国网:网络就是 ...

2010年04月13日 09:57 来源:南方都市报

  记者昨天从东莞市卫生部门获悉,截至去年底的数据表明,东莞地区因同性性行为而感染艾滋病的人群已占总感染人群的4 .04%,其中多为男男同性性行为(MSM)导致的。由于男同性恋人群较为隐秘,干预工作较难开展,市疾控中心日前举行了{sg}MSM艾滋病同伴教育培训班,并发动这些男同性恋者对其同伴进行艾滋病防治知识教育。


  记者了解到,至2009年10月底,东莞市累计报告H IV (艾滋病毒)抗体阳性者2100多例,其中因性传播而感染H IV的病例比重超过了50%,首次取代xx途径传播成为艾滋病传播的主要途径。

  而其中值得注意的是,因同性性传播途径而感染H IV的人正在逐渐增多。据统计,目前东莞有4.04%的感染者是因为同性性行为而感染H IV,而其中大部分是M SM。对此,市疾控中心防疫科科长钟新光说:“全世界{dy}例艾滋病病例就是男同性恋者。直到现在,男男性行为仍是感染艾滋病毒{zg}危的行为,而我们对这部分人群的干预却是最为困难的,因为他们行为隐秘,平时都难以发现。”




  而记者了解到,日前市疾控中心终于举办了首次MSM同伴教育培训班。来自东莞本土的民间防艾组织彩虹组织的志愿者以及M SM会所的负责人共31人参加了培训,并有13人在培训当天接受了艾滋病的免费自愿咨询检测服务。本次培训的主要内容是艾滋病防治知识和高危行为干预外展技巧。(记者严铧)
2010年04月13日09:57 來源:南方都市報

記者昨天從東莞市衛生部門獲悉,截至去年底的數據表明,東莞地區因同性性行為而感染艾滋病的人群已佔總感染人群的4 .04%,其中多為男男同性性行為(MSM)導致的。


記者了解到,至2009年10月底,東莞市累計報告H IV (艾滋病毒)抗體陽性者2100多例,其中因性傳播而感染H IV的病例比重超過了50%,首次取代xx途徑傳播成為

而其中值得注意的是,因同性性傳播途徑而感染H IV的人正在逐漸增多。據統計,目前東莞有4.04%的感染者是因為同性性行為而感染H IV,而其中大部分是M SM。對此,市疾控中心防疫科科長鐘新光說:“全世界{dy}例艾滋病病例就是男同性戀者。直到現在,男男性行為仍是感染艾滋病毒{zg}危的行為,而我們對這部分人群的




而記者了解到,日前市疾控中心終於舉辦了首次MSM同伴教育培訓班。來自東莞本土的民間防艾組織彩虹組織的志願者以及M SM會所的負責人共31人參加了培訓,並有13人在培訓當天接受了艾滋病的免費自願諮詢檢測服務。本次培訓的主要內容是艾滋病防治知識和高危行為乾預外展技巧。 (記者嚴鏵)

  • Dongguan 4% of AIDS infection because of homosexual acts
    At 09:57 on the April 13, 2010 Source: Southern Metropolis Daily
    CDC gay AIDS prevention education

    Reporter yesterday from Dongguan city health department was informed, at the end of the data showed that homosexual sex is a result of Dongguan AIDS infection among the total population has been 4.04 percent, mostly homosexual men and male sex (MSM) lead to of.
    Because gay people are more hidden, more difficult to carry out interventions, City CDC recently held the first MSM AIDS peer education training, and launching the gay men of their knowledge of peer education on AIDS prevention.

    Spread of sexually transmitted than drug

    This reporter has learned to by the end of October 2009, Dongguan City, reported cumulative H IV (HIV) antibody-positive more than 2100 cases of them were infected with H IV of sexually transmitted cases of more than 50% share of the first transmission of a drug to replace
    the main way of HIV transmission.

    Which is worth noting that, because same-sex sexual transmission of the infection in H IV of the people are gradually increased. According to statistics, there are 4.04% of the infection in Dongguan is the fact that homosexual acts were infected with H IV, most of which are M SM. In response, city chief of the CDC quarantine ZHONG Xin-guang, said: "The first cases of AIDS around the world is gay. Until now, men with men infected with HIV is still the most dangerous acts, and we in this part of the population
    intervention are the most difficult because their behavior secret, usually are difficult to find. "

    He explained that the chances of people infected Ai high, mainly because of their sexual manner, "such as anal sex, it is easy to cause bleeding, HIV transmission through blood is very rapid. And many more sexual partners in the population, and
    is to accelerate the spread of the virus. "

    MSM held the first training course

    ZHONG Xin-guang expressed concern about the current situation: "Dongguan should have a considerable number of male homosexuals, and our intervention can only be gradually improved, as through civil society organizations, networks to find them, and intervention. If one of them
    have volunteers willing to guide us, it would be great. "

    The reporter learned that, before finally organized the first City CDC MSM peer education training. Local non-governmental AIDS prevention from Dongguan Rainbow organizations, volunteer organizations, and M SM clubs for a total of 31 people participated in the training, and 13 people received training day free voluntary HIV counseling and testing services. The main content of the training of AIDS knowledge and high-risk behavior intervention outreach skills.
    (Xinhua Yan Hua)


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:197    更新时间:2010-4-13    文章录入:nnb ]


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