***************lose Weight*****************? | Less obesity

Posted on | 一月 8, 2010 |

im 15 im a football player and ive been lifting weights i know i need to gain weight to be stronger but i want some abs.im not fat but not skinny.what should i do.

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5 Responses to “***************lose Weight*****************?”

  1. Sara
    一月 8th, 2010 @ 4:39 下午
  2. El Grande Josue
    一月 8th, 2010 @ 9:30 下午

    Weights won’t give you abs. They’ll build up your fore arms and if you bench will give you “pegs”. But for abs you need to do high steps, crunches (of course), and eat a LOT of protein. Peanut butter is really good as a source. As a football player my self (lineman/Running/Full Back) I should know at least how to get you pumped for the season. Besides, no one stops El Grande baby! WHOO!

  3. Christina P
    一月 9th, 2010 @ 2:32 上午

    first you need to eat heathy…your not going to get anywhere if you dont. and secondly establish a mini workout for yourself. run a mile then bike it then do jumping jacks jump rope, crunches ect. the easiest way to loose the weight is to stop snaking thats the worse. just have a breakfast lunch dinner and a snack if needed.

  4. ??hя??τ?
    一月 9th, 2010 @ 4:57 上午
  5. 匿名
    一月 9th, 2010 @ 7:35 上午

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