液压控制阀故障问题分析- 电动阀门- 电动阀门- 和讯博客
液压控制阀故障问题分析 [转贴 2010-04-06 11:12:38]   

MS9001E型燃气轮机发电机组其简单循环带基本负荷燃用180号重油时的功率为13.8MW, 压比为l2.3。 其总体结构布置中2号轴承布置在压气机与透平机之间, 3号轴承布置在透平排气扩压段内。压气机进口导叶可调, 通过9OTV-1控制。由主燃油泵供给燃料, 主燃油泵的燃油旁通阀调节机组的燃料量, 进而控制负荷的变化。而燃油旁通阀由65FP-1控制, 该燃机自2002 年下半年以来多次发生因65FP-l故障造成开机延时或燃料量大幅波动而跳机。 1.故障及原因分析 65FP-1是一个电液转换器(或称伺服阀),当输入线圈的电流信号发生变化时, 扭矩马达带动电枢和柔性管动作, 引起{dy}级喷射管两侧的流量变化, 进而改变第二级滑阀两端压力并带动滑阀动作, 使油缸进油或出油,从而带动燃油旁通阀工作。燃油旁通阀故障现象主要有两种: 一是在开机过程中, 点火后燃油流量FQL偏离流量输入信号FSR, 流量过大造成超流量保护动作而启动失败, 有时没有流量或者流量非常大而启动失败。另一种是在正常运行过程中, 燃油流量FQL瞬间偏离流量输入信号FSR, 在几秒钟内燃油流量上飚或下降, 但在几秒钟内又能恢复。当燃油流量下降时, 负荷下滑, 即刻又恢复, 一般不会发生跳机, 而当燃油流量上飚时, 负荷上升, 有可能造成排气温度高而跳机。 65FP-1电液转换器发生故障后, 曾经解体清理,从解体情况看, 内部油滤上有不少油泥, 滑阀金属表面能刮下一层漆状沉积物, 呈硬质半透明棕色涂层。这种油泥和漆状物是伺服阀故障的原因。造成液压控制阀故障的原因好像是油质恶化, 但润滑油常规化验指标(粘度、清洁度、酸值等)均符合要求, 而且润滑油到液压油有一个0.5μm的精滤, 滤网压差正常, 即使更换了油滤,液压控制阀并没有好转的迹象。进一步(2002年5月)分析润滑油指标, 润滑油的抗氧化性试验得出,7号、8号机Millipore油泥已分别达到 4.21mg/100mL和6.12mg/10OmL。 由于备品油选型和工期安排问题, 在2003年初先对8号机用TURBO GT32润滑油进行了更换。更换后, 没有再发生65FP-1的卡涩问题。但7号机没有更换,问题依然存在, 而且有严重化趋势。到2003年3 月中旬, 对7号机润滑油再次取样,Millipore 油泥达到了9.16mg/100mL,在4月大修中用TURBO GT32油更换, 更换后几次开停机都没出现65FP-1的卡涩现象。 2.润滑油的选型 燃气轮机中的润滑油处于极为恶劣的高温氧化环境中,巴氏合金轴承可承受的温度高达120℃,但轴承周围的密封空气温度更高, 那里油膜温度可达130℃, 有的{zg}甚至有140~150℃, 这已达到或超过矿物油及添加剂的温度极限。加上暴露于密封空气中, 油的氧化非常剧烈。正因为燃机润滑油在运行中遇到的{zd0}挑战是高温氧化, 所以燃机润滑油规格中抗高温氧化性能是最值得关注的指标。xx氧化试验能比较好地反映油在高温下的抗老化、抗油泥生成性能。xx氧化试验时, 油中加入五种金属作为催化剂(铜、银、铝、镁、铁), 在175℃下,通入空气流进行72h的老化。试验报告油老化后粘度的变化、酸值的增加量、油泥的含量等。油品在此试验中经历最苛刻的高温抗氧化考验。常规化验对粘度和酸值关注比较多, 但对于要用作液压油的燃机润滑油, 油泥对液压控制器的威胁要引起足够的重视。 在比较了多种润滑油的各种技术经济指标后, 选择壳牌公司的TURBO GT32。 它是由基础油XHVI和特殊的耐高温添加剂配方。 XHVI基础油是合成烃类油, 它的独到之处是自身抗氧化性强, 不易生成氧化物, 同时具有很好的聚合物溶解性。经油泥生成试验(175℃、72h),TURBOGT仅为35mg/100mL,而矿物燃气轮机油高达750~1000mg/100mL。 3.换油工作 为了{zd0}限度地xx系统中残存的旧油、油泥、沉积物、漆膜等在维修过程中进入的杂质, 经过清洗油箱及管路、反复用冲洗油冲洗、再清洗、再用工作油冲洗、排放后加注全新工作油。换油时,①尽量放尽旧油, 减少对冲洗油的污染。在 60~70℃油温时排放, xx油箱、冷却器等大容器内积油, 打开低位阀门和管路接头, 更换所有过滤器。②冲洗过程中, 尽量形成湍流, 油温{zh0}能在30~80℃波动。在进油口和回油管上加装滤网, 当滤网压差过大时, 应及时更换。③加热油时, 不得超过88℃, 加热器表面温度不得超过120℃, 停止油循环时加热器表面温度不得超过66℃。 ④冷却器单独循环, 伺服阀、轴承等敏感部件走旁路。⑤工作油冲洗时油温{zh0}控制在60~70℃。⑥换油后, 提取油样全面化验, 与桶中新油对比。 4.结论 对于燃汽轮机的润滑油品质建议定期进行分析试验, 特别对要用作液压油的润滑油,要进行旋转氧弹试验和Millipore油泥含量分析。当油泥含量达到 5mg/100mL时, 应及时换油, 否则油泥生成速率会加快, 给液压控制件带来威胁。 由于润滑油不可避免接触高温介质和高温部件, 容易发生氧化, 加剧了油泥的析出, 从而不适合用作液压油。因此,建议燃气轮机设计中考虑将润滑油与液压油分开, 从而避免液压油接触高温部件或介质, 并且换油时, 换油量也可相对小些。

“Failure Analysis of Hydraulic Control Valve ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。

MS9001E-based simple cycle gas turbine generator sets with their basic load of 180 heavy oil burning power when the 13.8MW, pressure ratio l2.3. The overall structural arrangement of the 2nd bearing arrangement between the compressor and turbine, 3 bearing arrangement in the turbine exhaust diffuser paragraph. Compressor inlet guide vanes adjustable by 9OTV-1 control. The supply of fuel from the main fuel pump, main fuel pump the fuel bypass valve regulated the amount of fuel unit, then control the load changes. The fuel bypass valve controlled by the 65FP-1, the gas turbine has several times since the second half of 2002 occurred due to 65FP-l boot delay or failure caused by fluctuations in fuel consumption, dancing machine. 1. Failure and Analysis 65FP-1 is an electro-hydraulic converter (or servo valve), the coil current when the input signal changes, the torque motor armature and the flexible pipe driven action, causing the first-class jet pipe flow changes on both sides, and then changes in pressure at both ends of the second stage spool valve and slide valve is driven so that the oil tank into or out of oil, thus boosting fuel bypass valve work. Fuel bypass valve failure phenomenon in two ways: First, the boot process, after the ignition of fuel flow deviation from the input signal flow FQL FSR, excessive current flow caused by ultra-protection action and failed to start, sometimes there is no traffic or traffic is very large and start failure. The other is in the normal course of operation, fuel flows deviate from the flow of instantaneous input signal FQL FSR, in a few seconds of fuel flow on Biao or down, but can resume within a few seconds. When the fuel flow drops, the load down, immediately resumed, generally not tripped, and when the fuel flow on the Biao, the load increased, the exhaust temperature may cause high jump machine. 65FP-1 electro-hydraulic converter fails, the dissolution was cleared from the disintegration of situation, there are a lot of internal oil filter sludge, slide valve metal surface can be scraped a layer of lacquer-like deposits, was hard translucent brown Tu layer. Web results for this sludge and paint are servo valve failure. Hydraulic control valve caused the causes of oil deterioration is like, but the oil routine laboratory index (viscosity, cleanliness, acid value, etc.) to meet the requirements, and lubricating oil to the hydraulic oil with the essence of a 0.5μm filter, filter pressure normal, even if the replacement of the oil filter, hydraulic control valves, and no signs of improvement. Further (May 2002) analysis of lubricating oil index, lubricant oxidation experiment, the 7, 8, machine Millipore sludge have been reached 4.21mg/100mL and 6.12mg/10OmL. As the oil spare parts and schedule selection problem, in early 2003 the first machine on the 8th TURBO GT32 lubricant was replaced. After the replacement, there is no recurrence of 65FP-1 of the jam problem. But on the 7th machine does not replace, the problem still exists, but a serious trend. To mid-March 2003, again on the 7th machine lubricant sampling, Millipore sludge reached 9.16mg/100mL, in April overhaul using TURBO GT32 oil change, no change occurred after the shut down several times to open the card 65FP-1 astringent phenomenon. 2. Lubricant Selection Gas turbine lubricants in high temperature oxidation in an extremely poor environment, Babbit bearings can withstand temperatures up to 120 ℃, but bearing the seal around the air temperature higher, where the film temperature can reach 130 ℃, the highest and some even 140 ~ 150 ℃, which has reached or exceeded the temperature of mineral oil and additives limit. With exposure to air sealing, oil oxidation is very intense. Because gas turbine lubricant in operation is the biggest challenge faced by high-temperature oxidation, the gas turbine lubricating oil specifications high temperature oxidation resistance is an indicator of concern. Federal oxidation test to better reflect the oil at high temperature anti-aging, anti-sludge generation performance. Federal oxidation test, the oil added to five metal as a catalyst (copper, silver, aluminum, magnesium, iron), at 175 ℃, the air flow through into the 72h of aging. Test Report oil viscosity change after aging, the increase in volume of acid, oil sludge in the content. Oil in this trial experienced the most demanding high temperature oxidation test. Routine laboratory tests on the viscosity and acid value more attention, but for the gas turbine to be used as hydraulic fluid lubricating oil, oil sludge on the hydraulic controller threatened to arouse sufficient attention. Comparison of various lubricants in a variety of technical and economic indicators, select Shell TURBO GT32. It is a base oil XHVI and special high temperature additive formulations. XHVI synthetic hydrocarbon base oil is oil, it's unique is its strong antioxidant activity and difficult to produce oxides, but also has a very good polymer solubility. Sludge generated by the test (175 ℃, 72h), TURBOGT only 35mg/100mL, and mineral turbine oil as high as 750 ~ 1000mg/100mL. 3. Oil change work In order to maximize removal system remnant of the old oil, sludge, sediment, paint on the maintenance of the impurities into the process, after cleaning the tank and piping, repeatedly washed with washing oil, then wash, then rinse the work of oil, After discharge the work of filling the new oil. Oil change, ① exhausted the old oil as possible to reduce the pollution washing oil. Oil temperature at 60 ~ 70 ℃ when the emissions, clear the tanks, coolers and other large containers, product oil, open the valve and pipe fittings low, replace all filters. ② wash process, as far as possible the formation of turbulence, oil temperature, preferably 30 ~ 80 ℃ fluctuations. In the inlet and return pipe on the installation of filters, when the filter pressure is too large, should be replaced. ③ heating oil, not more than 88 ℃, heater surface temperature should not exceed 120 ℃, stop the cycle when the heater surface temperature of the oil must not exceed 66 ℃. ④ Cooler separate loop, servo valves, bearings and other sensitive components away bypass. ⑤ When the work of oil washing oil temperature is best controlled at 60 ~ 70 ℃. ⑥ oil change, the extraction of oil sample comprehensive testing, compared with the barrel of new oil. 4. Conclusion The quality of lubricating oil for gas turbine analysis of the proposed test on a regular basis, especially for oil to be used as hydraulic oil, to rotate the oxygen bomb test and Millipore Sludge content analysis. When the sludge content was 5mg/100mL should prompt oil change, or sludge formation rate will speed up, a threat to the hydraulic control parts. As the inevitable contact with hot oil medium and high temperature parts, prone to oxidation, increasing the sludge precipitation, and thus not suitable for hydraulic oil. It is therefore recommended to consider the design of gas turbine lubricating oil and hydraulic oil are separated, so as to avoid contact with hot parts or hydraulic fluid medium, and the oil change, for a relatively small amount of oil can be more.

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